Fearless Leader said:Alor said:Togashin said:As someone who does play a M.W.E. I would really hate to see something like this pass that would require me to change the way I play my character and change my background.
But if I remember correctly you folks don't CALL yourselves MWEs... I can't remember the full name at the moment, but it's similar to what Ashbury MWEs call themselves, isn't it?
Here in Ashbury, we have "Children of Camulous" -- other chapters have other names for their MWEs.
The only ones who still call themselves MWEs are characters that were around back before the split (like my NPC) who really were from the Mystic Wood (which was an area on Evendarr, from the old NERO).
So yeah, IG there are only a handful of real MWEs, which is why I said maybe we should have a new OOG name for the race.
Those few sort of include me according to backstory... unless you/I decide where my "parents" travelled to on their routes.Lurin said:Few humans in alboria have met a MWE, I suppose you could call yourself what ever you wanted...
Alor said:That's what I was talking about... Toga is a Child of ~name I can't remember~, much like Alor is a Child of Camulous (I wasn't sure I should use IG nomencature here).
I don't see any reason changing the name from "MWE" to something more accurate would require anyone to change the way they play. Those few Tyrran players left would still be called MWEs, just like Alor is a Child of Camulous, but the majority not from Tyrra wouldn't be saddled with a name that doesn't really make sense in Fortannis.
is it true that there are different types of elves that can be played??
Tzydl Zhitelava said:i like wood folk!
I have another question about elves....
maybe this should be on another thread since mystic wood elves aren't elves but...is it true that there are different types of elves that can be played?? ie: am i confusing a game in saying sea elves? SORRY I"M NEW i'm just wondering if there are turquoise elves being playing in alliance.
Quinn said:Sea Elves as a PC race? with unique racials? Or just elves with funny colored skin/hair?
Can each chapter HAVE LCO Races?
what would happen if that player wants to go to another chapter but they deny their race as unofficial/not in the rulebook?