Name that flick/song, etc.

ayup: Wachowski brother's Speed Racer. apparently, its worse than terrible. Ebert panned it pretty bad, and most of the other critics are saying its not even good as eye candy
Stephen Colbert liked it. He said to simulate the visual onslaught of the CGI you should put yourself in an industrial clothes dryer with about 50 lbs of fireworks. Shut the door, turn on the machine then light the fireworks and you have simulation ofthe SFX from Speed Racer.

No matter what the critics say I still want to see this movie. The action sequences alone are probably worth the admission price even if the acting and story sucks.
Hard Candy

New one:

Through the darkness of future past,
The magician longs to see.
One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire walk with me"

I'll catch you with my death bag
You may think I've gone insane
But I promise I will kill again
Mobius said:
i had to cheat to find that one Jess, so i'll leave it for someone else, but it does look like a neat movie; queued it up on netflix. but, i think Steven's quote from "Speed Racer" not "Death Race 2000" - though i get where you mixed up Caradine and Hirsch :lol:

Sorta... there's a song called "Speed Racer" by Alpha Team that sampled the old TV show and added a naughty twist.
Oh, and I was thinking that the new Speed Racer movie was going to suck... I went to see it and thought it was pretty entertaining.

New one:

"I am a finger pointing at the moon"
i know it's part of a buddhist koan, but i don't know the movie. this one is hard
I have even cheated and can find no lyrical, movie or television references to this. You, sir, win the intartubez!
Mobius said:
i know it's part of a buddhist koan, but i don't know the movie. this one is hard

Not a koan, that's Zen. But Buddhist is where you need to look. Would anyone like to know who the director is?
We have a winner.

My line is what the Dalai Lama says at the border to identify himself as he passes out of Tibet into exile. The "moon" is the Buddha. The Dalai Lama is saying that he isn't the Buddha himself, just like a finger pointing at the moon is not the important thing, the moon itself.

My turn now?

"These are great days we're living, bros. We are jolly green giants, walking the Earth with guns. These people we wasted here today are the finest human beings we will ever know. After we rotate back to the world, we're gonna miss not having anyone around that's worth shooting."
"Full Metal Jacket" ¡helluva film! it get's lost in the war paradigm, much to my chagrin. good call on "Kundun", haven't seen that in forever. gotta put it on my Netflix

"There are 20 million women in this island and I get to be chained to you."
¡that's a great flick! i had to cheat to find it, but oh man, excellent cinema. bizarre, but excellent