Cool event, i must admit it started a bit rough for me. You try to keep stuff ic, but sometimes it just takes a toll. It all came together and was awesome.
Playing for Team Blythedale! THE DUCHY OF BLYTHEDALE!
All my Blythedale team and friends, and having Drifa and Leona on the team was great!
Watching "For Gregor" during the tourney, from flags flying, to Luka being so funny during combat, to Rens top 10.
Playing chess, and beating Ket in 3 moves.. only to lose to him and declaring him town chess champ, did you beat the king?
Minor RP with Swift eagle, really enjoyed watching you shoot and "kite" peeps during the 3 man. Enjoyed the minor RP we got in.
Seeing Chris again! cant wait for Cuar
I really enjoyed the ball, all the outfits and entertainment.
All things Vanguard, i love you all.
Great RP with the Thessi Envoy.
Great RP with Baron Drake and seeing him kinda lose his ****! It was funny Saturday morning. Sir Eros "Baron Drake just re- Squire him, ill sanction and support it" lol
Watching Norden Team barbarian top 10 list was the absolute best top 10 ever IMO.
Gypsy drum cricle.
My man Flint/ Justin.. i love you bud!
Our awesome GM Brian Wittman thank you thank you thank you for your hard work.
thanks to the NPC's as well.
also thanks to Blythedale team for working so hard on the song.. hey we enjoyed doing it and rehearsing.
"did we just lose to a f&%ckin guy standing as a tree" ( no offense to said guy doing the tree part)
Daves awesome Dog. KoKo!," dont call it koko toddy", Danny said, "it needs to learn its own name, Lucy".... the dogs name was Julie... Shannagins in the cabin
Dancing with emily (?) the belly dancer. I gotta say our slow motion mirror part was pretty sexy /hot.
Just being a pest to the waitress in the tavern!
Good Tavern food.
Not really a fav that Darlassia died, but sitting by her corpse in the room for a good 20 minutes and doing my best to RP it and "let her go emotionally"
All things Drak, Drifa, Agrippa, Leona, Susie.. hanging in the woods by the tree house
Having the King remember the talk Ithica had with him way back before he became king. Broomis saying he remembered almost brought a tear to my eye.
And of coarse Ithica Vs. ulthoc, i must admit it was not very fun at first and took a toll on a lot of people, but it feel a bit good friday night when the argument broke out after the trolls attacked, the people standing beside or prepared to stand behind Ithica should something had gone differently.
Doing my best to play Ithica to the T, and in result losing the red belt, and then losing/refusing it 3 more times as it was offered back. But you gotta play the way your gonna play.
Being offered the Royal position by the King.
Taking out Sir Bryce's white belt and offering it back to the NPC Nobles, and watching there faces to see i had it.
During the ball, after the King made the formal announcement of the Royal position. hugging Ulthoc... the reaction of everyone cheering to see the re-uniting of friendship. It was something to see the place erupt in cheers and again made you realize how many people knew what was going on or were involved if things had gone differently.
and a good Fav was Sir Eros, "I was on your side Ithica"... who said he was a bad guy!
I know there is more!