nebbie: NPC vs. PC

Gypsies are a very loud, colorful, and passionate race of people and can be any class you want. The only race with real restriction on class is a hobling for which you cannot be a fighter. For gypsies, you have racial gypsy curse which leads to awesome RP if done right. Each gypsy curse costs 2 build per. Gypsies must wear loud and colorful clothing and speak with an accent (no english accents). What really differentiates gypsies from any other class is their familial bonds. Think of it as being part of the largest extended family in the world. Every other gypsy is "brother" or "sister" or even "mother" or "father". Every gypsy treats one another as family. It doesn't mean that they all get along with each other, no more than all brothers and sisters get along all the time. But it does mean that gypsies accept one another as kin and treat each other as such. Unless marime is declared, but that is something I could talk to you about if you're interested in playing a gypsy.
Marcena said:
Gypsies must wear loud and colorful clothing and speak with an accent (no english accents)

The accent depends on chapter. Most use the standard pseudo-Eastern European accent. On eof my first events had some gypsies from California (SF?) and they had Scottish accents. In their chapter I think each gypsy clan had a different accent. So, though an English accent doesn't necessariy make sense IRL it doesn't really violate the gypsy accent rule.
thankyou for the info. i think i'm gonna start with MWE at my first event and if it doesn't go well i will switch to a gypsy. that's legal right? i get one event to decide if i want to switch characters or not?
Switch to dark elf! :D You even get to laugh if you feel like it!

(Dam you Mike... -_-) ;) Eldarion webbed Telock strait up first thing in that spellcasters dual so thats all I have to say for DE vs. SE... :D

Pyro727 said:
Marcena said:
Nooo! Just about every pc in Wayside is a MWE! Go gypsy! They LOOOOVE gypsies in Wayside! ^_^

Marcena! That's not nice. She is new to the game lol! Poor poor Gypsies.

That said I've only played my Dark Elf once, but really enjoyed the RP.

Indeed Dark Elves are well worth the makeup if you can. But there should be a nice bunch of Dark Elves if your planning on playing the next Chicago game the end of October. So you can get a good look at us there. Be prepared though, the intense starts the minute you pull out the makeup... :)

Just for a count of DE's I think should be at the next Chicago game...

Eldarion (me)
Nanashi (Josh)
New C-Templar (my friend Andrew)
Ryuhoshi (Robbie)
+ maybe your wife Robbie?

I wasn't sure if she did a Dark Elf too. What classes did you guys pick anyways. Nanashi and I both have full 4 columns and my friend Andrew is going to be a C-Templar (but he is low low level) so we are pretty Celestial heavy. But thats not really a bad thing. =)
Do you really hate to break it to him? :D

Its all good.


I think you might have a blast as either a gypsie or a MWE. You might also wanna spend a bit of time thinking about Hoblings and Scavengers.... as they are some oft forgotten very fun races with some very cool RP.
jnelson said:
On the other hand, got the new prosthetic in and it is MUCH nicer

Which one did you get?

---Mike E.
Yes, I am playing a dark elf now as well--Kurayami. I debated when I made my first character on making a dark elf, but I didn't think I could handle the make-up. But I have to say, rp-wise I had a blast at the last event with my dark elf. I've played dark elves in pretty much every rpg imagineable, from pen & paper D&D to mmorpg's. It will be awesome to be around more dark elves the next event!
opps sry, Jeromy it is then ^_^ I'm very happy to have Sasha anyways, I love beefy fighters, and a fighter with lots of weapons fits Josh better anyways. ;) And I wanted to talk to him more about his army or whatnot that you are both members of.
jnelson said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
Which one did you get?

Went with a small bear muzzle from NorthFur. Going to give it a trial run probably early next week. Just looking at it, it should fit better, the foam is better quality, paint job is much better, etc.

You still might have people thinking you're something other than a panda with that one. I thought you might have gone for the bear/dog nose, the one they have done up as a panda.
Telokh_Amdo said:
You still might have people thinking you're something other than a panda with that one. I thought you might have gone for the bear/dog nose, the one they have done up as a panda.

Well, that would be up to them to ask, then. I only had the problem at National, and then it was really only with people I had -told- several times. I just don't really liek the way the bear/dog nose looks too unfinished without the lower piece.

The pieces on the new one that came in are much smaller, the nose itself much shorter than the other. The lower portion isn't nearly as bulky, and basically just brings the jawline forward so the two pieces meet about evently. We'll see how it looks when I actually attach it instead of holding it up.