National Event Favorites

Let me just say that this National event REALLY lived up to my hopes and expectations of what would actually make up a national event. PC's from nearly every chapter in the Alliance, every single race, and the huge number of different teams and colors they displayed there. Being one of the people who has actually played in almost as many chapters as are represented it was really nice to be able to know so many people and introduce people.

Being able to actually roll with a decent number of folks on my team (The Phalanx) while at an away event was really fun.

Saturday morning going into the Stone Elf's mind and participating in a really awesome double hook that basically allowed 1 NPC plot guy to entertain almost 24 PC's by using us against each other was great.

Evoc'ing down spiders, and beholder guardians, and all sorts of stuff with the other Wand users was fun. Wands ftw.

Dark Elf Panthergast's both nights. Blasting down the one Sat night without taking off my cloak, and then seeing Drez in trouble Sun night and rushing strait into channeling spells at it until it fell. Brian bender you are a CHAMP for playing all those things.

Rear guard watching the Rakshasa and then once he rifted out going up and seeing the battering ram, it seriously looked like Braveheart, was awesome.

And then of course, the Drako-Litch was amazing. Having an NPC set up as the tail for which Backstabs were allowed to be used was fantastic and wonderful that they didn't hose Rogues the way they are sometimes hosed on multi NPC things. And then of course having the tail swing massive too made so much sense, you dart in for a few blows and then try to leap back before you get smashed by the massive dragon tail.

Very epic final battle and the final push through the portal to take down the Rakshasa and some Litches helping him was fairly epic as well. Fighting against literally a rain of deadly packets was awesome until we finally broke through.

I had tons of fun hanging out with all the various PC's that I hung out with this weekend and if I started naming names I wouldn't do justice to the ones I missed. So huge thanks to everyone, and especially those folks writing, running, and bleeding for this event.

I believe we have truly had a totally unique national feeling event with a great representation of the Alliance. I kinda wish it didn't have to end...
Dreamingfurther said:
Dark Elf Panthergast's both nights. Blasting down the one Sat night without taking off my cloak, and then seeing Drez in trouble Sun night and rushing strait into channeling spells at it until it fell. Brian bender you are a CHAMP for playing all those things.

You don't give me enough credit. That wasn't me in trouble, that was me in a glorious fun as hell battle....Thanks Brian for giving me the top most highlight for the weekend.

Roleplaying my character did not allow me to see most of the things that happened but I most definitely loved the Ball Bearing mod.....I broke character so much because I just could not stop laughing (oog personal memories kept appearing)
I was waiting all weekend to see the Dracolich and my fortannis that was Unbelievably awesome! Thank you crossroads. (I wish the hold wasn't called when I got knocked into the rock because that would have looked awesome on film)

Getting mad at Lok all weekend for running off with the staff.

Getting captured by the collectors (I WAS FIXING SOME RANDOM PACKETS!!!!!) In game realizing how a slip in judgment send a wave of events rippling through the beginning half of Sunday.

Enjoying a weekend with Eldarion.

Ballbearing spawling before final mod....That saved everyone from the length to set up the mod (not implying anything, I know how long it takes sometimes)

Most Importantly getting to participate in the National Event. It so nice to see the vastness of people and ages that play this game. It will continue to bring enjoyment for years and years to come and my only regret is that I unfortunately cannot make it to most of the chapters.

- Andrew R. Cameron
A few more things that I remember:

-Fighting the Biata panthergast, and wondering after the fight..."Why the hell did I only use one sword?"

-Conversations in the green circle during Holds.

-Lowbie module! Holy crap were there a lot of lower level folks out this weekend. I was expecting a group of twelve it easily became a group of twenty maybe more.

-Riding the blue dragon to and from logistics on Sunday night.

-The dragons hoard, to the gentlemen running the shop, you are amazing. Excellent customer service.

-Learning dragon poker and getting wiped out but having fun playing it none the less. Definately an interesting game and a fun variation over the more well known card games.
Okay! My turn!

Talent Show, specifically the "Rattlin' Bog". Still can't get that song out of my head. Thank you performers, that was unforgettable.

"Holy crap it's a...wait a sec...are those Bullet Bill eyes?!" :lol:

The Gypsy pantherghast. No matter what happened, every time just walking back shouting "Yala Romana!" all victorious...that was sweet.

Romani! SO many Romani! Luca, Adryanos, Gigi, Nigel, Maxwell, Kerjal, Ket, Larien, and I'll even count Gregor in on that one, LOVED hanging out with you guys.

Kissing booth with the girls in town! That was good times.

Telling "Pinocchio" in the Rez circle with Tets. "I'll kill the next wooden golem I lay eyes on!" :D

All things high orc and ogre that event. "War, Good Gah y'all! What is he good for? Getting Marce to parties!" :P

Watching Gorka and Tarquaq fight...SO cute!

Trepanning skulls in the tavern to get bugs out. I haven't had so much fun with my COs as I did right then!

Using "CO: Coroner" to de-stinkify Skull-***-tick's cat!

Timothy "Tee moh tae" Brightmore. Marcena, feeling utterly worthless and like she had let down her whole family and here comes this random man with a present for her saying that she did something awesome and saved this guy and that her actions were didn't know it, but you nearly moved her to tears.

Libras, the stone elf with a heart of gold. Varda is always open for you, friend. ^_^

Mother/Son RP and Tarquaq getting feebleminded and no one figuring out what was going on.

Tavernball! I was outside watching, but it was fun to watch and take bets. ^_^

Sing along with Luca and Larien! (Marcena sings "Carry on Wayward Son") Bystander: "You...gypsified Kansas?" Marcena: "Yaye. Is OUR Kansas now!"

RP with Luka and Raif. Finally getting to say what Marce had bottled up for years.

Final battle! Shooting over the people with shields to hit others on the other side. Brilliant "storming the fort" plans!

Hanging out with Enan. I do that every event, but it's always nice. ^_^

Puzzle time with Gypsies! All the time I spent hanging out with you guys, I really felt like Marcena had familia. :D

Meeting new people and seeing those I haven't seen since the week long when I was a wee lass of third level.

Marcena's shiny new wife! :P

Smores with Raven and sarr lady!

Spiders! I can't believe they left their hole unguarded long enough for gypsy ladies to kick it shut.

Tavern food was amazing! Thank you guys!

Speaking of which, thank you plot people, logistics, NPCs, everyone who came out from very far away, all of you guys were wonderful, I can't think of a single thing I didn't like about the event. I was kept busy at every moment with either player RP or NPCs coming out as something to fight...seriously, it was freakin' wonderful and I'll be talking about what happened there for years.

i can't get over the RP encounter i had with Paul as the Raksasha's minion. sure there were 1/2-3/4 of a dozen other people there, but i felt like it was all about harbors far, it was something i was so invested in...
Here we go:

1. Christina Velderman is one in a million. She is the Black Lion to Alliance LARP's Voltron. Her combination of grace, intelligence and charisma can move mountains.
2. Things got rocky in the beginning (I don't think anyone can truly prepare for a weekend like this...) But many extraordinary people stepped up to the plate and said, "Hell no.... this game is gonna run." Thank you to all of those extraordinary people.
3. I learned more about myself as a LARPer this weekend than I have ever learned in a single event. I felt like a walk on at a Division 1 College football team. I spent a good portion of the weekend gawking in awe at the amazing players from around the country. It was an honor to be present among what I would consider to be some of the truly best our players have to offer in the area of role play, combat and casting.
4. Polearms. I'm normally the ONLY Polearm in town back in CT. I was so happy to see so many.
5. I had already met some of the west coast players art the Tournament of Champions a few years back... and it was great to see Polare and Gregor again.... ( was completely shocked to see that Polare actually remembered me after only playing with me once!)
6. The Phalanx. We were the few and the proud.... but we did some amazing things. Well done guys. I'm proud of you.
7. Thank you to the orcs and gypsies for helping to provide such a rich atmosphere for our game this weekend.
8. Within 10 hours I was smashed to pieces by a giant beach ball, shot at while using a battering ram and munched by a Dracolich.... (oh and the night before I went toe to toe with a beholder).... HOLY CRAP that was epic!
9. "I fought the ball and the... ball WON!"
10. "No one dies on safari...."
11. I'd like to send out a special thank you to Kyrie for putting up with my uncontrollable need to play super hero for the entirety of the final encounter.

Lastly, I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who took held up their drive home and either checked on Dan and I or stopped to try to help fix his tire issue. Nothing that happened at this event embodied this organization's unity than the outpouring of support from our fellow players. It took some time, but ultimately we were back on the road and moving within a few hours. Thank you all!
I had a lot of good times this weekend, above and beyond all. my favorite part of the weekend was both seeing old friend and making new friends with some fantastic people from around the country. The leadup to this event was truly a lot more work than anticipated but in a way the process was fun in its own right. There were a lot of fun things for me this weekend

-The RP/Diplomacy and all the social tension came off the way it was planned. 2 cultures clashing together is bound to create some arguments, when one of the diplomats rezzes it can really lead to awesome RP and it did.

-Lok/Naomi/Sylvos- Wow that was a lot of fun, bittersweet but very heroic actions, I think it came out just right.

-Battering Ram...We had a fort gate, I would have never forgiven myself had I not used it.

-Ball Bearing Mod- Looked like so much fun, I couldnt stop laughing.

-"Knight First King Second"

-"JP why are you not off the field" " I regenned, that all you got bitch?" "oh awesome"

-Tom Andary/Casan for confirming that Sylvos wasnt himself by asking him if he could heal him. Great pick up of a clue most would have missed.

-Draco-Lich Fight was a lot of fun " Missed.... well you missed me I dont know if you hit someone else...." only to find out later I did. (oops :( )

-Elk Duel with Rupert great job NPCs and good job Rupert diffusing a potentially nasty plotline.

-Brian Benders 1 man Panthergast show.

-Bardic Competition was great thanks to all who watched or participated.

- Low level dot mod... man that was exhausting but so much fun.

So Many More including monster camp hijinks of the funiest sort:

-Justin D- Trash talking with you is the best.

-"Its a bit rought right now but I think well make it"

- And by far one of the best/worst moments of the event goes to Bill Gibbs and Will from NJ for playing the best prank on me at a time where I needed to let steam vent for a minute. Some of you down at PC camp apperantly heard the ranting that ensued and might be wondering what would drive me to swear that much in so little time so here I am with an explanation:

My car keys were left in the ignition with a car door ajar on Friday night by someone who borrowed it to get a prop for me. Come Saturday the battery was dead and I kept looking for someone with jumper cables to give me a jump. Bill and Will finally managed to get the cables on sunday about 2 hrs before the big final battle. While I am in monster camp trying to finalize some details with Scott E and Brian Bender they walk in to inform me that my battery is dead and both begin to take guesses as to what it might be and the fact that I will need to push the car to the parking lot and may need to call a tow on Monday. After a 3 day weekend that is the worst of news. They then take me outside to my perfectly working car.... I about killed them both but am now glad they gave me a moment of levity before the huge mod sunday night. Thanks to you both your both awesome and great liars. :D Now you all also know why I was howling all sorts of names at these two on Sunday... all in good fun thanks guys.

Im sure I missed a bunch of stuff...I am still tired from the event.

One of my rules about traveling to games is that if I don't get at least twice the amount of hours play as I do traveling to the game, it isn't worth it. Well this one was well worth it and then some.

Getting rolled less than 20 minutes into the game. That'll teach me not to be on my guard the moment I step into game
Meeting the various players playing their races and watching my poor gypsy wife trying to get the stone elves to smile.
Chatting up the Rakasha. Kinda a bit eerie how Scott can turn from a friend during the holds with chatter into a cold, alien evil during the lay ons.
Performing my fire eating routine. It was a bit rushed but I hadn't done it in such a long time. Oh, and the laugh I had when Mike Webb said, "Go ahead and do what you want with it. I trust you know what you're doing."
Becoming the Peaks Postal service for an east coast PC who moved into the SF chapter. Should have charged some postal fees...
The puzzles - I am so glad that the NPC allowed me to see the answer to one of them as it would STILL be driving me nuts. Dang denominators.
Made a few new friends, chatted with some long lost ones and all in all don't regret the 6000+ mile round trip to the game.
I just have to say that I dislike the state of Pennsylvania for being between CT and Nationals. 9+ hours each way :P

-seeing everyone enjoy the ball bearing. The fact that all the Xroads staff members and players who were playing alternate characters heard the "There's a giant ball crashing through the forest killing everything!" and were suddenly interested in investigating! The fact that Tab and Will can entertain 30+ PCs with an inflatable ball and a bag of packets will never cease to amaze me.

-EC plot baddies showing up. "It's the herdsbane! Separate yourselves and he won't attack! OHGOD! It's Big Red! BACKPACK THE HERDSBANE!" which followed Avalon screaming my name as she ran from the cerebral devourer, and all the non NH players willing to dive through the portal. The NH players going "Have fun storming the castle, we'll be here to put you back together when you get back. Anyone have a mark/unmark scroll or 12?"

-Pig roaster. Most of my male friends had to be dissuaded from jumping in headfirst. Jesse, I want one of those for CT.

-Rupert shenanigans, Drenten discussions, and the realization that I must be one scary b*tch cuz every time I started yelling or putting my foot down, people listened to me. Crazy.

-Listening to the Karid refer to my friends by nicknames, and the fact that two NPCs who played them two years ago remembered so much about the interactions that were had was amazing. Please come verbally abuse people in CT or NH.

-Scott as the Rakshasa. "Arcane enslavement." Me: "Bane!" Scott: "Ah, Phedre, you got smarter! Arcane enslavement." Me: "Dodge." Scott: "Tricky. You're much harder to convince this time." Then a charm storm. This is why most of my LCO Rits were dodges.

-Bill Hawkins' black bug. 5 "10 Death"s, which were met with "Magic armor, got it, got it, got it, Bane." The look as he went down was great... Bugs are not immune to death. Ha!

-Arriving on site and hearing about everything that needed to be done and deciding that helping Christina was the best course of action and having the GPS take us past Staples to get to Staples. Sean, Rachel and Christina made the best of a hurried, stressful situation and made it fun.

-Sleeping inside a ward inside a ward inside a ward inside a ward. Rakshasa make the Hunt paranoid.

-Finding out that a bunch of orcs stood around thier campsite trying to whistle because I told Tra'kad I'd give him 10 gold if he could do it. Pointa did, and it was the best 10 gold I've ever spent.
I just wanted to start by saying that I had a great time this event and wish we could all get together more often. It was awesome seeing everyone again and meeting those that I hadn't before. Thanks to all the PCs and NPCs that made the event ultra fun!

Here's a few of my favorites.

~Overprotective polearm wielding elves. Could be good on most days, not good for PR.

~Surprising people by showing up when no one knew your were coming IG.

~Remembering that I forgot all the magic I learned from Kerjal and Polare and the look on Polare's face when I told him.

~Reuniting with my IG brother's ex and having her return his trinket. IG felt like a punch in the face but OOG I understood.

~Raven (in his golem) "They said they wouldn't kiss me" (referring to the kissing booth) Me "I would" Raven Pause "Really?" Me "Yeah" Raven "Cool!"

~Strategically placed wands and the fact that I actually used my wand charges.

~If you ever wanna feel safe... sleep in a ward, in a ward, in a ward, in a ward. ZzZzZz.

~Hobling pantherghast, "I summon a force to disarm your hobling!" "No effect" "oh yeah, I'm not a hobling"

~Casan's sword hurts.... but he's always lookin out for me in the end.

~Alavatar realizing what it means to be immune to ingested poisons.

~Whose bright idea was it to give the elemental blade to the Biata?

~The bardic competition was sweet, But I wanted to hear the rest of Polare's Song.

~Emotional RP, I love that part of the game and glad that people get into it.

~Riddick, I would fight along side him and pick him back up any day!

~Luka Thargathian

~The H.O.G., The O.E.F. and my 2 person group in terms of treasure.

~Naia pouches, they put you in debt but are worth it!

I want to thank you all again for making this event enjoyable. It takes the PCs and NPCs and Staff all to make a game like this take off and to make sure that we all have a good time. I will miss all of you who are long time friends and all those who are new friends. Let's do it again sometime!

Eldandiril said:
~Riddick, I would fight along side him and pick him back up any day!

Aww shucks.

I had a blast playing with you this weekend too!

I'd like to thank everyone who had a hand in bringing this event together because I had a blast.
Meeting new people was one of the highlights of the trip, but I will always hold the ball bearing mod in a special spot in my heart. Awesome. There are so many points that I would love to cover, but instead of writing it all out and making this way too long to read I will just say "Thank you!' and hope that expresses my gratitude for the weekend I just experienced.
Take care,
aka Naomi
"...some people started holding it not knowing what it was..."
DracoIam said:
"some people started holding it not knowing what it was"

No the hold your talking about was called for a reason though you might not understand it.
It was called for a combat roles clarification that effected most of the npcs.
I'm pretty sure it was sung for more than one hold *XD
Janzin said:
DracoIam said:
"some people started holding it not knowing what it was"

No the hold your talking about was called for a reason though you might not understand it.
It was called for a combat roles clarification that effected most of the npcs.

Heather you do know that she is sing the "hold song".... :) she is not say people didnt understand or what not...
I finally have a free moment to post these:

Seeing people I haven't seen in a while, some for two-five years. It was great to see you all again.

The talent competition. Even though it was broken up a couple of times, I really did have a good time and was entertained by you all. Good job. It was also nice to be able to enjoy some of the songs while not playing my primary (who would have been mortified if she heard The Scotsman). I spent the last few mins singing Rattlin Bog just to finnish it as I know it (add on about 5 verses). Oh, and anything with fire wins :)

The are you two actually brother and sister issue. That was just too funny (and really creepy)

Slave mod. I was so scared for about 10 seconds that we were going to end up killing you all.

Sweeping the dirt off the stoop and the wind kept blowing it back on. People's reactions to it was hilarious.

Bender and all the panthergasts.

"So I figured out how I could take over your Barony in a month. All I need is a wheelbarrow and a ton of brownies."

My lord getting in dept to a rom 5 min after being ig.

The whole issue of finding out the ambassitor was enslaved. Jen didn't know that part of the writeup so it was great to play that out. The failed waylay and then the spike the drink method. Poor grobe could smell it, but couldn't tell what it was.

Naomi. Def enjoyed the baroness' interaction with her. I actually thought you were possoming when you went down. I was also expecting to get rolled by your group when I told them you were in the circle.

Bugs. I think I love them because I've never been on the pc's end of them :) The reaction when they saw BRB was great.

Giant ball berring and before runnning down to hook the pcs trying to jump on it. Coolest thing I've seen in a very long time. I especially love the eyes on it.

"I've got something that can help with that in my car" "what????"

Herdsbane. Bill, you have mastered being cute. Between that and how you play Kanio (sp) you win.

There were plenty more, but the list is getting long. Can't wait to play the next one!