PASS New 2.1 Added Rituals and Changes

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Jack Y.

Assistant General Manager

New 2.1 Rituals and Changes​

The rituals in this thread will break down what is being added and changed to go live on July 01, 2024.

How this is organized:

There were 3 "batches" of rituals that all launched and closed on the same day, with a short discussion period beforehand. In the first two batches, owners had time and discretion to pull some rituals for individual vote and discussion during the voting period. The third batch was all individual votes, and contained changes to existing rituals.

All of the rituals that passed are contained within the PDF for download and perusal.

Votes for each Batch Vote (where applicable) and rituals pulled for vote will have their vote breakdown, vote percentage, and synopsis of conversation listed for each batch.

Batch 1​

These rituals were put forward by ARC for commentary by owners and an opportunity to pull aside rituals for further conversation, vote submitted March 29, 2024 and completed April 12, 2024. This set is summarized here: Link to Post

Batch 2​

These rituals were put forward by ARC for commentary by owners and an opportunity to pull aside rituals for further conversation, vote submitted April 26, 2024 and completed May 10, 2024. This set is summarized here: Link to Post

Batch 3 - Reworks, Last Call, and Changes​

These rituals were put forward by ARC for commentary by owners before vote, vote submitted May 24, 2024 and completed June 7, 2024. This set is summarized here: Link to Post


Rituals in Bulk Vote Batch 1:​

  1. Amplified Circle [General]
  2. Empowered Meditation [Celestial]
  3. Ghoulish Grimoire [Necromancy]
  4. Greater Metamorphosis [General]
  5. Portable Circle of Power [General]
  6. Portal of Summoning [Celestial]
  7. Spirit Loop [General]
  8. Spirit Temper [General]
  9. Steal Strength [Necromancy]
  10. Unification Source [General]
Summary: This is a bulk ritual vote for new rituals to be added to 2.1.

Vote: New 2.1 Rituals: Bulk Vote [PASS - 100%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: None

Synopsis of conversations: Some rituals were pulled aside for separate votes and conversation. Please see table below for individual passing rituals, and New 2.1 Rituals: Failed Vote Multi-Item Thread.

Individual Passing Rituals, Batch 1​

The summaries for these votes, and their vote breakdown, will be included in the post for each vote as listed below.

Individual Passing Rituals:​

  1. Deflecting Resistance [Celestial]
  2. Energized Weapon [Celestial]
  3. Enhanced Discipline [General]
  4. Evocation Feedback [Celestial]
  5. Foundation's Form [Celestial]
  6. Mighty Imbuement [General]
  7. Partial Refit [Celestial]
  8. Restorative Resistance [General]
  9. Transmute Catalyst [General]

Deflecting Resistance​

Summary: Add ritual "Deflecting Resistance" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Deflecting Resistance [PASS - 70%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Virginia, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Wisconsin, Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations: Concerns raised included further opening of opportunities for martial and stealth classes to have overlap with scholarly skills with the application of banes at the cost of racial resists. Clarification was given to a concern that the ritual would allow any resist to be used to bane any effect group or qualifier, as the ritual states the resist used must normally be able to stop the effect.

Energized Weapon​

Summary: Add ritual "Energized Weapon" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Energized Weapon [PASS - 63.6%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Virginia, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations: Concerns raised included further opening of opportunities for martial and stealth classes to have overlap with scholarly skills, and making "scholar in the pocket" Magic Items. It was seen as a boost to martial classes at the expense of Celestial scholars, and a place for lingering spells to be dumped into an item prior to logistics turnover. The potential of applying it to a source rather than a weapon was offered.

Enhanced Discipline​

Summary: Add ritual "Enhanced Discipline" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Enhanced Discipline [PASS - 100%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: None

Synopsis of conversations: There was no conversation regarding this ritual after the ARC meeting for questions, answers, and clarifications with the membership.

Evocation Feedback​

Summary: Add ritual "Evocation Feedback" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Evocation Feedback [PASS - 90%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Wisconsin

Synopsis of conversations: Member was concerned that no other effect in the game requires the use of Body Points to raise damage amounts, and found it cost prohibitive to place this restriction on a ritual for scholarly classes, which have less body. An alternative was raised that would be similar to Critical Attack for Spark and to allow Slay or Assassinate to be applied to Celestial scholars.

Foundation’s Form​

Summary: Add ritual "Foundation’s Form" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Foundation’s Form [PASS - 80%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Las Vegas, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Wisconsin, California-Arizona

Synopsis of conversations: Membership raised concerns regarding players selectively remembering the positive aspects of the ritual and ignoring detriments, and remarked that giving immunities was a major factor in the removal of Construct bodies from PCs in previous rules iterations. Another concern raised was regarding the drawbacks of the ritual to include vulnerability to Subjugate as a construct or elemental without immunity to Command effects, and reiterating that immunities can allow players to negate danger in an encounter.

Regarding concerns about detriments of the ritual being ignored, the makeup makes the use of Foundation's Form visible and obvious, with the remedy of Marshals being empowered to remind players. The previous era constructs were also given multiple sets of damage immunity and multiple effect immunities in a repeatable and extendable package, whereas Foundation's Form was built to be limited to one event and share vulnerabilities from being a mortal and being an elemental. With the narrative basis of Foundation's Form having the target take on aspects of being an elemental while remaining mortal, the mechanics give the target some of the less favorable interactions as a form of game balance.

If a game presents PCs with preparation time and a heads up that the fight they are going into can be tipped with rituals rituals such as Ritual of WoE and Foundation's Form are intended to be devastating to opponents and reward players for their preparation time and resources spent.

Mighty Imbuement​

Summary: Add ritual "Mighty Imbuement" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Mighty Imbuement [PASS - 63.6%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Northeast Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Virginia, Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations: Concerns included magic items duplicating scholarly abilities, and being perceived as a better version of Healing/Chaos Imbuement, Elemental Imbuement, and Magic Imbuement, rendering those rituals moot and making the effect passive with the expenditure of daily skills. Membership continues to disagree with "scholar in your pocket" rituals. Preference was raised toward making the ritual a per-logistics period activation.

Partial Refit​

Summary: Add ritual "Partial Refit" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Partial Refit [PASS - 70%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Wisconsin, Virginia

Synopsis of conversations: Member voiced their opinion that they did not see the point of the ritual and a concern that it would negate the need for armor patches. A clarification was given that Armor Patches do not fix partial amounts of armor, but add bonus armor to the end of the refit.

Restorative Resistance​

Summary: Add ritual "Restorative Resistance" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Restorative Resistance [PASS - 90%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Wisconsin

Synopsis of conversations: Member voiced concern about spell mimicking effects being given broader use to people who do not pay for spells themselves, particularly the Dispel effect and its potential impact on Celestial scholars, as well as a refrain against putting scholarly skills into Magic Items.

Transmute Catalyst​

Summary: Add ritual "Transmute Catalyst" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Transmute Catalyst [PASS - 54.5%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, California-Arizona, Virginia, Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations: Membership raised concerns about the impact of Transmute Catalyst allowing free reign for procurement of catalysts, with the worry that it would negate the need for catalysts at all, with emphasis toward Plot Team and local staff knowing what catalysts may be necessary or unnecessary to drop into game. The possibility that this ritual would be used chiefly for changing catalysts to Permanent Duration and Regeneration catalysts was of particular concern. Issues regarding the agency of chapters being able to control what comes into their game was of note.

Clarification was offered that as a Manipulation scroll, Transmute Catalyst does not travel to other chapters. If the catalyst produced is part of a ritual that can travel, however, it will be valid to be used with a scroll from the appropriate chapter. The combined cost of the scroll and components exceeds the treasure value of a catalyst itself and should not impose explosive risk to the local catalyst economy, especially with its difficulty to copy since it requires a catalyst for the purposes of Copy Ritual Scroll. The intent of the ritual is to allow players to utilize treasure they may otherwise sit on indefinitely by turning it into something they will use.

Member related that since it will not travel and local chapters can choose not to drop it as treasure, the ritual being in existence would not impact chapters who choose not to add it to their treasure policy - voting it down would prevent members who see the value of Transmute Catalyst from using it. The point was raised that chapters putting out Transmute Catalyst sets unfair expectations for players of chapters where it will not be put into game, causing frustration and friction with customers.

As a counterpoint, the upside was raised that this ritual promotes using Permanent Duration scrolls on things other than Regeneration, allowing for easier access to the creation of Permanent weapons, sources, spellbooks, and other items and reducing Item Recall enchanted "team swords" chapter hopping and causing item bloat. They posited that careful balancing from ARC limits potential for abuse, and its inability to travel limits impact on neighboring chapters.

Rituals in Bulk Vote Batch 2:​

  1. Bloodthirst [Earth/Necromancy]
  2. Critical Combined Strike [General]
  3. Defensive Buffer [General]
  4. Duplicating Evocation [Celestial]
  5. Elemental Embodiment [Celestial]
  6. Encryption/Decryption [General]
  7. Healing Grace/Horrific Recovery [Earth/Necromancy]
  8. Improved Flexible Casting [General]
  9. Intercepting Reflex [Celestial]
  10. Lesser Renewal [General]
  11. Mending Resolution [Celestial]
  12. Mercurial Weapon [General]
  13. Opportune Rebirth [Earth]
  14. Planar Weapon [General]
  15. Racial Transmogrification [Earth]
  16. Rapid Recollection [General]
  17. Relentless Mettle [General]
  18. Reliable Channeling [General]
  19. Sanguine Sacrifice [Earth]
  20. Shared Imbuement [General]
  21. Strength from Guile [General]
  22. Suppress Ritual Magic [Celestial]
  23. Tempered Armor [Celestial]
  24. Undeath Denied [Earth]

Summary: This is a bulk ritual vote for new rituals to be added to 2.1.

Vote: New 2.1 Rituals: Bulk Vote [PASS - 80%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania

Synopsis of conversations: Some rituals were pulled aside for separate votes and conversation. Please see table below for individual passing rituals, and New 2.1 Rituals: Failed Vote Multi-Item Thread.

Votes against included conversation regarding quarterly meetings to provide greater understanding and direction through the design process in lieu of bulk votes, as well as reservations about there being an appetite for the effects as put forward.

Individual Passing Rituals, Batch 2​

The summaries for these votes, and their vote breakdown, will be included in the post for each vote as listed below.

Individual Passing Rituals:​

  1. Call to Ages Past [General]
  2. Charge Transfer [General]
  3. Homunculus [Celestial]
  4. Planar Sanctum [Celestial]
  5. Prismatic Protection [General]
  6. Ritualist's Gambit [General]
  7. Scour Necromantic Magic/Spoil Earth Magic [Earth/Necromancy]

Call to Ages Past​

Summary: Add ritual "Call to Ages Past" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Call to Ages Past [PASS - 80%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Virginia, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Northeast Pennsylvania, Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations: Votes against focused majorly on concerns regarding impact to a limited knowledgeable pool of NPCs and makeup requirements that may impact the monster camp's ability to supply a proper experience. The question was also raised of what design space this occupies that other Divination rituals such as Vision, Lore, and Resonance does not that will be beneficial enough to warrant its inclusion. Another concern raised was that it may impact story items that plot wishes to keep concealed. Other questions regarding compulsion of the spirit to answer questions were answered and clarified.

Clarification was offered that the rep requirements for the spirit summoned for discussion not being guaranteed to be the target's race, and that as a Divination ritual this new ritual will not impact chapters that do not wish to put it into their games.

Charge Transfer​

Summary: Add ritual "Charge Transfer" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Charge Transfer [PASS - 60%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Virginia, Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations: Considerations raised included creating magic items that are merely potential batteries to pick and choose rituals from, transferring rituals off a valuable item and leaving it out of game to protect it from Destroy Formal Magic, passing negative or risky rituals off an item, or being used to circumvent ritual caps intended to keep certain rituals out of chapters. For the latter, clarification was offered that due to the transfer needing to be done during logistics, staff would have oversight. Since the item needs to be brought to the game and registered in order to transfer rituals at the time of logistics, the concern about transferring rituals off a valuable 20 ritual item and leaving it out of game for its protection can only extend as far as leaving the original item in a cabin.

The intent of the ritual to allow players who have big items to share the wealth and loan out portions of their items to less experienced players was reiterated as a clarification and boon.


Summary: Add ritual "Homunculus" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Homunculus [PASS - 88.9%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Virginia, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations: The only concern raised was the name of the ritual having religious or spiritual weight that runs counter to personal religious beliefs and potentially the no religion dictate of Alliance LARP.

Planar Sanctum​

Summary: Add ritual "Planar Sanctum" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Planar Sanctum [PASS - 100%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Virginia, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: None
The following chapters abstained from vote: Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations: No significant conversation occurred during voting.

Prismatic Protection​

Summary: Add ritual "Prismatic Protection" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Prismatic Protection [PASS - 100%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Virginia, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: None

Synopsis of conversations: No significant conversation occurred during voting.

Ritualist’s Gambit​

Summary: Add ritual "Ritualist's Gambit" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Ritualist's Gambit [PASS - 100%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Virginia, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: None

Synopsis of conversations: Membership approved, though the opportunity for Spirit to be added as a target was raised in conversation.

Scour Necromantic Magic/Spoil Earth Magic​

Summary: Add ritual "Scour Necromantic Magic/Spoil Earth Magic" to 2.1 on July 01, 2024.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Scour Necromantic Magic/Spoil Earth Magic [PASS - 50%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Virginia, Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations: Concerns included the ritual coming close to making necromancy legal with the potential of players holding on to necromantic items with the stated intention of using this ritual, and devaluing the potential taboo of necromancy. Another point raised was that membership was not convinced the addition of the ritual would add anything to their game, with a call for further conversation at regular meetings.

Another issue raised was that the ritual only "flips" rituals with both Earth and Necromancy aspects to the opposite option, with scattershot potential to remove some but not all necromantic effects on an item, making it a less effective necromancy recycler than it may seem at first blush. The potential of this ritual being channeled by a powerful NPC on a player was raised as a major pain point.

New 2.1 Rituals Round 3:​

The summaries for these votes, and their vote breakdown, will be included for each vote as listed below.

  1. Flexible Combined Strike [General]
  2. Mystical Malleability [General]
  3. Reshape Ritual Magic [General]
  4. Safe Return [Celestial]

Flexible Combined Strike​

Summary: Add New 2.1 Ritual, Flexible Combined Strike [PASS - 90.9% Yay]

New 2.1 Ritual: Flexible Combined Strike
The following chapters voted for this policy: Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads

Synopsis of conversations: No substantial conversation occurred, for or against.

Mystical Malleability​

Summary: Add New 2.1 Ritual, Mystical Malleability

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Mystical Malleability [PASS - 100%]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: None

Synopsis of conversations: All stated support expressed overwhelming enthusiasm. There were no arguments against.

Reshape Ritual Magic​

Summary: Add New 2.1 Ritual, Reshape Ritual Magic

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Reopen Ritual Batch [PASS - 90.9% Yay]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Virginia, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: None
The following chapters abstained from vote: Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations: There were no significant arguments for or against, but there is an appetite by membership to give the ritual a different, more immersive name. Name was previously "Reopen Ritual Batch" and was renamed via poll to a more diegetic name.

Safe Return​

Summary: Adds New 2.1 Ritual: Safe Return, a rework of the failed ritual from 2024 Ritual Batch 1.

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Safe Return [PASS - 54.5% Yay]
The following chapters voted for this policy: New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, California-Arizona, Virginia, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Atlanta, Minnesota, Atlanta
The following chapters abstained from vote: Las Vegas

Synopsis of conversations: Argument against expressed wariness about having a ritual in player hands that would allow for a group to rift out on a three count.

Ritual Change Proposals​

The summaries for these votes, and their vote breakdown, will be included for each vote as listed below. These changes will also take effect 07/01/2024

Individual Passing Rituals:​

  1. Copy Ritual Scroll [General]
  2. Memory Strike [General]
  3. Monster Slayer [Celestial]
  4. Perfect Riposte [General]

Copy Ritual Scroll​

Summary: Change language of Copy Ritual Scroll to add language that host chapter where the ritual is cast is responsible for generating the copied scroll, clarifying cases where the ritual is cast at a National or Regional event.

Vote: 2.1 Ritual Change Proposal: Copy Ritual Scroll [PASS - 100% Yay]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: None

Synopsis of conversations: No significant conversation occurred during vote.

Memory Strike​

Summary: This change just removes the requirement of casting the absorbed spell while inside of a Circle of Power, bringing it more in line with Spell Store, Energized Weapon, etc.

Vote: 2.1 Ritual Change Proposal: Memory Strike [PASS - 100% Yay]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: None

Synopsis of conversations: No significant conversation occurred during vote.

Monster Slayer​

Summary: This change adds a small benefit for the user delivering a killing blow against the appropriate creature type in the form of a free meditation session.

Vote: 2.1 Ritual Change Proposal: Monster Slayer [PASS - 45.5% Yay]
Note about passing: Nay was less than 50% of voting membership.

The following chapters voted for this policy: Northeast Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, California-Arizona
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Minnesota, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters abstained from vote: Las Vegas

Synopsis of conversations: Conversation included an appetite for more substantial change, if change is to be made at all, particularly in arguments against the change. Examples of more substantial change included giving a flat damage bonus, giving Monster Slayer the Body effect, allowing it to increase the effect of critical or back attacks, giving a set number of Weapon Doom effects toward the appropriate monster type, or giving the ritual a set amount of strikes toward the appropriate monster type. During this conversation, other members pointed out the difficulty of a player knowing based on appearance of the monster if it is an appropriate type, which may lead to confusion on the field. The remedy of announcing monster types present in a module was presented but was deemed unsatisfactory by another member who preferred the reactive nature of Monster Slayer to giving out of game information that players would not otherwise know. A further argument against was a flavor disconnect between Monster Slayer's intent and the addition of a free meditation.

Perfect Riposte​

Summary: This change allows a character to proc a use of Riposte or Feint by expending an appropriate defensive without needing to be hit first, cleaning up the clunky and immersion-breaking gameplay of “hit myself, call a parry, then use my riposte” that often occurs.

Vote: 2.1 Ritual Change Proposal: Perfect Riposte [PASS - 100% Yay]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: None

Synopsis of conversations: No significant conversation occurred during vote.
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