Gypsies are a very loud, colorful, and passionate race of people and can be any class you want. The only race with real restriction on class is a hobling for which you cannot be a fighter. For gypsies, you have racial gypsy curse which leads to awesome RP if done right. Each gypsy curse costs 2 build per. Gypsies must wear loud and colorful clothing and speak with an accent (no english accents). What really differentiates gypsies from any other class is their familial bonds. Think of it as being part of the largest extended family in the world. Every other gypsy is "brother" or "sister" or even "mother" or "father". Every gypsy treats one another as family. It doesn't mean that they all get along with each other, no more than all brothers and sisters get along all the time. But it does mean that gypsies accept one another as kin and treat each other as such. Unless marime is declared, but that is something I could talk to you about if you're interested in playing a gypsy.