Most Memorable Moments - February



Well, now that I am somewhat awake and recovered, lets see what I can remember.....

-The look on Derek and Shikar's face when they were reading through the Ritual Scrolls for me - "Oh, hell! If this screws up......."

- Derek telling me as the ritual starts "If this backlashes, I'm going to kill you". Well...DUH. :cool:

- Hypnotizing a halucinated Goblin into thinking he was the king of the trolls. Then finding out later from Dave - "Yeah. The goblin came to Monster Camp telling me that he had been hypnotized into thinking he was the troll king and was told to find other trolls. My response - Alright. Go res."

- The massive battle with the undead on sunday night will stand as a highlight of my nero career. The entire thing was one massive chaotic cluster but it was a blast. I think I hit Azeryphel (spelling?) at least once or twice thinking he was undead. Mark aka Derek running around as a high intelligence Undead luring people over calling out "Slice needs a life spell!" then beating down her rescuers.

- I said it before, I'll say it again Raphael is DEAD!!! :laugh:

- The RP during the dead times and even during the massive battles was primo.

- The Hunter! Excellent conclusion to a mod. The Hunter talking to Elros as we were being marked by the Wild Elves comparing bows. Hunter - "I'm not sure which design is better. Your's or mine." Elros - "Mines bigger". Hunter - "That's true. Lets see how they work. Thorn. Run" Thorn hesitates for a moment then bolts like a rabbit with "14 DEATH!" ringing in his ears as the Hunter fires an arrow at him. Then the Hunter turns to Elros. "Your turn. Krill Run!" I don't even hesitate. Toss my axe at Holly and take off with Elros's arrows ("3 Normal") flying all around me. Get back just in time to hear Elros say "Ok. Your's is better."

I'm sure there are more incidents and memories that will come flooding back as my mind starts working again but here it is for now.

Excellent event. I can't wait to see you all again.

Keith aka Krillmalir

PS - Oh! One last incident. The torturing of the kidnapper in the Inn without ever having to draw blood. Just goes to show that Fear is the best way to retrieve information. Well, Fear and the promise that the individual will live and be in perfect health when he's turned over to Ono Krieger.
My moments:

-The double hooking with the Knobold army mod. That was huge that we all were willing to do that for plot.

-During the fight with the gnolls, all the PC's beating their weapons against their shields as the first wave started to approach.

-During the Kobold fight:
Me: "Everyone, Rally on me. Form up!"
Aziraphel: "I thought I would never say this, but, listen to Johnathan!"

-The Goblin Games. Never before have I seen such a collection of annoying high pitched voices and no one doing anything to shut them up.

-The slow and painful realization that I was indeed the cause of the Gnobold alliance. Something that you can blame me for doing a year ago at the Corteo.

-I got to talk to more Fae folk during this entire weekend than I did during the entire year of my playing.

-Krieger telling me the three magic words before the battle with Raphael: "Stick to Slice."

-Being able to take place in the Hunter mod. Also, helping out the hunter by becoming a quasi-willing practice dummy for his spell casting.

Perduchio: "You take a piece of mana in one hand and you say something and then throw it at your target."
Hunter: "Like this? I grant you the gift of Death."
Perduchio: "Yes, but maybe next time pick something that will HELP them."

-The look on my face when the commander told me that we were going to go disband the vale house.

-The look on Diera's and Perrin's face when I told them that the vale house had been disbanded.

-Seeing the young Biata page chasing the other Biata page, yelling "Chicken feathers! Chicken feathers!" All thhe while trying to actually pull the feathers out of the other's crest.

-My thanks to Matt's (Thorn) friend who helped me improve my Ducal Guard uniform.

-Seeing so many PC's there in one weekend. Its awesome to see such an assemblage of all sorts of players.

-The night fight with the undead, and my light source for scroll casters going out in the middle of the fight. I dont think there was ever a battle where my casting was so accurate. Also, I burned throughout my entire spell tree, which was something I had yet to do in a fight.

-The description for how the Earth reclaimed Raphael's body was a very nice satisfying end to the ordeal.

-And many many more things that will surely come to me while I am scrambling to make up for lost time.

Thankyou one and everyone for such an awesome event. Plot was huge this game, and so were staff and npc's. I would also like to say that Bryan has been an awesome Plot member, and that we will all miss him dearly during future events to come.

Good game, everyone!

Krillmalir said:
- The massive battle with the undead on sunday night will stand as a highlight of my nero career. The entire thing was one massive chaotic cluster but it was a blast. I think I hit Azeryphel (spelling?) at least once or twice thinking he was undead. Mark aka Derek running around as a high intelligence Undead luring people over calling out "Slice needs a life spell!" then beating down her rescuers.

Actually, when you hit me, I *WAS* undead. They raised me and sent me after you, that was real productive.
Looks like I get to be the first to post it!!


Also, Solomon running past me wearing nothing but boxers and boots saying, "I have to reset my armor!"

Same battle... Tulbor, Solomon and me in a row. A comment about my smacktalking was made.
Me: "My mouth is my greatest power."
S: "Oh really?"
Me: "Yeah, and yet she *still* divorced me." one or two...

Derek and Iforgetwho (sorry) are traipsing out to the desert as Diera and I are on our way back from there. As customary, I'm a short distance ahead, and I hear "Kill the humans" in a gutteral tone of voice. Behind me, Diera goes "EEP!" and hits about mach 2 in attempt to get away. She books it over to hide behind me, who's waiting there, weapon raised in classic samurai stance, just *ready* to cut whateverthehell is out there to shreds...when Derek and his companion wander into view.

Diera's face was priceless. Just priceless.

'Nuther one...

Diera and Vossun's arrest. Ducal Guard-boy wanders up, hands over some papers, and levels the charges. Robert is behind said guard-boy, looking reallllly smug. Diera's face again...priceless. If looks could kill, Robert would have been one dead mutha.

Here we go again...

Sittin' in the inn, after dealing with dead-boy (Raphael), and for the time being, sharing a table with Slice. I pull out my mouse-ball (an old trac-ball from an old-skool mouse) and start contact juggling the thing. Slice asks Perrin what that thing is, and he writes out his long winded (penned?) response...and a few more questions are asked and answered....and I could *swear*...for maybe just an instant...Slice's face showed more than anger or frustration. It seemed to me that she was honestly remorseful (?) (maybe?)

Anyway....those were standout moments for me.

The event was fantastic. I had more fun this event than I've had at any games I've been to in over 4 years. Bravo, well done, and *I'm* done.

I am going to post more later, but to start it off...

"No shite, there I was, standing with my back to the edge of the heart of a volcano, reseting my armor when the dragon poped out of the lava."
great moments

here are mine
in the huge rapheal fight undead attack me slice and LE

slice gets taken down and is starting to get taken away
LE: get slice
Me:i summon a force to disarm your slice
Great moment.... :laugh:
There were so many top moments to pick out, but to site a few...

Slice having to come up with a happy thought about Diera so she could be a part of the mind link into L.E.'s head.

Getting kicked out of L.E.'s head for curiously wanting to touch the evil darkness. I couldnt help it, it was like it was drawing me in. ( i dont think the evil darkness liked me)

Seeing Johnathan keep up with me through the battle against rapheal. I think i lost myself a few times, you totally amazed me. It was great.

Finally getting to understand the true insanity that was/is krieger.

Getting to hang out with Crispy one last time, and oddly discover that Slice was really rather fond of the black crackling death elemental.

There are many more, but as I dont want to write a book, I will leave it at this. I had a great event, it was action packed and immensely entertaining. Plot, you guys did a wonderful job, thank you. And since he will not be on plot anymore, bryan you will be thoroughly missed in the nero department ( i still plan to harass you outside of nero). I don't know what I will do without your npc's to give funny names too. You really added something to my game, and I will miss you.

Ooo! Another one!

-Hearing from various PC's the expressed interest of becoming apart of the Ducal Guard.
My turn, My turn!

Gotta agree with Spoone on the "Kill the living bit." I'd been walking over to him anyway, and out of the darkness I just hear that growled and BOOKED it. Didn't help that I was *expecting* undead to be after me.

Watching Perrin teach Solomon Stun Limb. Immensely satisfying. :)

Sitting around in the guild for three hours doing jack squat.

"I should HOPE I know how to spell my own name..."

Blissfully missing the cries of "Kill the naked one!" because I was too busy running around trying to solve the damn puzzle.

Nye's face when I laid into him for trying to even so much as TOUCH the scrolls that Raphael had. Damien, in case you didn't know it, I really did enjoy that little scene.

Figuring out WHY Slice made my mind links unstable.

Helping a couple of PCs unite.

Getting woken up by cackling corpses, having my magic armor blown, then rolling over and proceeding to say "got it" for I don't know how many times cause I had a spirit linked sword in bed with me.

Good lord, I could write a book, but needless to say I had a great time. That event was the single most active time I've had in a long time.

I'll miss you Bryan! You played some great villains, and you can't have a grand adventure without an even grander villain. Thank you.
My favorite moments of the weekend:

-Marathon ritual casting

-Sprinting from corner to corner of the battlefield with handfulls of colored stones (Crap! These are green, not blue!) as the time to the completion of Raphael's ritual drew near.

-Getting my #@&$ shield back

-Slaughtering kobolds wholesale (famous last words #19: They're only kobolds)

-The wealth of intercharacter roleplay; Shikar is a happy cat right now...broken, but happy.

-Finally figuring out what that vision meant.

-Conversations with various NPCs throughout the weekend, especially Sajin and Conte Fillagrino (of course)

-Mental roleplay! Woo!

...and some other stuff. Cookies are ready, bye.
My highlights of the event

Well monster camp with just a lot of fun.

the play... was a lot of fun too. as well as being amusing to i think all involved and all who saw it.

But the absolute highlight was a conversation about boots.
The conversation was about how one could be sneaky wearing all black. Everything HAD to be black especially when being an assassin. But the boots. Now those could be light brown. Hehehehehe.

Thanks to all the NPCs you guys were awesome!

Here's one EVERYONE should appreciate.

NOT needed the two sheets of resurrection tickets Shane insisted on handing me. ;)
Warm chocolate chip cookies that had just come out of the oven....... HMMMM.

Walking across the bridge slaughtering Kobolds as I went and trying to step around the NPCs that were dropping so I could get to the next Kobold

Hearing about Commander Raphael going and closing the chapter house, man I though that was really funny
Good Event

Memorable moments:

-Chasing Fern into the marsh and then feeling like Yasmay, because I had to walk around barefoot until someone gave me some shoes.

-The starting of the true Pearls plot

-Being turned into undead at the Rapheal fight

-Disarming that stupid archer right before the Rapheal fight and then steeling his bow.

-Sitting outside of the tavern with Darius (Cali player) and talking with him for a while. He goes inside the tavern for like less than five minutes. In that five minutes four NPCS (dressed in black, one hoblings with alchemy and three humans) came out. Pearl than started to get into an argument with them (they said that the fire was pitiful and Pearl claimed that the fire was hers and was wondering why they were insulting her like that) and Darius came back out, got the four NPC's to go about their business then him turning to Pearl and saying that he leaves her alone for five minutes and she gets into trouble and reminding her that she was outnumbered. Then Pearl claiming she could have taken them.

-Perdicio and the Hunter both looking at Pearl and smiling (she didnt wait to see what for, she ran out the door of the tavern. Later Kittyfox told her that the Hunter had Love Nined Perdicio to Pearl)

-Elec getting obliterated, then the fae throwing his body into the ocean, Pearl walking in after it and then arguing with the fae about burying Elec.

Overall, it was a fantastic event and I really enjoyed myself.
"Derek and Iforgetwho (sorry) are traipsing out to the desert as Diera and I are on our way back from there"

Now that is funny... since the other person with Derek was Balryn and I gave you a ride. :)

"Chasing Fern into the marsh and then feeling like Yasmay, because I had to walk around barefoot until someone gave me some shoes

I think we could actually develope this into a term. Whenever someone looses shoes we could say "You've been Yasmayed". (Love ya Amber!)

Some of my points:

1- Having to gypsy curse myself.

2- The look on Greg/Krieger's face as he looked at a group of vampires then the town. Vampires then town. Town then Vampires. It was like watching some analytical machine suddenly break and realize the upcoming fight was going to be very, very bad.

3- The look on Jasmay's face when Mykell brought breakfast to the Monday morning gypsy gathering!

4- The multiple scornful looks as all seven gypsy/rai players walked OOG past the town as they prepared for the Rapheal encounter..... I heared multiple "hey......."

5- Jasmay gleefully taking a huge handful of scrolls from Thornn right before the Rapheal fight as he said "Here... you can use these in the fight" knowing full well we were going to NPC the encounter. The look on his face as we walked OOG past him five minutes later was priceless.

6- Purposely avoiding any mention of the swords I was selling. I don't know how many people I said "be back in five" and never returned.

7- Balryn blowing up a Gnoll Army. Nothing gives more satisfaction than blowing up an army. *BOOM*

8- Having another character with the same name. I don't know how many times I ran across camp to save someone I didn't even know.

9- Seeing everyone there. I saw a lot of good roleplay and a lot of working together. Great game.

10- Having Bryan be on Plot. He's a great guy to have at a game and always takes things with a sense of humor. Thanks for being on Plot.

Great stuff all around, here's a few of my favorites.

Playing 31 was a LOT of fun, thanks guys.

The shield druming at the begining of the Raphael mod, very cool, very appropriate, very loud.

Simply standing there and taking shot after shot from the archer throwing 7 whatever, then backing away, reseting armor and continuing to do the same and making the NPCs waist packets hehehe

The Volcano Mod. I love being able to just loose it now and then and go nuts with slays (2 for Fern) and finally bust out with my first ever Eviscirate, which didn't get parried or reposted or anything. that was sweet.

Talking about the Dwarven Book of Grudges and finally having a few names to put into it.

3 NPCs, with Jonno, in the middle of night in the Tavern, with only me there after i fell asleep. Me: "I'm to tired, go away". Jonno: "Magic Laugh". Me: "Reflect". I got up, walked right between the other two, took a cause serious, gave them a tired look and proceeded to bed heheh.

Hearing "Baylin is down" and being kept down by Krill so I would reset my armor before dashing off and getting droped again, then when i finally got up, hearing "We need a life for Baylin" as he's being carried right to me. Saying "Activate Life" never felt so good as i smacked his breastplate.
Man, this was a really good event you guys. Well done all around. Really sorry I had to leave early.

"Command undead by voice: Kill the Naked One!" Oh yeah, that one goes on the tombstone. Believe it or not, not sick at all after all that running around in mah shorts. New England stock breeds true I guess.

Hitting Slice with that Spellstrike: endow and the ensuing look on her face was priceless during the kobold wave battle. Kobolds are so much fun to play, even without hooptie stats.

Having a mod run up that hill into the woods. I love that area, need to use it more often for mods guys!

Watching the miriad expressions cross Derek's face as he read some formal scroll handed to him by Bill (anything that makes a guy that good make those kinda faces, I don't wanna be in the circle for).

The entire event was one great moment, on part due to good plot and fights, and a lot to do with the players themselves and a really cool game environment through superior roleplay. Grats everyone, we made it to the next level.

aka Solomon, whose boxers are mightier than even Kerjal's pants
I am glad that you like the KILL THE NAKED ONE!!!! comment, just trying to do my part. I am glad that people had fun this event, can't wait for the next one. Take care all.

Balryn said:
"Derek and Iforgetwho (sorry) are traipsing out to the desert as Diera and I are on our way back from there"

Now that is funny... since the other person with Derek was Balryn and I gave you a ride. :)


Ahh crap..I'm sorry, Barry....I totally didn't even see you there, I think because of Dereks' white shirt. I head his voice, saw his face, and I don't think I got a good look at his companion... :( :(
