New Star Trek Movie


NEPA Staff
Simon Pegg as Scotty and Zach Quinto as Spock. This could be either genius or a train wreck. I'm intrigued.
Woohoo My Trekkie Side is so kicking into Can't wait mode. Better Not be a disappointment!!! Will Cry
i vote train wreck.
Wait, does that mean you want it to be a train wreck?
no, but this movie may be too dubious for my little trekkie heart to trust completely.
I think the casting for Scotty and Spock bodes well for the movie. I'll reserve any furthur opinion until I see some footage.
i'm going in with an open mind. i was never a huge fan of TOS until i saw the undiscovered country. which i still believe is probably the best trek film ever made.

I am hoping this will breathe new life into the franchise and i think they have played alot of good cards here. we shall see.

and because this is a trek thread:

rank the tv series:


rank the movies:

As far as the tv shows:


Honestly, The Search for Spock and The undiscovered country were my faves, I forget which number the others were so I can't rank them, but Generations and The Whale One were Horrible.
heh. sorry, i'll add the sub titles:

VI - undiscovered country
VIII - first contact
IV - the journey home
II - the wrath of khan
X - nemesis
III - the search for spock
IX - insurrection
VII - generations
V - the final frontier
I - the motion picture

the whale one ruled! hehe
Well...i used to think i was a trekkie until i saw the movie trekkie then i realized i just really like the show but i am not a trekkie....:( a child i ALWAYS wanted to be some wierd alien on star wars and star trek....but anyways here goes...

DS9 is a no go for me JUST PERSONAL OPINION
TNG rock on!! I adore the holodeck
TOS Umm...pure genius?
ENT hawtsawce as i believe some of you call it...or SEXY as some of the caldarians I know would say
VOY ehhh no...not for me

ON A SCALE OF 0 -10 0 stinks 10 rawkz
I - Vger? uhh okay 7
II - Kahn is one of my heroes I liked him better on fantasy island though, cried my eyes out when spock died 9
III - Laughed my head off when doc had spock in him OH MAN that makes me laugh now! 9
IV - the mix of modern times and the crew made me laugh but....whales? 8
V - oh yeah 10
VI - Klingons rock 11
VII - ehhh....7
VIII - resistance is futile!! 9
IX - umm okay 7

Some of my favorite childhood memories involve star trek and NG, when NG came out the premier where i lived on the west coast was on a wednesday night at 8 p.m. my mother let me get out of church youth group early so we could get home in time for star trek!hahahah Good Times
you sat throught 1 and 5 and gave them those high scores???

did we see the same films???

1 and 5 are just.... the "wow" kinda bad
I have (as my husband calls it) a WEIRD sense of entertainment...I HATE mel brooks films, I HATE any type of spoof film and most of my friends ADORE that type of stuff (space balls, etc.)...I however really like some of the love story movies out there that aren't bad enough to be considered B movies but are definitely not good enough to be considered A's odd...and I can take a few REALLY GOOD moments from a movie and that will make it Epic in my opinion even if the rest of the film is silly.
i loved 1 - 5, but that's because they're cult movie classics; i probably appreciate them on a different level than an average "ZOMG TWO THUMBS UP!!" movie.
Toddo said:
Generations and The Whale One were Horrible.
The great thing about The Voyage Home (the whale one) was that it was so horrible, it was hysterically funny.
I will always enjoy DS9 for one huge reason.

Terry Farrell.

Leopard pattern on a chick in a bathing suit.
I should've known right then and there I was destined to date girls.

TNG - one word: DATA!
DS9 - the best series for character development, IMO
TOS - classic
VOY - maybe if Tuvok wasn't so obnoxious...
ENT - blegh.

I just gave up on Voyager and Enterprise. Truth be told, watching them made me want to vomit. Even a few guest appearances by Brent Spiner couldn't save the latest installment.

I can't list the movies, because it would take me days of inner debate to decide which was my favorite.