-The myriad looks on Obadiah’s face on each of the following instances:
Inside the bubble, we’re debating using a Paste of Stickiness to prevent our “flag” from being stolen I look at Obadiah and say “Did you bring your traps?” I’ve never seen such glee turn to disappointment so quickly.
“What happens in the hourglass stays in the hourglass”
“Obadiah? Can I buy the Eviscerate? Pretty please?”
“Hey Obadiah, this guy is selling a ballista.”
-Being so confused the whole time. I love how real this event felt. Part of it was that a normal Alliance event is usually pretty cut and dry. There’s a problem. You find clues to solve the problem. Well not only were different people telling us different stories about what the problem was and how to solve it, at one point it was like having 5 different people tell you 10 different stories. My poor soldier had no clue which way was up or down half the time and was pretty much ready to just have the whole place destroyed when if she ever got out. I absolutely loved that. Nothing, and I mean nothing was black and white. It was all shades of gray.
-Chazz as Sheik Ifrit. I don’t think any words I have can describe the level of immersion this character brought to the weekend. If I ever had an idea of what a fire djinn would look and act like it was embodied in Chazz.
-All things Elryion. I had so much fun chatting with you about so many different things. Any time I was confused I just found this guy and suddenly things started to make at least a little bit of sense.
-All things Wick. LOLOLOLOLOL. Poor Sophie. She literally could not open her mouth without Wick turning it into some kind of inappropriately hilarious comment. At one point he had been razzing her (because she is very fun to razz) and Obadiah comes over with our new magic whacker.
Sophie: Hey Obadiah, can I see the sword? I just want to hold it for a minute.
Wick: *bites his hat* I’m not gonna say nuffin!
I think he started to turn blue from the effort of keeping his mouth closed.
-So at one point I was napping in my tent and I wake up. My first thought: Damn it’s cold. My second thought: That sounds like Jesse H. swinging 24 normal… I should really get out there. People are probably rezzing as we speak.
-Earning the new name Sophia “Don’t come any closer, I got death spells” Dawne. I think Henry’s reaction to this was the best. He basically said “Well… she did in fact warn you she had death spells.” It went something like this:
Sophie got paranoia’d by one of the scorpions and was backing up the hill towards logistics. Togashin comes towards her.
Sophie: Don’t come any closer! I got death spells!
Togashin: *shrug* I call upon the earth to purify you.
Sophie: I grant you the gift of death. I grant you the gift of death.
Togashin: Um…. I hit you with the purify.
Sophie: Oh…. Ok. Spell shield. You got those deaths?
Togashin: *stares in horror/confusion and then he falls down*
NPC’s looking on: No, no, Rebecca… you don’t understand. He got you with the purify.
Me: No… you don’t understand. Spell. Shield.
NPC’s: Ooooooooooooh…. Damn.
-Speaking of throwing death spells, the whole chick fight with Scott’s Rakshasa descimating everyone with 100 Elemental body after being called a cheater. I think someone needs some time in the penalty box. I was so glad that he didn’t end up being my Guardian. That whole encounter awesome sauce. The NPC girls roleplayed the whole amazon thing so well. The fights were awesome. Dee and I literally sat there for 5 minutes trying to land a hit on each other, meanwhile Phedre was running off with my golem! Gah! Girl power ftw J
-All things Tetsu of course.

Especially his being impressed with Sophie’s fighting and trying to get his foot in the door should anything happen to her husband. At one point I patted him on the head and the whole tavern erupted in “Ooooooh”’s and laughter. I believe Obadiah’s reaction was “Dude, you remind her of her little brother.”
-Getting assaulted at the marketplace. Oh man Eric you almost got away with a LOT of stuff.
-Scott’s merchant asking Sophie if she would like to buy a ballista. Only 60 easy payments of 1 gold each. Unfortunately shipping and handling through the hourglass was not included. L
-Jess’ spirit prophet lady encounter. Chazz looks right at me as his Sheik and says “SOMEONE needs to make this woman happy.” I was also almost in tears when she permanently sacrificed herself.
-All things Sherezad. Wow. Amelia you totally amaze me with every character you play. I loved your costuming and the eyes and the way you’d hiss at things. My first encounter with this spider scav was:
Sophie: Wow, you have very pretty eyes.
Sherezad: If you were a male I would have to kill you now.
Sophie: Uh…. Why?
Sherezad: For giving me such a compliment. Do your people not kill and eat their mates?
Sophie: Um… er…. Well… actually no.
And then later deciding that I might have to take a page out of Sherezad’s book when it came to dealing with males. Hehe.
-Kelsey. Holy cow girl you totally rock my world. From badass amazon chick to Rakshasa mouthpiece to submissive kuani slave you are definite the tizzight!
-Speaking of Kuani, freeing an entire race from enslavement is definitely a hightlight! Or at least getting the ball rolling. So we roll in, sneaking around, gassing down guards and finally we get to the last remaining Kuani male. The guys are fighting the last of the guards while I go over to him.
Sophie: Hey. It’s ok. You need to come with us now.
Kuani: Huh? What’s going on?
Sophie: We’re here to take you back to your people.
Kuani: *looks completely confused and frightened*
Sophie: *looks down at him and holds out her hand to help him up* I’m Man-at-arms Sophia Dawne. We’re here to rescue you.
Kuani: *chokes back laughter then later asks* Aren’t you a little short for a soldier?
-The Sunday night dungeon crawl! Wow. Getting to go on an actual dungeon crawl IG was totally awesome. The only thing that sucked was not being able to see in the dark. At one point I was facing off against Henry and I told him “Dude, just so you know, I cannot see you at all.” And then I promptly hit him in the head. Sorry dude.
I will probably post more because this was such an awesome event with so many cool moments. Thank you so much Brian, Renee, Paul, Gary, Matt and anyone else I forgot for bringing us so much awesomeness. I know that John was proud of what we accomplished there. I had as much fun talking to people from other chapters as I did trying to handle the insane plotlines.
Thank you NPC’s, especially Jesse, Alex, Kelsey and whoever was playing the Kajeed guys (Sorry I don’t remember your names!) Jesse and Alex are a terrifying combo. No unconscious person is safe in their presence! Kelsey, when you came out as the mouthpiece I felt like I had walked into a Saw movie. You were that crazy creepy.
Ok, I know there’s more. Hopefully I’ll post them later but this is good for now.