Ondreij said:
Did I say THAT? I don't THINK I said that? Or are you putting words in my mouth/my character's mouth?
Doh, meant to put question marks on the end of those two sentences, though I think you got far more riled than warranted. Heaven forfend that I might think "outloud", as it were. I also suspect you're personalizing it a mite much, since, if you just want to discuss the character, we're not talking about you, we're talking a fictional character and it's opinions. It seems an awful like someone going "You know, based on what I heard about New Avengers #7, Dr. Strange seems to have given up on the whole 'I only deal with otherworldly matters concerning the Earth' thing and is all about interfering with everybody's lives in the mortal realm." and then Steve Ditko jumpin' all up and down and stomping his feet because people are "putting words in the character's mouth".
Mobius said:
what's the point of doing it in an OOG forum?
Because it's an OOG thought, not an IG one. Having never met such his character, much less interacted with it, it would seem the height of metagaming to fly out somewhere to pick an IG fight with someone just for the purposes of satisfying an OOG curiosity, and besides which, this isn't a schoolyard, and we don't need to have Whisper and Odreij meet behind the lunchroom after class. My original thought was about the player's opinion as it applies to the "no slavery" rules (suggestions?) for MWEs, though I included the "or your character" bit to hopefully skip over the whole "oh no, my opinion on what counts as slavery and my character's a
totally different" defense that might come up. OOG discussion about characters is fun, because it is interesting to see what other people find fun and valid to play and how they like to play it. It expands the number of variations I might consider for my own characters.
The idea that Sleep should be bad mojo in terms of free will because it "affects the mind" but Web or Prison don't is worth exploring in an OOG conversation in which the topic is what MWEs might deem valid will-impacting actions, imo. The natural extension of "no, no web is entirely physical, so it's kosher" is that if physical hindrances and threats are acceptable, than what we in the real world deem as slavery has little to no bearing on what slavery means in the game, either in general or to MWEs specifically.