Name that flick/song, etc.

"The Fountain" not as good as "Pi", but still excellent

"I might choose not to sacrifice my life caring for my children, nor my children's children, nor to drown anonymously in the milk of female kindness, but instead, say, to go abroad. Would I then be... "
"A real woman?"
I can think of the movie.... Cant think of the title.... Wasn't it the one where this nobleman lives though a bunch of centuries in british history? Grrrrrrrrr whats the name!
¡ayup! it's an adaptation of a book by Virginia Wolff. excellent cinema with one of the finest indie actors of the day
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
sorry..its one of my favorite comedy/musicals!

Sweeney Tood a comedy? I guess that says something about your sense of humor.
PoeticMisfit said:
Wow, see I was remembering the second one from the clerks maybe I am just ********

It is from CLERKS, but they were quoting Indy 2.
((sense of humor?? c'mon!!! people were landing on their heads and bouncing!!! that's funny!! can't tell me the scene about "its priest, try a little priest" isn't funny!!! c'mon thats funny i don't care who you are))

and now back to our regularly scheduled program. I believe marcena has us stumped once again with...

"I thought you were dead! I thought you crashed your car! No, I've been right here playing bass guitar!"
TMBG - Mesopotamians

"The sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace."
TMBG "Why does the Sun Shine?"

and, in the same vein - "Hey Clinton! Hey Yeltsin! Got problems? You phone me (now I eat humble pie)"
((couldn't get the Mesapotamians song out of my head the other morning.>UGH!))
Moxy Fruvous - Humble Pie

"The whole book's gender-biased. A woman's responsible for original sin. A woman cuts Samson's coif of power. A woman asks for the head of John the Baptist. Read that book again sometime. Women are painted as bigger antagonists than the Egyptians and Romans combined."
DOGMA!! one my faves!

"white lace and promises a kiss for luck and we're on our way!"
doverman said:
Moxy Fruvous - Humble Pie
it was "King of Spain", but close enough for gubmint work ;)
oh, go ahead. it's not that bad a good song; i just didn't know it without having to cheat
be proud of the me whatcha got!
Carpenters - We've only just begun

"Your tears are meaningless, they're written on your face. Just like your empty words, just like the chemical. Just like the disease that stains your lips tonight. You are the disease that's in my life."