Mickey Mouse Roll Call: Who can Matt expect to see?



I know Mark and Holly have said they won't be able to attend (which I can understand but will still hold it against them FOREVA!), but who else will be at this event?

Thorn said:
I know Mark and Holly have said they won't be able to attend (which I can understand but will still hold it against them FOREVA!), but who else will be at this event?


Which event might that be?
You gonna be seeing me.
If we're talking about Septembers event at Camp Moran, you'll be seeing (but not hearing) me ;)

Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the game.

I was just informed that the "Celebration of Life" gathering for my grandfather (who passed away about a month and a half ago) will be on the 25th and that my absence from said celebration will be very conspicuous.

All things going well, I'll be there for October's game.

Keith aka Krillmalir
One WAY TO FAR FOR ME. Were talkin a five hour drive starting at 4:00PM. With ferry wait. Two ferry fees WAY TO MUCH. Three Wedding. Still wish i could go though sounds like an excelent location. :(
I will be there as of course Aeris.... :D

Dave said:
One ferry fee. You only pay on the way there.

I, of course, will be there.

Oh, great there went my hopes for surival...er...um...I mean, HI DAVE!!!
ill be there

Sorry guys, you'll have to wait even longer for good old "has no life" Alexandros.

The only person that, when people say "get a life," only has to find an NPC. It doesn't matter which NPC, or what number. And get one of the healers to follow, unless he wants to res again.
I plan on showing if i can get off work with JP. Playing Hamunaprtia...and JP is playing Gregor i believe
Willow said:
I plan on showing if i can get off work with JP. Playing Hamunaprtia...and JP is playing Gregor i believe

Do me a favor and tell JP that if he doesn't go, I'll cry. A lot. And there's nothing sadder than watching a grown man cry. Especially when it's me. And he'll agree with me too.

Don't count me coming. It's a little to far and expensive for me. I hope to be able to come to the October event though.

Kevin R.