May favored moments!

Gillian had an incredible roller coaster of a game. Especially for only being there for one day!

*finally playing our vysen. I loved being the "actor" of our orcs. I loved getting caught. I LOVED screaming in the tavern.
*Using a hold to hug people I love
*Making Brooke Blain feel like a **** for suggesting Gillian has kid leather on her person. (<3)
*I enjoyed the fights for Izual's test. Fighting my friends is fun!
*I love every time I get to RP with Nissa. Next time YOU get to be the responsible one. Which reminds me...
*Screw licking a dragon, I kissed Nyt AND LIVED
*disobeying Izual (<3)
*Hiding Alis and Orsolya from Banks and a Lady (played by Trace, totally don't remember her name) and their confusion at there being extra people in this cabin.
*Having a heartbreaking inner dilemna that turned out ok. Ian is a jerk! (<3)
*Having a use for my Jeweler Craftsman skill! Booya!
*Trying so hard to be kind to a drunk orc so I could prove Acarthians are nice. So much gross. So good.
*Watching Thorgrim and Tevas hit each other from the door and being very confused.
*FINALLY getting to RP as intoxicated. Liz loves being drunk although Gillian hates it. I loved flirting and being silly with the drunk tavern. We could have let the whole town die and not really moved any. Gillian felt so awful when she found out that she was intoxicated. May have confused some players. Sorry! Gillian would totally be down for cloven cucumber next time ;)
*Being woken up at 2am with 10 goats!!
*watching Josh eat a whole tissue in his commitment to his character of said 10 goats.

Really, I enjoyed everything. The good, the bad, the ugly (sorry Alis, but you're not as pretty as a rat!) it was all wonderfully cathartic. IS IT JUNE YET?!?!
Really, I enjoyed everything. The good, the bad, the ugly (sorry Alis, but you're not as pretty as a rat!) it was all wonderfully cathartic. IS IT JUNE YET?!?!

Holy moly was this a fun event! Even with figuring out that sometimes, even in game, relationships change.

  • The aurora borealis. Specifically, catching it with the Captain and Abtus AND not getting hit by monsters while staring at the sky
  • Mysterious note of mysterious, round two! I am both IG and OOG SUPER curious about it. And yes, the necklace goes incredibly well with my plumage. <3
  • The conversation about resurrections with Orsolya. Aikoll reaaaaaaally doesn't like talking about her past with anyone, but understanding why it was necessary was awesome and touching. (And YAY falcon clan!)
  • Getting BOTH of my slays to hit!
  • Aikoll and the Cloven Cucumber of Awkward Kisses
  • Watching Kendrick try to explain "wingman" to two kin with wings
  • Scaring a relatively innocent rabbitkin (in my defense I was hungry)
  • Ark lobbing off and keeping a giant centipede head
  • Encouraging a flame shard to try and light Captain Roberts on fire
  • Squiresitting. And sneaky squiresitting.
  • Finally getting to do more archery! (And unleash a whole vorpal quiver....)
  • All of the brief OOG hangouts! I enjoyed getting to know a bunch of people better
  • Trying to convince Jax his name was actually Feathers
  • Landsharks! (I am NOT chicken!)
  • The heartbreaking dead wolfkin. Owwwwwwwwww. Right in the feels.
  • Watching Lagarde react to Gnolls calling him a corgi
  • Yurg and the very very timely rescue from ghouls

All in all, TONS of fun! Can't wait until June!
I had quite a bit of fun with this as a first time NPC - you all are pretty likely to see me NPCing again when I'm not working on a Saturday!

Among the many things that stood out:

- Introduction in NPC camp and first explanation of the combat rules with Jeff: I couldn't tell you why, but Jeff's simple explanation and demo of distance and striking showed me profoudly how good he was in combat. Made me want to strive for more.
- Trace's Ghoul mod - I was NPCing for all four of these, and while I did feel like I missed out on not seeing some of the crazy evening events, being part of that mod was an experience in and of itself. Afterwords, any white noise sounded like Tibetan throat singing.
-Related, that giant spider on Saturday. How in the world did you make that noise?!?
-The conversation about [redacted]. Gave me ideas I might try to polish and contribute! My creativity hasn't been so sparked in some time.
-Shatterstar SWAT ogres on Saturday. The cabin raiding, and then the fight at the bend had to be the most intense fight I was directly involved in this weekend. To the archer whom had two of their nearly point blank shots batted out of the air by my shield - pure luck, I swear, I couldn't see the packets in the lighting conditions!
-Playing an Orc on the last fight - the water balloon trigger mechanic made for some great expressions on the healer's faces.

I can't wait to get more involved in this craziness!
So many good moments!

-Good times with Juren, learning a new social dynamic was fun.
-Not knowing the meaning of wingman and what its like to pursue fun because you lived on a doom island.
-Asking lagarde about mating rituals, since he's the closest to hoshi's species I'd seen
-Being a good fighter!!!!!!!!!
-Fighting with grunt
-Yelling at the fighters of acarthia for leaving an outsider with a shattered shield to defend the squishies.
-Seeing the Aurelia Borealis! How awesome was that, Trace was amazing for pointing it out.
-Ghoul mod! The lack of looping on the soundtrack had me almost peeing myself in terror.
-Asking people why we don't like the fae an inquiring with Lineus why he needs a champion.
-Did I mention wrecking face all the time because sword/board? I love my caster life but damn it felt good.
-Bee mod was fun and I played with different people
-The actual fear of a total town wipe while mods finished up when the three mirror monsters came back. That might have been one of the longer, harder fights I've seen and everyone (player and monster alike ) was stressed out.
-While bleeding out/in my death count having the saturday night bad guys hit the ward and hear a marshall say it flickered before reforming. HOLY hell.
-NPCing for Taylor, the town got really nervous and it felt like we made them work for it.
-Sunday morning fight was great, I hit so many things and my backpack and I are learning our rhythm
-Darius grilling the juren on juren rites which I failed to study up on before the gather :p I couldn't read before this event so you know, Ididn't have to read them I just said them when needed.
-Lagarde being interrupted from our lesson to buy goats, whispering this seems shady so I go as back up and then Josh's goat just putting everything in its mouth. My teeth hurt from hearing him chomp at things.
-Rats under cabin 1, jeez Rivervale, clean out your infestations.
-Cloven cucumber and all the sex talk---I expect it around our mwe's but while all the juren players this gather have MWE mains/alts we all still wound up in sexualized chats. For shame
-Watching the 4v4 saturday was great. Not sure I will ever be a good spell casting dueler.
-EDITED to Add: Peat saving my A** when we got left alone at the bottom of the hill during the shatterstar pursue. She triple tapped a miguel NPC and seriously without that my A** was grass <3
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Heh, should have done this sooner. My mind races when thinking back to the weekend I'm attempting to not include spoilers as some of these items have ongoing plot:
- Starting the game with "Enter Sandman" honestly put a sort of "rock on this if going to be awesome" mood for me. I might be a bit of a Metallica fan still. >.> <.<
- Feeling somewhat like the leader on the Ghoul Mod Friday night, group 1. Things went smoothly, but when we went in the second time and ya'll rounded the bend, I didn't feel safe leaving no form of communication. Thanks Ahmen(sp?) for going in to make that communication link happen!
- Getting back to the tavern to look over the scraps of paper recovered from the Ghoul Burrow and starting to get an idea of who may have returned my ring.
- Brief conversations with Freemen. You all do a great job with your role play. I wish I had more cause to talk longer, but never seem to have anything meaningful to say... so the conversations seem short and tend to die off... Even that is a level of RP that I think is excellent, if that makes any sense.
- Trying, ineffectively, to talk to multiple Barons about a possible situation and feeling brushed off.
- What delight and terror learning that Ghoul Lords were looking for Radulfr by name. I think the first time I heard that was right after heading to the tents to provide aid after/during a ghoul attack. Was walking back from that endeavor when it was explained at the beginning they had been looking for me. Something, something... Timing?
- Having a sit down with Lagarde and Captn Roberts at the same time. I understand those looks now. I will be looking for them in others and hope not to display them myself. But at least now I know. That was an absolute BLAST!
- Tiatar speculation and puzzle solving time. The sheer RP in the cabin while trying to riddle it out waiting for more scrapes was probably some of the highlight of my weekend!
- Emergency Ghoul Precautions in Tiatar Cabin
- The mad dash back into the cabin when the ShatterStar started coming right for us. I was really worried Bladwryn and I were going to get our shoulders stuck at the same time in that door as we both were up on Adrenalin when that happened, I'm sure. Sheer flight response there!
- ShatterStar coming into our cabin and negotiating access to our fallen. Letting you close that door was one of the hardest things for Radulfr to allow. Those 10 seconds we nerve wracking!
- Seeing Ahmen(sp?) take the same location when we were attacked at the cabin the next morning by Land Sharks and having a response the second time. PERFECT USE!!! Move along Sharks before you suffocate! :-p
- Playing Knot Dice with Adrian at the cabin, it allowed for some down time RP that really brought the characters out more I think. Couldn't have asked for better.
- Some of the most hostile attitude role play that I've had was with Grunt this game. The sheer difference of opinion and how to handle a caster, how delightful!
- Working to organize the release of the WoundFester Orc who had been brutally maimed (and Gillian for rolling with what was done and reacting perfectly)
- The Panel of Healers Mod was rather fun, I feel like we needed more lab coats, but past that, was an awesome scene and was handled very well.
- Having random tags thrust at me and being asked "what can you do with these?" Me: "Well, Manganese I can grind into a powder for those gloves as needed. The rest... I'm not sure if that's a plant or ore that I can work? (Bog Iron) And this looks very similar to a crystal, or possible more ore that I could work, but I'm not sure."
- All of the Ghoul puns that I was hearing and while Radulfr may have protested all the secret lover jokes, as a player, I was loving them :-p Especially the pun-ny ones.
- The look on Jesse's face when I explained Tiatar's unofficial name for this last event.

This was an excellent game and I'm so glad that I went and so glad that given the option of playing with something I wrote, or letting plot write something for me, that I choose to roll with what plot had in mind. I am LOVING what has been written and can't wait for next game. While I had other plans for June on that weekend, I've changed my mind completely and will be at Alliance!
This was the most fun I've had at an event possibly ever.

In chronological-ish order:
  • Terms & Conditions may apply - or how to have a conversation with the Sidhe (who looked *gorgeous* btw)
  • MG meeting + mirror-of-doom meeting. I was amused by the frequent switching between topics depending on who was where.
  • Vicariously pressing the big red button through Fynn. :D
  • Throwing Baron Darius into a ward (for his own good of course)
  • They're order elementals?!
  • Saturday morning walkabout. Wow, my Craftsman skills have a purpose! I super enjoyed finding cards and possibly even more enjoyed finding the tea-house people and bringing them to the interesting flowers.
  • Abandoning the tavern/town to deal with the destruction tainted stone elementals & dryads. I have somewhere to be and a shower to take, people!
  • Pretzeling through ancient museum defenses sans the majority of my outfit. Guildsmistress-ing with dignity, yo.
  • Wait! I know where that thing is, Izual! (I found it on my morning walk!)
  • A wild Buttonpusher appears.
  • I claim this Banks in the name of Ogre-kind. (PCs put a stop to that right quick)
  • The and-now-for-something-completely-different introduction to what I'll call the stealth mod.
  • To my fellow stealth PCs: It's always nice to work with professionals. Bra-freaking-vo, y'all. Thank you for coming on short notice.
  • The NPCs putting their weapons on their heads to go out of game while I'm less than 15 feet away eavesdropping on/stalking them. (Ummm... hey, Jesse?)
  • Why are all the critters in a circle..? GET OFF MY LAWN, VOLTRON!
  • I'm battle-buddies with... Dargok? o_O
Thank you all, Plot, NPCs, and PCs.

-- Edit: Finding out just before Lay-Off what happened to the muffin I gave to the Ian-fae who rifted into my ward. I had no idea what that muffin was in for.
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