Mickey Mouse Roll Call: Who can Matt expect to see?

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Will do matt...But right now he and Holly are on their way to NJ for an event there so it'll have to wait till next week lol.
But he damn well better go, we're eachother's rides up.
I'll be there my friend.
Jp told me he was going, and Holly said thay she wasnt so that might help. And if Jp doesnt come I am going to go and hide in a corner.
*steps out of the shadows* I will be there. *chessiregrin, large cute anime eyes*
MoonKitten said:
*steps out of the shadows* I will be there. *chessiregrin, large cute anime eyes*

I hope you'd be there, you're my ride! *grin*
Thorn said:
I hope you'd be there, you're my ride! *grin*

Damn Straight!! And Glad to be your ride too!! *grin*
I may or may not need a ride this time.

Yeah, I may just show up to pick on poor helpless PCs. If I feel like it. And if I can find a ride.

If I can't borrow one of my parents' cars, I'll need to be picked up either from the U-district in Seattle (preferred), or from Renton.

I'll try to bring some of my club's weapons for NPC use again. I should also get around to fixing The Butterknife, which everybody loves, right? Don't worry, Sarah, I will make sure the ones I bring are NERO legal this time. All of them.
I'm coming. But I'm not sure which of my personalities is better.

Well, we like to safety check weapons before events anyway... everyone's. :)
Thorn said:
I know Mark and Holly have said they won't be able to attend (which I can understand but will still hold it against them FOREVA!), but who else will be at this event?


I'm not going to be there... In case you haven't heard, I'm getting married that weekend.

I will not be there, sorry Jacquelyn, Matt, Jim, and others. Money right now is too tight for me. No need to cry or hide in corners, though. If you like, just print out a copy of my avatar and tape it to a pencil, and whenever appropriate, take it out and make some off-color joke, go whine and pout about the unfairness of love, or cast lots of necromancy, and it'll be just like I and Gregor were there. ;)
Thorn said:
I know Mark and Holly have said they won't be able to attend (which I can understand but will still hold it against them FOREVA!), but who else will be at this event?


I am back from Alaska (as of 5am this morning with no sleep! hehehehe)
And will be at the event armed with... hole punches and binders and highlighters and hangers and costume racks and... Other implements of orginization. Won?t it be fun!? i think so! i can't wait to see everyone!


Anna (aka Monkey)
jpariury said:
I will not be there, sorry Jacquelyn, Matt, Jim, and others. Money right now is too tight for me. No need to cry or hide in corners, though. If you like, just print out a copy of my avatar and tape it to a pencil, and whenever appropriate, take it out and make some off-color joke, go whine and pout about the unfairness of love, or cast lots of necromancy, and it'll be just like I and Gregor were there. ;)

hehehe...you know I might have to do that...
MUAHAHAHA nows my chance to cast necromancy :laugh:

sprry bout the double post...
I will probably bring a friend with me, Austin. Some of you may have seen him at a game day already. Both of us will NPC.
You all have no idea of how amped I am...two more days and then I get on a plane and will be invading your state....>8)

Aeris said:
MUAHAHAHA nows my chance to cast necromancy :laugh:

So you think! Don't worry, both JP and I will have secret minions at the game watching you for any sign of backsliding. At the October game, we shall chastise you for any wrongdoings.
