Well...i used to think i was a trekkie until i saw the movie trekkie then i realized i just really like the show but i am not a trekkie....

although...as a child i ALWAYS wanted to be some wierd alien on star wars and star trek....but anyways here goes...
DS9 is a no go for me JUST PERSONAL OPINION
TNG rock on!! I adore the holodeck
TOS Umm...pure genius?
ENT hawtsawce as i believe some of you call it...or SEXY as some of the caldarians I know would say
VOY ehhh no...not for me
ON A SCALE OF 0 -10 0 stinks 10 rawkz
I - Vger? uhh okay 7
II - Kahn is one of my heroes I liked him better on fantasy island though, cried my eyes out when spock died 9
III - Laughed my head off when doc had spock in him OH MAN that makes me laugh now! 9
IV - the mix of modern times and the crew made me laugh but....whales? 8
V - oh yeah 10
VI - Klingons rock 11
VII - ehhh....7
VIII - resistance is futile!! 9
IX - umm okay 7
Some of my favorite childhood memories involve star trek and NG, when NG came out the premier where i lived on the west coast was on a wednesday night at 8 p.m. my mother let me get out of church youth group early so we could get home in time for star trek!hahahah Good Times