National Event Favorites~!


Alright! This event was long, so there must be quite a few things you enjoyed about it! Post up your favorite moments to share with those who were there, and especially those who weren't! (After all, how else will they hear about it?) I'm at work now, but I'll be posting mine fairly shortly.
Hanging with my fellow Rab brothers ! and all things Rab!

Getting a lot of info from everyone on what was going on, at a lot of events information was hoarded and most dont know whats going on why were doing things and such but this event we all were sharing information and rumors it was great! (unfortunatly some sent us and me down insane incorrect idea :) )

Shazam and the top notch best Rping from NPC's I am a very hard grader but give them an A for this weekend!

Fantastic RP all weekend with all the PC's everyone well done!

great weekend!
#1 Peg Explanation (sorry to those that arn't in on this)
#2 Morgan running after the Earth Sheik after being told that his Brass Army is not that strong by AHEM .. names won't be mentioned!
#3 Amelia's Spider.. Creepy
#4 Being mistaken for a Celestial Caster...
#5 Saving the Dryadic people.. thats potentionaly going to be hawt sauce.
#6 Balbanes knocking me out so I didn't have to listen to the complements from everyone.
#7 Being skipped in a line of killing blows and Arcane Deaths! who said being human wasn't good for something!
#8 Being part of the group who found the old man in the woods that would take us to the tomb. (+600 monster strength) :o
#9 Everything about the event, I went thru so much production I think I only have 3 scrolls left, and maybe 10 potions, and I don't think they are curatives. I know it was a hard event when that happens and Love them.. one thing tho .. try harder to kill us next time!
In no particular order:

#1 Peg Explanation - you had to be there
#2 The Dungeon Crawl
#3 Oasis Hold'em
#4 Tetsu's High Orc Pep Talk
#5 Tavern service (I was very impressed)
#6 Wick's Executive Council
#7 The two red "Stations"

I was disappointed that I slept outside of wards, and never got screwed with by the NPC staff. Also that it was announced when NPC camp was going to sleep... with so many NPCs, there could have been shifts of NPCs up to mess with the PCs that were up all night or weren't behind wards. The weekend really didn't feel dangerous enough - yes - this coming from someone who had a character resurrect.

I had a blast though...

Let's all push for Seattle in 2009 and Chicago in 2010!
I had an awesome time at the national event. I didn't get to play as much as I'd like (due to Faire Play duties and just being exhausted from being on site since Wednesday night), but I had a blast nontheless.

Here are some of my favorite moments.

Walking around the first wave battle as the Rakshasa and noticing three people in a circle rep, Rukia, Loria and Melleth. They notice me and start casting a circle. I get one foot in as Rukia finishes the verbal. "I choose in" become the scariest three words of the weekend. We all stare at each other for about 15 seconds and Loria starts tapping Rukia on the shoulder saying "Put the circle down" over and over again.

Enslaving Phaedra during the capture the flag game while we were both running. Neither of us broke stride while I issued orders to her and we then went on to win a point for our team. Go team Human/Rakshasa.

Later in the game, lowering the Rakshasa mask from under my hat and bellowing, "I make the rules." What a pleasant surprise for everyone.

Morganne not letting Shiek Alphu go back to his province alone because she feared for his safety and didn't want to break her oath. I had to go up to plot three times and say "She's still not leaving." We finally rukka rukka roleplayed her escorting me to the Janni province.

Fixing the hot water heater.

The marketplace and playing a weapon merchant with Patrick Von Raven. It was like we were back in 1998! Nothing like capturing some decade old magic in a bottle.

"Devil "F**kers". 'nuff said.

The mostly finished privacy wall. It feels so much more like our own little world now. I can't wait until it's finished (this week!)

All things Matt Byers. That dude cracks me up non stop.

Meeting a lot of people I've only interacted on the boards with, especially the owners and staff. I feel we achieved the main goal of the symposium and national event of building camaraderie and respect that just can't be built in any way but in person. And working all our asses off together in monster camp was a true bonding experience. I think we really came to respect each other and share our love (obsession?) for the game.

And most importantly, having a wonderful time with old friends and new friends.

People who weren't at the national event really missed out, as I really feel it will be a strong foundation that we can continue to grow on. Together we can all make Alliance the best larp around. It truly is the people that make this game great, and we have a tremendous number of great people.

I'm still utterly exhausted, my body hates me, and I have a three page analysis of Ezra Pound's poetry to finish, but I thought I would slap up a few favorites while they were still in my head.

- Walking up into NPC camp, seeing who was there, and immediately knowing the PCs were going to have a freaking fantastic time. It's like Alliance took all its awesome sauce and put it into one place -- some of the best fighters, roleplayers, casters, writers, and GMs in the entire game. Alliance strong, baby!

- Being able to play out the Kuani plotline for the PCs as poor little Qurai. Thank you, Paul, for picking me to play out this part -- it was a real challenge for me to roleplay and I enjoyed every moment of it, even if my neck and shoulders are killing me. ;)

- Being the Rahkjasa's mouthpiece. Everyone likes a psychotic creepy chick in their tavern!

- Dinners at the italian restaurant which I still don't actually know the name of. Good times had by all.

- Watching the PCs rockstar their Rescue the Kuani mod. That brought back some memories.

- Being recognized as an NPC for the weekend. It was very humbling -- thank you guys. :)

"Devil "F**kers". 'nuff said.

Most of all, it was an honor to NPC this weekend under the command of Brian Bender. I don't think I need to tell anyone that Brian is one of the most outstanding people in the Alliance right now and when I realized he was going to be heading up this event, I was proud to try and do my part to make this plotline come alive for him and the rest of the writers involved.

Hopefully I'll see some of you crazy folks around the East Coast chapters, or maybe I'll finally make my way over to the midwest and west chapters. Thank you!
Thank you everyone who made this event possible. It was one for the books, truly. I did not know what to expect going in. I was kind of nervous, I'll be honest. I thought, wow all these new people, what will it be like? The answer, I'm happy to say, is totally great.

We should all consider ourselves fortunate to belong to a group as inspiring, and brilliant as Alliance LARP. Everyone came together and made this weekend so awesome. From the crunchiest NPC, to the biggest bad, or the wackiest merchant, or the most powerful 'noble'...the roleplay was incredible.

So in no particular order...

-Right from the beginning rocking the loudmouth and getting the dirty look from Sir Harrison. It didn't take long for me to find my humility and take a knee to those nobles my character has so much respect for. Everything was so fun right from the get go.

-Seeing Glorianna again, as Tetsu, yay!

-The Oasi, Mike, Maria, and Amelia were fantastic. Special props to Amelia for the new spider...really very cool You are an incredible player Amelia.

-Watching Becca kick *** and never stop. From roleplay to stick jockery, she has it down! Hitting on Sophia was also thoroughly hilarious. "Aw next she's gonna say you're like a little brother." and "I'm 328 years old, how old are you?" Sophie asked. "I'm 3." I replied. Haha.

-OMG my team and everyone rolling with my team. We really really represented. Way to go guys. I love the Arkelian Hunt.

-Seeing Seshet again, I love RP with Tonya.

-Seeing Cymryc again!!! Holy crap it's been years! I had a lot of fun hanging out with you man.

-Meeting new friends, going on a mod with Sasha, Aioko, and Derle. One that nearly wrecked us all. Whoa. Meeting Stoneskull, and talking of all things honor. Seeing Sun again, and discussing what it is to be of a centered mind. Oooo everyone am awesome. LOL I loved it.

-The whole Marketplace concept. JP as the Vizir. Patrick, Patrick Von Raven, Scott, Dee, Andrea and Colleen, Matt B. EVERYONE who was involved whom I didn't mention. Holy crap. That was one of the coolest things I've ever experienced at Alliance. They literally transformed the barn basement in to a hustle and bustle marketplace, with loud and charismatic sales booths (circles of power). Even had Eric Stehle running around as a crazy waylaying sleep poisoning pickpocket, so awesome.

-The Chancellors, Brian and Paul were so great as these guys. Then the Sheiks...oh man, I had the most interaction with Patrick and Chazz...holy effffffff you guys rock so hard.

-Roleplay with Aioko about my past out on the deck as the fire roared below. That was really epic roleplay nobody got to see. It was a pleasure to meet you Joy.

-Kelsey as her Qurai Elf. Me and Metzler spending hours trying to get her to crack. Little by little the slave inside started to scream me too. It was a beautiful thing. Kelsey is amazing.

-One on one's with Mister Chazz Bender. The Sheik Ifrit character ruled. That character literally ignited the flame inside Tetsu that had only been a pile of kindling previous. All the anger, frustration, and hurt my character has ever felt was released over the course of 48 hours. From the first interaction, "What are you, cowards just going to watch your friends out here fight?" to my response of "Prepare to die." Indeed. Oh man and his elderly barkeep...Chazz you are the sauciest awesome sauce that was ever put on a LARP sandwich sir. It's right next to the bottles of Colleen and Andrea up there on the high shelf.

-Smiling at people's confusion in game listening to them try and find out what class Tetsu is oog. Muahaha.

-Releasing the rage inside, dragging Shane and company several feet before collapsing into tears. The roleplay that followed during my meditation with 'Little Man' lololol.

-Oh snap---DUNGEON! Arkelian Hunt take point! A maze where there was once a marketplace. Wrong turns, dead ends, and ALL NPCS RESPAWN. The fear was there, the threat was real, it totally rocked our socks.

-Ducal army! Rebecca and Sean are so freaking great. So great I have to mention them over and over. It was fun to be on one team rolling with members from my other team. I love Vex Squad.

-Seeing Dave B and Mike B again! I miss you guys.

-Picking the right targets for my scholar cats out of the bag now!

-Feeling uberly mighty on the Fire Imp encounter. Thanks to Jesse and Henry for being awesome all weekend. You guys are great friends and great players and I cannot sing enough praise about you both. Shameless plug for Caldaria...that chapter is so sexy, almost as sexy as Jesse's dome. Mmmmmm.

-Speaking of Jesse...he and Alex Perez storming the Tavern as their insane nightmare shadow beast things...good golly. I really thought for a minute there I was going to res with friends just six feet away. They were freaking scary as hell. So damn cool.

-Scott all weekend. I love hanging out with Scott in and out of game. He's so much fun to play the game with. I really loved his booth he shared with Patrick at the Marketplace. His Rakshasa guy that I was going to tackle if I didnt get Arcane Deathed into the ground! Everything!

-Wave battle in the graveyard! Trying my hand at battle commander/motivator. The whole town kicked so much ***. Go team Fortannis!

-At the end of the weekend Brian handing me my mysterious souvenir that came back with Tetsu through the mists. Thank you everyone. Thank you so much I cannot say it enough!

-A little RP with Mike V. as the tavern keep he played.

-Fun with Heidi as Zatarina, she found chocolate that Tetsu can eat with tusks in and all! YAY!

-Huge props to our chairperson Renee Iovino for all her efforts at Alliance. Thanks for all the writing you did!

-Brian Bender. My freaking hero. The glue that held every grain of sand together in that wacked out desert. I love you man. I have such mad respect for all of your ability in and oog. Thank you Brian, for everything.

-Tori as the Amazon. Oh man...Tori brings it so hard it's sick.

-Bill as...anything Bill touches turns to gold. Statmaster 5000.


This list is gonna go on and on and on and on. Hands down, flat out, overall best event I've ever played. I can't believe it. Everything just keeps getting better and better.

This year has been so rough, and harsh for so many reasons...but we still have this. We are the Phoenix.

Thanks again everyone who participated. I am so happy to have been a part of it. My only regret, missing Bill in the Houka tent. Curses! :)

Your friend,

Justin Coggin
From last Wednesday until the event ended was all one big favorite moment for me. Starting Wednesday at the symposium with meeting so many of the owners that I was so excited to finally meet in person was awesome. Then seeing some of them stick around to NPC/PC was even better.It was amazing to see the amount of players that showed up from so far for this event.

Thank you to each and every NPC and PC that attended this event. Each of you brought something to this event that made it special for everyone to be there. We had a lot of the owners pcing/npcing (and writing!), players from all across the states that drove insane hours to come PC/NPC this remarkable game we all share so much passion for. We all share this game with each other, and we all play this game because of the passion and love we have for it. All of us coming together on a National level to share that passion we all have for the game was phenomenal to be a part of. Attending this past event with so many players I have heard about or spoke to through e-mails was fantastic. Every time I turned around there was another PC/NPC there to volunteer to help in anyway, to lend a hand to make the whole event run smoothly. Thank you to everyone that had a hand in this event whether it was showing up to PC or coming out to NPC. This event made me even more proud than I already am to be part of the Alliance and play this game with all of you.

-Renee Iovino
Alliance Player
Tetsu said:
Damn, I missed Dryads? Rats! You guys looked awesome!

Not just dryads, the Children of Autumn
Stoneskull_Rockfist said:
Tetsu said:
Damn, I missed Dryads? Rats! You guys looked awesome!

Not just dryads, the Children of Autumn

:D Thanks! I had to leave pretty early into the event so I didn't get to do too much, but getting to play the first Child of the Autumn was totally worth the drive. Thanks for the great battle and fabulous roleplay!

"In my lands, when you plant a leaf, sometimes a new plant grows from it. Is this true of your people?"
"Ok, I'm sorry nobody's ever explained this to you, but... When a man and a woman love each other very much..."
Flyaway Bird said:
Stoneskull_Rockfist said:
Tetsu said:
Damn, I missed Dryads? Rats! You guys looked awesome!

Not just dryads, the Children of Autumn

:D Thanks! I had to leave pretty early into the event so I didn't get to do too much, but getting to play the first Child of the Autumn was totally worth the drive. Thanks for the great battle and fabulous roleplay!

"In my lands, when you plant a leaf, sometimes a new plant grows from it. Is this true of your people?"
"Ok, I'm sorry nobody's ever explained this to you, but... When a man and a woman love each other very much..."

Yeah... guess that talk happened more than once this weekend... LOL...
Symposium was really great. Long but great. Most amazing batch of owners we have had to date.

All things Paul Foisey. Loved your plot.

Seeing Matt again. Go TC!

Meeting Mike from SF for the first time

Seeing Cymric again!! love you dude.

Opening ceremonies! I won nero in the first hour of game.

Herding cats from other lands. Exhausting.

All things Joy Nelson!

Me screaming "The got ME" and then elyrion leading the charge and opening a can of whoop ***. Now the entire world knows Glorianna is bottled. it upped the scary factor for me 1000%. Some oog things took me out for a while, but it was so not because of the bottle. No bottle = real fear for Erica which was priceless.

and Life, Sleep gas poison. Sexy sauce

if this makes no sense, you should have been there

I don't think I remember them all, but here goes...

-3 star nero, AKA, the popup trailer that we got to stay in. Best 4 hours of sleep ever :)

-getting there intending to NPC, walking in, and seeing the army of people in monster camp. Then trying to get cash to PC while surprising Mike with it. Way to blow my cover, Jesse!

-Not listening when told "stay back there!"

-everyone assuming I was a rogue or adept, and the look on Becca's face at the Italian place on Monday when I told her I'm a scholar!

-Getting arcane enslaved, then walking out of the capture the flag game to bitch out the Hunt members who told me to play because we'd have a higher stake in a cool prize, and then playing up the whole "he gave me so many protectives and so much healing, I can't believe he was a rakshasa!" thing.

-Getting vampire charmed in the wave battle after capture the flag, and Drenten realizing it was a farce.

-Drenten dragging my *** over to Glorianna during the same battle, demanding an enslavement antidote and after I told her that the rakshasa had purified the vampire charm out of me and thrown me back to my friends, she goes "Drenten, you're just paranoid" and WALKED AWAY!

-Getting waylaid like 10 times, gassed, hit with more spell packets than I could count, all while not turning my back from the rakshasa who just gave me protectives and purifies the whole time. Except for that vertigo gas, and sitting down in the middle of a wave battle is a little scary.

-Not having a DAMN CLUE why some idiot savant healer just arcane enslaved me, and realizing **** was about to hit the fan when he gave me an elemental shield when no one on the field was using elemental ANYTHING. Getting hit with the 100 elemental body after the change to rakshasa was the answer to my question.

-Jebbous hitting me with a purify before ducking into a ward during the wave battle I was enslaved and me not moving, then Will going "Got that" and me going "Yup" and him starting to look really nervous and asking if I knew what it did, and me just smiling. The next words from Jebbous were "You're just messing with me now, aren't you?" and getting to smile my evil smile.

-Beating Winter Rose down during the capture the flag game. As a caster I never get to hit people that much!

-Lariah being in love, and how nauseated it made Phedre. I finally fed her an antidote to see if it would shut her up.

-Tetsu winning the weekend.

-Rolling with the Hunt and everyone involved... and my master plan with Elryan should things go bad :)
Some more...

Rolling with Auntie Melody. Tetsu is so pissed she ressed, but even more upset that he wasn't there to guide her spirit back with the promise of fields of gold coins and swimming in Talon's money...Tammy am awesome.

Watching Lauren as Phadre woop some *** in the bubble battle. Oh man, the carnage...mmm.

Mediating between Garmok and Elrion. Anything I got to do with Shane was a real treat.

Listening to Wik explain some of his back story. Wik in general, messing with people.

Gebous, the Hoblingest Hobling of all Hoblings in Hobland. Setting me up with a tab at the bar. Genius! Giving me a stern finger waggling for absorbing too many lifespells lol...excellent.

Mediating between Morganne and Laria, haha, why does everyone have to put the celestial up in M's grille every single time?!

This event was soooooooo much fun!
Alright, here we go:

Seeing people, some of whom I haven't seen in 3+ years. Good to see some west coasters and TC people again.

Having the Prism back in decent force. Good to see you again Bren.

New our member working out well, between spelling everything down in the crawl and the great team-up of destruction + multiple dragon breaths.

Market and crawl. Need I say more? I'm glad more people on the east cost could see what you're able to put together. (I still can't get over the lay lines thing from a few months back and then you come up with that)

Gob'blingy! Sun's been talking about him for years. Glad others could see him too.

Elle and getting Sun filled in with what happened with the great Scourge. Having Sun refuse to let someone amnesia her to have her forget her last command.

Having multiple plot people ask me where my bottle is during the weekend and my "oh god, this is bad" feeling.

Having Glori yell "it has me" and my first reaction is to bolt outside yelling for Keres. On the same note, keeping mine hidden behind multiple wards for the rest of the weekend.

The graveyard battle. I went into that thinking that I was going to pop my first charge. Bill asking for the other spiritless one and going through the line of npcs to what I thought was certain death.

"Why did you leave your bow when you went to talk to him?" "You think I want to take an artifact with me when I'm going to die? Morai would kill me, multiple times"

Sun's version of a nice way to verbally bitchslap Tetsu. Giving him the talk she normally gives fighters "One day you're going to cause your friends to die because we will have used up all our resources lifing you and have nothing left. How would you feel then?" Then following that with all the props and who he really is.

Boss is coming in, more to post later

Just a couple Favs.


Playing a death ooze in the catacombs and walking back and forth between the maze, sneaking up on pc was really fun. They never seemed to realize i was right behind them.

Watching a mod go strangely wrong when sean went berserk. The team had to rift out to get help so the rest of the team didnt res. 38 seconds.. quite impressive.

seeing and meeting new people

eating at the italian place almost every day with almost everyone

having a local hick drive by and yell profanity at the npc camp

seeing the new race.. should be interesting to see what people come up with.

others i cant think of...
-The myriad looks on Obadiah’s face on each of the following instances:
Inside the bubble, we’re debating using a Paste of Stickiness to prevent our “flag” from being stolen I look at Obadiah and say “Did you bring your traps?” I’ve never seen such glee turn to disappointment so quickly.
“What happens in the hourglass stays in the hourglass”
“Obadiah? Can I buy the Eviscerate? Pretty please?”
“Hey Obadiah, this guy is selling a ballista.”

-Being so confused the whole time. I love how real this event felt. Part of it was that a normal Alliance event is usually pretty cut and dry. There’s a problem. You find clues to solve the problem. Well not only were different people telling us different stories about what the problem was and how to solve it, at one point it was like having 5 different people tell you 10 different stories. My poor soldier had no clue which way was up or down half the time and was pretty much ready to just have the whole place destroyed when if she ever got out. I absolutely loved that. Nothing, and I mean nothing was black and white. It was all shades of gray.

-Chazz as Sheik Ifrit. I don’t think any words I have can describe the level of immersion this character brought to the weekend. If I ever had an idea of what a fire djinn would look and act like it was embodied in Chazz.

-All things Elryion. I had so much fun chatting with you about so many different things. Any time I was confused I just found this guy and suddenly things started to make at least a little bit of sense.

-All things Wick. LOLOLOLOLOL. Poor Sophie. She literally could not open her mouth without Wick turning it into some kind of inappropriately hilarious comment. At one point he had been razzing her (because she is very fun to razz) and Obadiah comes over with our new magic whacker.
Sophie: Hey Obadiah, can I see the sword? I just want to hold it for a minute.
Wick: *bites his hat* I’m not gonna say nuffin!

I think he started to turn blue from the effort of keeping his mouth closed.

-So at one point I was napping in my tent and I wake up. My first thought: Damn it’s cold. My second thought: That sounds like Jesse H. swinging 24 normal… I should really get out there. People are probably rezzing as we speak.

-Earning the new name Sophia “Don’t come any closer, I got death spells” Dawne. I think Henry’s reaction to this was the best. He basically said “Well… she did in fact warn you she had death spells.” It went something like this:
Sophie got paranoia’d by one of the scorpions and was backing up the hill towards logistics. Togashin comes towards her.
Sophie: Don’t come any closer! I got death spells!
Togashin: *shrug* I call upon the earth to purify you.
Sophie: I grant you the gift of death. I grant you the gift of death.
Togashin: Um…. I hit you with the purify.
Sophie: Oh…. Ok. Spell shield. You got those deaths?
Togashin: *stares in horror/confusion and then he falls down*
NPC’s looking on: No, no, Rebecca… you don’t understand. He got you with the purify.
Me: No… you don’t understand. Spell. Shield.
NPC’s: Ooooooooooooh…. Damn.

-Speaking of throwing death spells, the whole chick fight with Scott’s Rakshasa descimating everyone with 100 Elemental body after being called a cheater. I think someone needs some time in the penalty box. I was so glad that he didn’t end up being my Guardian. That whole encounter awesome sauce. The NPC girls roleplayed the whole amazon thing so well. The fights were awesome. Dee and I literally sat there for 5 minutes trying to land a hit on each other, meanwhile Phedre was running off with my golem! Gah! Girl power ftw J

-All things Tetsu of course. :) Especially his being impressed with Sophie’s fighting and trying to get his foot in the door should anything happen to her husband. At one point I patted him on the head and the whole tavern erupted in “Ooooooh”’s and laughter. I believe Obadiah’s reaction was “Dude, you remind her of her little brother.”

-Getting assaulted at the marketplace. Oh man Eric you almost got away with a LOT of stuff.

-Scott’s merchant asking Sophie if she would like to buy a ballista. Only 60 easy payments of 1 gold each. Unfortunately shipping and handling through the hourglass was not included. L

-Jess’ spirit prophet lady encounter. Chazz looks right at me as his Sheik and says “SOMEONE needs to make this woman happy.” I was also almost in tears when she permanently sacrificed herself.

-All things Sherezad. Wow. Amelia you totally amaze me with every character you play. I loved your costuming and the eyes and the way you’d hiss at things. My first encounter with this spider scav was:
Sophie: Wow, you have very pretty eyes.
Sherezad: If you were a male I would have to kill you now.
Sophie: Uh…. Why?
Sherezad: For giving me such a compliment. Do your people not kill and eat their mates?
Sophie: Um… er…. Well… actually no.

And then later deciding that I might have to take a page out of Sherezad’s book when it came to dealing with males. Hehe.

-Kelsey. Holy cow girl you totally rock my world. From badass amazon chick to Rakshasa mouthpiece to submissive kuani slave you are definite the tizzight!

-Speaking of Kuani, freeing an entire race from enslavement is definitely a hightlight! Or at least getting the ball rolling. So we roll in, sneaking around, gassing down guards and finally we get to the last remaining Kuani male. The guys are fighting the last of the guards while I go over to him.
Sophie: Hey. It’s ok. You need to come with us now.
Kuani: Huh? What’s going on?
Sophie: We’re here to take you back to your people.
Kuani: *looks completely confused and frightened*
Sophie: *looks down at him and holds out her hand to help him up* I’m Man-at-arms Sophia Dawne. We’re here to rescue you.
Kuani: *chokes back laughter then later asks* Aren’t you a little short for a soldier?

-The Sunday night dungeon crawl! Wow. Getting to go on an actual dungeon crawl IG was totally awesome. The only thing that sucked was not being able to see in the dark. At one point I was facing off against Henry and I told him “Dude, just so you know, I cannot see you at all.” And then I promptly hit him in the head. Sorry dude. :(

I will probably post more because this was such an awesome event with so many cool moments. Thank you so much Brian, Renee, Paul, Gary, Matt and anyone else I forgot for bringing us so much awesomeness. I know that John was proud of what we accomplished there. I had as much fun talking to people from other chapters as I did trying to handle the insane plotlines.

Thank you NPC’s, especially Jesse, Alex, Kelsey and whoever was playing the Kajeed guys (Sorry I don’t remember your names!) Jesse and Alex are a terrifying combo. No unconscious person is safe in their presence! Kelsey, when you came out as the mouthpiece I felt like I had walked into a Saw movie. You were that crazy creepy.

Ok, I know there’s more. Hopefully I’ll post them later but this is good for now.

Well I guess the most sad thing for me is that now I'm back at school in MN so I won't see a lot of you folks out on the East coast for some time. However I have to say, what a way to go out. This was the first Long weekend I have PC'ed, and I was blown away. So in no particular order...

Being part of teams really for the first time was a lot of fun. I realized that honestly if Eldarion ever permed what I would miss most would be the IG relationships even more than the build/character card. He is starting to really care about some people.

And on that note everything that revolved around those shadow creatures. JesseH you are bad ***. Getting infected the first time Sat night the first time we encountered the faceless shadows and then getting pissed off that we couldn't finish them.

When I was in the cabin with the rest of the Prisim chatting about various things having Paul come up and take me aside for a minute to explain a neat plot thing that happened to my character. And having my team figure that out/RP a sort of little "mini mod" thing.

I was disappointed that plot line never got concluded but also had a blast going on the first mission to talk to the scarab lady. Worried that we had too big of a team (around 10 or so) but then realizing that we had to fight on multiple fronts in the dungeon.

Rocking Magic Storms on the volcano mod, and getting my face blasted off by a stream of steam. :D I didn't get another chance to really make use of my Magic Storms, but those two probably saved a rather weak team.

Actually having other Dark Elves to hand and RP with. Its kind of nice. ;)

Teaching twice this event! I've always loved using that skill to RP almost more than anything else and I don't always get a chance to use it. Developing my explanation of how Formal Magic is different from Battle Magic, and going into all the intricacies of lower level Celestial spells.

Also being one of 2 or 3 ninth level spell capable Celestial casters and feeling pretty useful for it. Destruction double Dragon's Breath combo on Chazz in the last wave battle was sexy. ^_^ Sorry we had to kill you so fast man!

Tetsu, once again rock on man. You are a really fantastic Orc, and I love RP with you. The whole thing with Wik and my IG conversation slip. >.< Eldarion really dislikes IG politics as much as I dislike OOG ones... :? But still good RP.

Bloop!!!!!!!! omg Brian you really made me feel bad for him. Giving you a few silver for the "stick" (component) that he had and then giving him more just because you innocently wondered if that was its value. =P I am such a sucker for innocent looking cute little things. And the moss guy just really made Eldarion happy inside. If I ever see another Moss Dryad I'm gona be protective. ;)

Certainly feeling scared several times. Inside the Norden ward when one of the crazy powerful things was getting Lesser Invested in many of the Wards, and in the pitch black Dungeon Crawl sunday night with things swinging death.

I actually liked getting let know when the NPC's were shutting down. I like to play as much as I can but I also like sleep so it was a nice player relations thing. nvm the fact I stayed up quite a bit later just chatting with folks. ^_^

Finally figuring out some actually comfortable summer Dark Elf gear just when it starts to get cold... but seriously it was much nicer during the day.

OMG dungeon crawl sunday night. I didn't manage to stay up late enough to see the end of the crazy powerful things. But my team managing to get through in pitch black without losing anyone. Once again somewhat saving that situation with good old Evocation!

Being able to memorize Ice! I usually feel like Ice Storms are useless because with much Undead they aren't very good. But I really love having 4 more big high kicker damage spells. 35 points is nothing to scoff at. :D

Overall fantastic, I can't wait for more and I was supper happy with the way the whole thing went off. I think it made great strides towards bringing us closer as an Alliance and I really hope that these events continue to happen.
