May Event: Barbarians

"Kinda gross?"

How about really, really gross!

Since dark elves have no surface agriculture, is everything flavored with mushrooms? Ugh....

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Mmmmm.. fungus wine. Good for giving surfacers hallucinations and Dark Elves something else to snicker at.
Yeah... except you know they all sit around at night laughing at the messed up humans and thinking to themselves "Damn... I wish that wine messed me up like that, it tastes terrible! There should be some benefit to living underground..."

That's why all the DEs are so emo all the time...

except that one dark elf... his mommy makes him take medicine...
Ren Suzume said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
Ren Suzume said:
The court will now take a brief recess for twinkies and diet soda
What flavor of Twinkies?

Reference point (from an inside joke): The mother of a co-worker of my wife went to the store with an elderly friend of hers. She had a coupon for Twinkies. After finding them on the shelf she asked if that was the only flavor they came in. Now, after hearing that story, whenever someone mentions Twinkies we always ask "What flavor?" and giggle quietly to ourselves.
Not to hijack this post back to the may eventbut Balls should be at the May event!
shyacorak said:
which brings us back to fudge

God I love fudge. Which, incidentally, can get my character drunk more often than she really should. I have no OOG control when someone walks by with peanut butter fudge....ugh soooo good.
Tim says: "Make it so we don't have to pay 12 build to read and he'll think about it."

i would have to agree with said notion, although this does raise serious questions about Barbarians using in game posts without read or write :P
Its a dream realm and has nothing to do with reading or writing...
I think he knew it was a joke. He answered the question seriously, however, because many times the question has come up about how illiterate characters can corrospond on the boards. To cover all bases the joke was met with a serious response.
Jokes are usually funny... and while I did guess that you were trying to make one, I wanted to make sure you would not be misinterpreting anything...

sorry if that confused you :-)