New 2.1 Rituals - Sneak Peaks! (FULL LIST!)

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Undeath Denied​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Duration:Times Ever
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Spirit, Body
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows a character to expend a charge of the Ritual and call “Altered Doom” to a Create Undead or Corrupt spell targeting them and instead be placed into their Death Count, as if a Doom effect was touch cast and accepted. Unlike most other Rituals, this Ritual may be utilized while the character is Unconscious, Bleeding Out, or Dead.

This ritual requires a minimum of 4 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.

10:4 Reagents, one charge, Target must be Body.
11:6 Reagents, two charges, Target must be Body.
13:7 Reagents, two charges, Target may be Body or Spirit.
14:8 Reagents, three charges, Target may be Body or Spirit.


Spellcraft Difficulty:2 (One charge, Target must be Body)
Spellcraft Cost:2
Spellcraft Duration:5 days

Prismatic Protection​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Duration:Times Ever
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Any]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This ritual grants the caster the ability to cast beneficial spells on up to 6 targets. Upon expending a charge from this Ritual and a memorized spell of the Protection/Enhancement effect group, the caster is able to make up to 6 touchcast attacks of “Elemental <Effect>” where the effect is identical to the expended spell. These touchcast attacks must be made within 1 minute of expending the spell and must each be made against a different target.

This ritual requires a minimum of 8 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.

7:8 Reagents - 1 charge
11:12 Reagents - 2 charges
15:16 Reagents - 3 charges


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Call to Ages Past​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Divination
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual summons a helpful spirit of the past to guide and provide counsel to the Target Spirit on a specific topic selected at the beginning of the Ritual casting. The Local Plot Committee should be notified in advance of the Ritual casting, so a proper experience may be supplied.

Typically the spirit summoned will be of the same race as the Target of the Ritual, and from an area and time that is pertinent to the subject matter being discussed, though neither of these are guaranteed.

The summoned spirit must remain within the Circle of Power and will usually disappear after approximately 30 minutes, though this may vary greatly based on the whim of the spirit and how it perceives the interaction. The spirit may be conversed with and can recognize and interact with individuals outside of the Circle. The spirit has no immediate memory of how it died, but is otherwise as knowledgeable about its time in the past as they would be of the present.

The summoned spirit is under no compulsion to answer questions posed to them, but they will answer questions and give advice as truthfully as possible, although it is still possible for them to lie by omission or ignorance.

This ritual will typically summon a different spirit for each casting and does not interact negatively with other rituals that contact spirits, such as Spirit Farewell.

This ritual requires 6 reagents to cast as listed on the ritual scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Flexible Combined Strike​

Catalyst Required:None
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Weapon]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

The wielder of this weapon, as long as they possess the skill Flexible Casting, may convert a spell in memory at time of casting to a Signature Spell of one level lower for use with the skills Combined Strike, Foundation Strike, and Magisterium Strike. First level spells may not be converted in this way.

This ritual requires 4 reagents to cast as listed on the ritual scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Planar Weapon​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Weapon]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This ritual allows for the targeted weapon to be used as a source for a specific element selected during the ritual casting and allows the wielder to administer Killing Blows using the selected element, if the user has the Channeling skill. This ritual does not allow the weapon to be targeted by Rituals that target Sources or used in tandem with skills or abilities that require a Source, other than Channeling.

Choose an Element type when casting:
If the Ritual is cast as Celestial: Flame, Ice, Stone, Lightning
If the Ritual is cast as Earth: Healing, Chaos
This ritual requires 3 reagents to cast.


Spellcraft Difficulty:1 (select 1 element appropriate to the Aspect of HM used)
Spellcraft Cost:1
Spellcraft Duration:5 days
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Defensive Buffer​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Any]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This ritual allows the bearer of the Target Item to expend a charge from this ritual and up to 5 Critical Attacks or Back Attacks to gain 5 points of Bonus Armor per Critical Attack or Back Attack expended. When activating this Ritual, the user must state “Defensive Buffer.”

This ritual requires a minimum of 4 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.
8:4 Reagents - 1 charge per Logistics Period
12:6 Reagents - 2 charges per Logistics Period
16:8 Reagents - 3 charges per Logistics Period


Spellcraft Difficulty:1
Spellcraft Cost:1 (1 charge)
Spellcraft Duration:5 days

Safe Return​

Catalyst Required:None
May Be Extended:No
Duration:5 days
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Manipulation
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual grants the Caster a once ever vocal radius Rift that affects all individuals within the circle when the Ritual is cast. Up to a total of 5 additional targets may be designated during the Ritual casting, but only the caster of the Ritual may activate this Rift ability.

The caster must be conscious in order to begin the Rift 3 count, but all designated targets including those who are dead or otherwise incapacitated, and any items in their possession, within vocal radius will be subject to the Rift. All applicable targets will be rifted back to the location where the ritual was cast.

Any of the Ritual’s targets, including the Ritual’s caster, who is within a Wizard Lock, Ward, or Circle of Power will not be rifted out.

This ritual requires a minimum of 8 reagents to cast as listed on the scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Charge Transfer​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Any]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

The presence of this Ritual on a Target Item allows for certain Rituals on that Item to be temporarily transferred to another Item of the same type as long as there are no Rituals present on the Item that the Rituals will be temporarily transferred to.

Only Rituals that have per LP charges may be transferred in this way. Up to 5 Ritual slots worth of Rituals may be transferred to a single target and the transfer must be performed during Logistics. A new, temporary Magic Item Tag must be issued for the new, temporary item and the transferred charges must be marked as used on the battleboard the item is registered on. Any per LP transferred charges will return to the original Target at the end of the Logistics Period.

If the Target Item is affected by a Destroy Magic while Rituals have been transferred off of it, the transferred Rituals will persist on their temporary target until the end of the Logistics Period, at which point they will also be Destroyed. If the temporary target is subject to a Destroy Magic, the Rituals that were transferred will still return to the original target at the end of the Logistics Period, but will not be usable until then.

Multiple copies of this Ritual on a single Target Item allow for additional sets of up to 5 Rituals to be transferred.

This ritual requires 5 reagents to cast as listed on the ritual scroll.


Spellcraft Difficulty:1 (Only a single per LP charge may be transferred to a new Target Item of the same type.)
Spellcraft Cost:2
Spellcraft Duration:5 days

Foundation’s Form​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Duration:5 days
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Body
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual causes the Target to take on some characteristics of a specific type of Foundation Elemental, chosen by the Caster of the Ritual, during the casting.

The Caster must select from Stone, Lightning, Ice, and Flame when declaring the Ritual Target. The target gains immunity to the selected element and must call “No effect” when hit by an attack with that damage type. Additionally, a character targeted by this Ritual who also has the Channel Foundation Element High Magic, may use the effect chosen for that High Magic ability, as well as the element selected for this Ritual.

The target also gains a vulnerability to the opposing element (Ice and Flame are opposed, as are Stone and Lightning), taking damage of that type as Body, as well as being considered an Elemental for the purposes of Subjugate effects.

Targets of this ritual must wear makeup on their face, covering an area of at least 4 square inches, creating a symbol that is identifiable associated with the selected Element. This makeup must be colored appropriate to the element selected by the Caster: Stone - gray, brown; Lightning - yellow, purple; Ice - blue, white; Flame - red, orange. If the Target is playing a race that requires makeup, the mark must be easily distinguishable from their normal makeup.

Only a single copy of this Ritual may be present on a Target, with any additional casting overwriting the prior one.

This ritual requires a minimum of 5 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Greater Metamorphosis​

Catalyst Required:Optional
May Be Extended:false
Duration:Times Ever
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

The Greater Metamorphosis Ritual must be cast upon a Target Spirit prior to their Permanent Death. If the player permanently dies and chooses to utilize Metamorphosis, the player may also choose to activate this Ritual.

All spirit linked and spirit locked items are still destroyed, and the character’s race must stay the same, but they will be returned to life with a higher total XP than they would normally.

The exact amount of XP the character will have varies based on the difficulty of the ritual, but is a percentage of the character’s XP total at the time of permanent death, rounded down to the nearest tenth.

Subsequent castings of this ritual on the same Spirit will replace any existing Greater Metamorphosis Ritual already present.

Spirits which have already undergone Metamorphosis are not valid targets for this Ritual.

This Ritual may not be released as an LCO scroll or effect.

This Ritual requires a minimum of 10 Reagents to cast, plus an optional Catalyst. Any additional Reagents required by the Ritual should be of the same types as listed on the Ritual scroll.

10:10 Reagents - Character is restored at 25% of XP
14:15 Reagents - Character is restored at 30% of XP
18:Catalyst + 20 Reagents: Character is restored at 35% of XP
22:Catalyst + 25 Reagents: Character is restored at 40% of XP


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Mending Resolution​

Catalyst Required:no
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Armor]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

The Mending Resolution Ritual allows the bearer of the Target Armor, upon using a Resolute skill, once per Logistics Period per charge, to activate a charge of the Ritual Effect and immediately touchcast "Activate Elemental Strike X Mend Armor" on themselves. X is defined based on the level the Ritual is cast at and varies from 10 to 50.

This ritual requires a minimum of 3 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.
3:3 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period of Elemental Strike 10 Mend Armor.
6:4 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period of Elemental Strike 20 Mend Armor.
9:5 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period of Elemental Strike 30 Mend Armor.
12:6 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period of Elemental Strike 40 Mend Armor.
15:7 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period of Elemental Strike 50 Mend Armor.


Spellcraft Difficulty:1
Spellcraft Cost:1
Spellcraft Duration:5 days

Planar Sanctum​

Catalyst Required:None
May Be Extended:false
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Location
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

The Planar Sanctum Ritual enchants a Target Location, either a room, building, or Circle of Power, preventing Elementals and Extraplanar creatures from entering or being brought into the Target Location in physical form (this includes non-corporeal beings, but not Spirits). Any Elemental or Extraplanar creature within the Target Location upon successful casting must immediately leave to the best of their ability and can not use any game abilities until they are out.

The Planar Sanctum Effect must be clearly marked on all portals with an "S." If the Target Location is a Circle of Power, the "S" must be clearly displayed within the Targeted Circle, must be clearly indicated on the Marshal notes, and cannot be covered by any means. This Ritual may only be cast upon an unmovable structure, such as a building, tent, or immovable wagon, with minimum dimensions of 1 Game Room and maximum dimensions of 10 Game Rooms, or upon a single Circle of Power.

This Ritual requires 4 Reagents to cast as listed on the scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Reliable Channeling​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Source or Staff]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the wielder of the Target Staff or Source, upon missing with a Channeling attack or having it defended against, to immediately expend a charge of this Ritual and make a duplicate attack, without expending any additional Channeling points. If this Ritual is used, the initial attack may not be Meditated back.

This ritual requires a minimum of 3 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.
9:3 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period.
12:6 Reagents - two charges per Logistics period.
15:9 Reagents - three charges per Logistics period.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Transmute Catalyst​

Catalyst Required:Yes*
May Be Extended:No
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item <Catalyst>
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Manipulation
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the Caster to create a Catalyst for any non-NPC only Ritual.

Plot must be notified prior to casting this Ritual.

The Host Chapter of the event in which this Ritual is cast is responsible for generating the new catalyst.

Targeting any catalyst which is marked 'Local Chapter Only' will result in the newly created catalyst also being marked 'Local Chapter Only'. This Ritual may not be used to create an LCO catalyst for a Ritual that may not be released as an LCO scroll or effect.

This ritual requires 15 reagents and a catalyst as listed on the ritual scroll. This Ritual does not require a specific catalyst and any existing Catalyst may be used to fulfill this requirement


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.
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Reshape Ritual Magic​

Catalyst Required:Optional
May Be Extended:No
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Body, Item [Any], Location, Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Manipulation
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows an existing Ritual Batch to be reopened and have additional Ritual Effects added to an existing Ritual batch.

Extension Type Rituals may not be cast on the item as part of this newly reopened Ritual Batch. Any Rituals cast as a part of this batch have the same remaining duration as the reopened Ritual Batch.

These additional Rituals need to follow all the existing rules of a Ritual Batch: They must be the same aspect as this Ritual casting and the existing extender to be affected by either, they must be cast within 5 minutes of a previous Ritual that is part of the same batch, etc.

If this Ritual is used to modify a Ritual batch with an existing Permanent Duration Ritual Effect, this Ritual requires a Catalyst.

LCO versions of this Ritual effect will not interact with Restricted Rituals. Any targeting of a Restricted Ritual or effect by an LCO version of this Ritual will cause the Ritual casting to fail, but will not consume this scroll.

31:7 - 1-4 Rituals added to existing Ritual batch
31:14 - 5-8 Rituals added to existing Ritual batch
31:19 - 9-12 Rituals added to existing Ritual batch
31:21 - 13-16 Rituals added to existing Ritual batch
31:25 - 17-19 Rituals added to existing Ritual batch


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.
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