Mouse Racials?

I would go with resist magic because every thing in real life is resistant to magic...
jpariury said:
'Zactly. "Can't run" is kinda neat, but not a game ender.

Yeah, but an always-on carrier as opposed to a once per day racial is way useful.
jpariury said:
'Zactly. "Can't run" is kinda neat, but not a game ender.

You would be surprised how many litch's and more powerful undead will resist/phase or dodge cure disease. It can be a real pain not to run. On the same note disease as a carrier could be very troublesome so I wouldn't underestimate those 1st level spells.

But JP is also %100 correct, its all pipe dreams...
Torie plays a Feild Mouse kin with dodge and resist poison I belive.
And her mouse is Awesome! I missed you at the last NH event Torrie... :(
Wraith said:
Claws are more than a little hard to justify on a non-predatory animal type.

Not if the animal is a burrow digger.
obcidian_bandit said:
Ondreij said:
(I wish there was a DETECT POISON racial).

Umm.. There is?
It's called Scenting, and all scavvies (and sarr) get it.


Wow, thanks. I forgot that. Been too long since I played my Bear Kin (once).