Hey ya'll, thanks so much for coming out to Chicago's May event of 2022! I'm gonna kick off favorites for this round, written in the order my brain remembers them.
- Dragon in a Box! Suprise, it ain't an escort mission, now fight a dragon.
- Using the prepared line "WHERE IS MY NIECE!" as Euron when I lost sight of Pavia in the clamor
- PC reactions to the Dusk Mother and the set up of the final stand of Spider Island
- Getting up before almost anyone else Saturday morning so I could hide outside a PCs cabin to try and assassinate Thaddius. Darn you J'Rajj for being up before me and seeing me outside. The jig was up and I took my shot and missed.
- Kujo grabbing me while playingTiberius Mavelli after attempting to assassinate Thaddius on the Senate Floor. Whispering into my ear the whole time whole forcing me to grovel at Thaddeus' feet while the Councilers decided his fate was such a good scene.
-Follow up scene of Thaddy being crowned Emporer of the Ternian Empire. Alexander gave a great speech and it was amazing to see Thaddy twirl around holding his new sword aloft as the whole crowd chanted "MAXIMUS!"
-Hearing about and seeing all the great mods and scenes run my my fellow plot members. I love yall and appreciate all the work you do
- Roff did the thing. He cast an emergency Spirit Walk ritual on the field to get into a limited Circle of Power to save Gerty from rezzing. Coolest emergency ritual ever.
- I enjoy the heck out of playing Euron. I have a blast every time he appears on screen and I love RPing with PCs as him. I loved guiding PCs, both old and new, into Gavarian noble politics.
- I loved the impromptu Parliament of Adventurers. I expected folks to just kinda jabber and come to a conclusion. It was so awesome to see Heinricht jump up and do the Parliment coordinator thing!
- The Ember Ring is a great chance to hang out with folks I don't always get the chance to talk to and I enjoy it immensely. Also those chiken skewers had no right to be that good.
- I have lots of gold for dumplings
- PCs being introduced to the Iron Skeleton and Curse Spike Corpse cards. I like those cards.
- New Players are the life blood of our game and its beautiful to see you all getting involved! NPCs and PCs alike, welcome!
- PCs getting involved and exploring Gavaria. It's crazy awesome seeing yall explore out new world and it fills.me with so much joy.
Addendum section:
- New Biata players weapons. Wow I wish my first round of weapons were that high quality! Also I loved the makers mark on all of them
- "My name's Jojo. I can read."
And so many more! Thank you to everyone for coming out! Special thanks to our NPCs, especially our new ones. See yall when I see yall!
- Dragon in a Box! Suprise, it ain't an escort mission, now fight a dragon.
- Using the prepared line "WHERE IS MY NIECE!" as Euron when I lost sight of Pavia in the clamor
- PC reactions to the Dusk Mother and the set up of the final stand of Spider Island
- Getting up before almost anyone else Saturday morning so I could hide outside a PCs cabin to try and assassinate Thaddius. Darn you J'Rajj for being up before me and seeing me outside. The jig was up and I took my shot and missed.
- Kujo grabbing me while playingTiberius Mavelli after attempting to assassinate Thaddius on the Senate Floor. Whispering into my ear the whole time whole forcing me to grovel at Thaddeus' feet while the Councilers decided his fate was such a good scene.
-Follow up scene of Thaddy being crowned Emporer of the Ternian Empire. Alexander gave a great speech and it was amazing to see Thaddy twirl around holding his new sword aloft as the whole crowd chanted "MAXIMUS!"
-Hearing about and seeing all the great mods and scenes run my my fellow plot members. I love yall and appreciate all the work you do
- Roff did the thing. He cast an emergency Spirit Walk ritual on the field to get into a limited Circle of Power to save Gerty from rezzing. Coolest emergency ritual ever.
- I enjoy the heck out of playing Euron. I have a blast every time he appears on screen and I love RPing with PCs as him. I loved guiding PCs, both old and new, into Gavarian noble politics.
- I loved the impromptu Parliament of Adventurers. I expected folks to just kinda jabber and come to a conclusion. It was so awesome to see Heinricht jump up and do the Parliment coordinator thing!
- The Ember Ring is a great chance to hang out with folks I don't always get the chance to talk to and I enjoy it immensely. Also those chiken skewers had no right to be that good.
- I have lots of gold for dumplings
- PCs being introduced to the Iron Skeleton and Curse Spike Corpse cards. I like those cards.
- New Players are the life blood of our game and its beautiful to see you all getting involved! NPCs and PCs alike, welcome!
- PCs getting involved and exploring Gavaria. It's crazy awesome seeing yall explore out new world and it fills.me with so much joy.
Addendum section:
- New Biata players weapons. Wow I wish my first round of weapons were that high quality! Also I loved the makers mark on all of them
- "My name's Jojo. I can read."
And so many more! Thank you to everyone for coming out! Special thanks to our NPCs, especially our new ones. See yall when I see yall!
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