I guess I don't understand you're thinking then, guys. How is going to one ninth, then one formal, then fill in the 4-block "skipping out on" spells? If you are going to get a 4-block and one level of formal, you're going to spend 110 build (100 for spells, 7 for pre-req's and 3 for one level of formal) as a scholar. It's 80 build to get to 1 ninth level spell with pre-req's. So if you spend your 81st, 82nd, and 83rd build on your one level of formal instead of your 108th, 109th, and 110th, you will have the use of your formal ability for a full six months to a year (depending on frequency of play and number of chapters you play that character in) sooner than you would have. Meanwhile, you've slowed your same spell progression by about one event's worth of time (ie you'll get each of your remaining 7th, 8th, and 9th level spells about one event later than you would have by spending that 3 build in the middle on something other than those spells).