Favorites from Bevin/Kristin!
- Those Goblins. Oh. My. Goodness. I'm so sorry that Amory and I were bleeding hearts, I'm sure Azyck would have handled the problem JUST fine, but we had to stick our noses in there. Haha. What a fun encounter to walk in on.
- Stopping at the Foxbridge Faire and always finding something I want. ALWAYS! Such a wonderful addition to the game! Thanks, Jessica and Co.
- Ruby. Precocious young thing, aren't you? You are definitely more than you seem. Thanks for great RP, Amanda!
- My first mental encounter ever as given by Ardryck. Bevin was SO and taken aback by the intimacy of those 10 seconds... She's pondering how to feel about it. Thanks, Jimmy!
- Meeting the Red Thorns and realizing I probably insulted them and trying to make amends. What a great bunch of people and RP.
- Drunk Silver Blade interviews. Bevin was so confused if this was a good sign or a terrible sign. Guess I'll find out soon!
- Speaking of the Silver Blades... Bevin finally has found some direction and possibly a "niche" in the community. She spent a lot of time listening, observing, questioning, and discussing this event and I appreciate everyone who helped me come to the decisions that I did. Thud, Raganzi, Tal, Pachow, Hengin, Killian, Durnic, Ole, Isodel...pretty much everyone I interacted with this game had some effect on this decision. Thanks, everyone!
- Killian's leading of the Scrappy fight. Well done! I love creative solutions that aren't just "hit them with swords." I mean, you still blew them up, but it was definitely better than just go hit things. I loved how well we all adjusted the plan when things went a bit awry.
- The "Support Group for Women Who Have to Deal with Men Who Are Constantly Disappearing and Making Stupid Decisions" Sunday morning shenanigans.
- "I've decided to join the Silver Blades, Paladin Llane!"
"Oh, really?"
"Yes. They need more women and less elves."
- The Saturday night fights. GREAT encounters. The second fight was terrifying at moments, and I loved it.
- Beatrice and our discussion of warm fuzzies and coldness. Focus more on those warm fuzzies, always! <3
- *Scrappy Sr. throws DFM, hits my sword* "Uhh.........got it?" Durnic to Bevin "Don't you have a Spell Shield up? A DODGE? Anything?!" "I'm a Hobling! DODGE!" Lol. Thanks, Durnic. Appreciate the reminder.
OK, my list is getting long. Better stop while I can. Thanks for a fun game, everyone. Plot is always giving us new and interesting situations to solve and I appreciate the time and dedication they give to run such a great game. Ya'll are the best!