New 2.1 Rituals - Sneak Peaks! (FULL LIST!)

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Improved Flexible Casting​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Spellbook]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

By expending a charge of this Ritual when using the skill Flexible Casting, the Signature Spell generated by the bearer of the Target Spellbook will be the same level as the spell being converted.

This ritual requires a minimum of 2 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.
5:2 Reagents - 1 charge per Logistics Period
7:4 Reagents - 2 charges per Logistics Period
9:6 Reagents - 3 charges per Logistics Period


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Tempered Armor​

Catalyst Required:no
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Armor]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual grants the wearer of the Target Armor up to an additional 5 Incentive Armor Points. These points cannot be utilized to make the Armor Point value of the suit greater than either 62 or the value of the Armor Tag, and also cannot be used to exceed the wearer’s Maximum Armor Value.

A given Target Armor can only benefit from this Ritual once.

This ritual requires a minimum of 6 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Mighty Imbuement​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item <Weapon>
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:no
Role Play Only:no

This Ritual gives the wielder of the targeted weapon the option to add a preselected effect to any uses of Slay or Assassinate using this weapon.

This Ritual does not affect non-Slay or non-Assassinate weapon attacks or any other attack made with this weapon.

Valid Element Choices: Chaos, Healing, Flame, Ice, Lightning, Magic, Stone

If cast using Earth Aspected High Magic, the caster may, at the time the Ritual is cast, select between Healing or Chaos.. If cast using Celestial Aspected High Magic, the caster may, at the time the Ritual is cast, select between Stone, Lightning, Ice, Flame, or Magic.

By increasing the difficulty and component cost, the caster can add additional effect options for the targeted weapon’s wielder to select from. This choice may be made for each Slay or Assassinate used.

This ritual requires a minimum of 4 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.
7:4 Reagents - one effect may be selected
9:5 Reagents - two effects may be selected
11:6 Reagents - three effects may be selected
13:7 Reagents - four effects may be selected
15:8 Reagents - five effects may be selected


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Relentless Mettle​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item <Weapon>
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:no
Role Play Only:no

This Ritual allows the wielder of the targeted weapon to expend a use of the Mettle skill after a Martial skill they have used is defended against. The character must expend a use of the Mettle skill and 20 Body Points, and then immediately make another attack using the skill that was defended against, without needing to expend another use of that skill. You must have more than 20 Body Points to be able to use this Ritual effect and the amount of Body lost is not reduced by any other skill, ability, or effect.

Only a Martial attack that does not include a number may be utilized with this Ritual, and any additional skills or Rituals must be expended again for the second attack.

This Ritual may not be used with the Riposting Blow or Feint skills.

This ritual requires a minimum of 5 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Opportune Rebirth​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the Target Spirit to choose when during their death count to activate a Rebirth High Magic ability.

This ritual requires 5 reagents to cast as listed on the ritual scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Intercepting Reflex​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows a character with the Protective Reflex High Magic to expend that ability to negate a Targeted attack within arm’s reach or within range of their wielded weapon or shield, as per the Intercept skill. The verbal for this ability is “Intercept. No effect, Prison. Prison down.”

This ritual requires 3 reagents to cast as listed on the ritual scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Portable Circle of Power​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Location [Limited Circle of Power]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

The Portable Circle of Power Ritual is cast on a Limited Circle of Power and allows the Target Limited Circle of Power to be moved from one location to another between events. This Circle must be set up prior to the start of the event and can only be moved between events by an individual Invested in the Circle.

This Ritual will last until the Target Circle expires.

This Ritual requires 8 reagents as listed on the scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Portal of Summoning​


Catalyst Required:None
May Be Extended:No
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Location
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Summoning
NPC Only Ritual:False
Role Play Only:False

Upon the completion of this Ritual a one way portal is opened inside the Circle of Power in which the Ritual is cast. This portal lasts for 5 minutes or until the Circle of Power expires, whichever comes first. The other side of this portal simultaneously opens within 10 feet of the Ritual’s named target.

At least one of the casters involved in the Ritual casting must have previously met the target and the target must be on the same plane of existence as the caster(s).

If the target is naturally asleep, the creation of the portal will awaken them.

This portal can only be used for travel from the target’s side to the caster’s side and only the target can traverse it. The target can sense they are allowed to traverse the portal but are unaware of who the caster is or where the other side of the portal is located.

The following effects can be added during a Casting but all costs add to the base Difficulty and Reagent Cost.
  • +5 DC and +2 reagents per secondary target - these individuals must be named after the primary target and will be able to sense the location of the portal and that they are permitted to traverse it, if they can reach it before it closes.
  • +5 DC and +2 reagents to make the target aware of the identity of the caster of the ritual.
  • +1 DC and +1 reagent for each additional minute the portal will remain open, up to an additional 5 minutes. The portal will still close if the Circle of Power expires or is destroyed before the time elapses.

This Ritual may not be used for travel between chapters without prior agreement between the staff/Plot committees of both chapters.

This Ritual requires a minimum of 6 Reagents to cast. Any additional Reagents required by the Ritual should be of the same types as listed on the Ritual scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Rapid Recollection​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Spell book]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

Upon activating this Ritual, for the next 10 minutes, the bearer of the Target Spellbook may complete any Meditations involving the appropriate Signature Spells in 3 seconds. If cast as an Earth Ritual this effect covers Cure Wounds and Cause Wounds. If cast as a Celestial Ritual the effect covers Evocation Bolts. A character may benefit from the Rapid Recollection Ritual no more than once per Logistics period for each aspect.

This ritual requires a minimum of 6 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Elemental Embodiment​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

Upon casting this Ritual, the Target must select a single Element, from Stone, Lightning, Ice, or Flame. This is the only element that the Target may select when casting spells from the Evocation Effect group, Celestial Channeling, or the Channel Foundation Element High Magic ability, while this Ritual is active on their Spirit.

While this Ritual is active, the damage from any Evocation Bolt, Lesser Magic Storm, and Magic Storm spells cast from memory or via the Flexible Casting skill is increased by 5 points.

If a second copy of this Ritual is cast upon a Target Spirit while the first is still active, the first casting is removed.

This ritual requires 8 reagents to cast as listed on the scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Sanguine Sacrifice​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Body
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows a character to Focus for 1 minute, expend a charge from this Ritual, and reduce their Maximum Body to restore a spell from the Earth or Necromancy Effect Group that was previously used during the current Logistics Period. The amount of reduction to the character’s Maximum Body is equal to the level of the spell restored. This lost Body cannot be healed or otherwise restored until the end of the Logistics Period at which point the reductions to the character’s Maximum Body are removed.

A given Spell Slot can only benefit from this Ritual once per Logistics Period.

This ritual requires a minimum of 4 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.

8:4 Reagents - 1 charge per Logistics Period
10:5 Reagents - 2 charges per Logistics Period
12:6 Reagents - 3 charges per Logistics Period


Spellcraft Difficulty:1
Spellcraft Cost:2
Spellcraft Duration:5 days

Shared Imbuement​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Weapon]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the wielder of the Target Weapon to share the effect of any other Imbuement Rituals cast upon the Target Weapon with any other weapon they are wielding simultaneously.

This ritual requires a minimum of 8 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Mystical Malleability​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Any]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the Target Item to be Strengthened, Silvered and made into Superior Equipment.

This ritual requires 6 reagents to cast as listed on the ritual scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Spirit Loop​


Catalyst Required:false
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Any], Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

The Spirit Loop ritual forms a connection between a Target Item and a Target Spirit. Both the Target Item and Target Spirit must be in physical contact with the Ritual Caster within the Circle of Power. The Target Item must be considered a possession of the Target Spirit and must be physically portable by that Spirit when in their normal body.

At the start of each Logistics Period, the Spirit that was targeted by the Spirit Loop Ritual must designate a Spirit for the item to be connected to for the duration of the Logistics Period. The character targeted by the Spirit Loop, as well as the character who will be temporarily connected to the item, must be in physical contact with the item when this designation is made. This connection functions in all ways like a Spirit Link, except that the item will immediately dissipate and reappear connected to the Spirit initially targeted by the Ritual at either the end of the Logistics Period or upon the resurrection of the temporarily connected Spirit.

If the Spirit initially targeted by the Spirit Loop Ritual permanently dies, the Item targeted by the Ritual will dissipate at the end of the Logitics Period.

A Spirit Loop Ritual cannot be present on an item that has a Spirit Link, Spirit Lock, Item Recall, or Circle Lock ritual or effect.

This Ritual requires 6 Reagents to cast as listed on the scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Steal Strength​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Shield or Weapon]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

The Steal Strength Ritual allows the wielder of a Target Shield or Weapon, once per Logistics Period per charge, to activate the Ritual Effect immediately after the Target Shield or Weapon blocks a single non-Strike numeric attack made with the Weapon qualifier, healing the wielder for an amount of Body Points equal to the numeric of the attack. The wielder may not regain Body Points over their normal maximum.

The character need not make any verbal declaration that they are utilizing this Ritual.

This Ritual can not be cast on a Non-Blocking Weapon.

This Ritual requires a minimum of 3 Reagents to cast. Any additional Reagents required by the Ritual should be of the same types as listed on the Ritual scroll.

6:3 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period
12:6 Reagents - two charges per Logistics period
18:9 Reagents - three charges per Logistics period


Spellcraft Difficulty:1
Spellcraft Cost:1
Spellcraft Duration:5 days

Healing Grace/Horrific Recovery​


Aspect:Earth / Necromancy
Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Duration:Times Ever
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Spirit, Item [Any]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This ritual allows the recipient to share in restorative energies when casting healing magic or reap healing from acts of devastating harm.

If cast as an Earth Aspected Ritual, the Target Spirit or bearer of the Target Item, upon the successful resolution of a Life spell cast from memory onto a dead Target, may either regain up to 50 lost Body or restore up to 100 Channeling to their Earth Channeling Pool.

If cast as a Necromantic Aspected RItual, the Target Spirit or bearer of the Target Item, upon the successful resolution of a Corrupt spell cast from memory on a living Target, may either regain up to 100 lost Body or restore up to 200 Channeling to their Earth Channeling Pool.

This ritual requires a minimum of 5 reagents to cast as listed on the ritual scroll. Any additional Reagents required by the Ritual should be of the same types as listed on the Ritual scroll.

10:5 Reagents - 1 Charge Ever
15:10 Reagents - 2 Charges Ever
20:15 Reagents - 3 Charges Ever


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Racial Transmogrification​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Duration:5 days
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Body
Ritual Choice:Race
Scroll Type:Manipulation
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This ritual transforms the Target(s) of this ritual, if that person has a Spirit, into the race of their choice. Only standard PC races may be selected as options for this Ritual. The Target(s) of this ritual are still recognizable as themselves, but must follow all makeup, prosthetic, and roleplay rules for their temporary race. Characters subject to this Ritual are considered to be the new temporary race for the duration of this Ritual, being subject to Race Reavers, Proscribes, Ritual Flaws, Pantherghasts, etc., as the new race.

The Local Plot Committee should be notified in advance of the Ritual casting, so a proper experience may be supplied, but if a Player is casting the Ritual, the Player is responsible for providing all required props.

This ritual requires a minimum of 5 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.

8:5 Reagents - 1 Target is Transmogrified
9:6 Reagents - 2 Targets are Transmogrified
10:7 Reagents - 3 Targets are Transmogrified
11:8 Reagents - 4 Targets are Transmogrified
12:9 Reagents - 5 Targets are Transmogrified
13:10 Reagents - 6 Targets are Transmogrified


Spellcraft Difficulty:1
Spellcraft Cost:1
Spellcraft Duration:1 hour
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Suppress Ritual Magic​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Location, Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:true
Role Play Only:false

When Targeting a Location, this Ritual will affect an area of the Primary Caster’s choice, up to double the radius of the Circle of Power the Ritual was cast in. While within this area, no per LP or times ever Ritual charges can be expended, no per LP skills or abilities may be activated to fuel Ritual effects, and no Rituals may be cast. When cast upon a Location, this Ritual effect lasts for 20 Logistics Periods.

When Targeting a Spirit, the Target Spirit cannot expend any per LP or times ever Ritual charges, expend per LP skills or abilities to fuel Ritual effects, or cast Rituals. When cast upon a Spirit, this Ritual effect lasts for 5 days.

This ritual requires 10 reagents to cast as listen on the scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Lesser Renewal​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Spell Book]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows a character to Meditate back a spell that would not normally be eligible for Meditation. At the end of the Meditate period, a scroll or potion of the same effect and school as the spell must be expended. They may then mark the spell on their battleboard with a 'L' over the used circle, to denote that they have used a Lesser Renewal to renew the spell.

This ritual requires a minimum of 2 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.
4:2 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period.
6:3 Reagents - two charges per Logistics period.
8:4 Reagents - three charges per Logistics period.


Spellcraft Difficulty:1
Spellcraft Cost:1
Spellcraft Duration:5 days


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Any]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Manipulation
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual, if cast as Encryption, causes any text present on the Target item to be completely indecipherable by non-magical means or, if cast as Decryption, causes any text enchanted by the Encryption Ritual to return to its prior state.

Items targeted by the Encryption Ritual will not identify as being Encrypted, but anyone examining the text can tell that it has been magically altered.

Text that was in any type of code or cipher before it was Encrypted will be returned to that state (and potentially be able to be decoded) if a Decryption Ritual is cast on the Item targeted by this effect.

The Local Plot Committee should be notified in advance of the Ritual casting, so a proper experience may be supplied.

This ritual requires 3 reagents to cast as listed on the ritual scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.
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