november faves

syra pefferfoot said:
hearing what jeremy aka avian toth said saturday morning "good thing i woke up early, to role play with no-one." lol

yeah too bad i didnt do it again sunday.... nope i decided resing would be way better.... sigh
From the NPC (combat - cuz that's all I did and LOVED it) side of things...

- Playing one of the harloquins...holy crap having that much body and swinging that much damage was a huge rush...oh, and herding the PCs around the tavern.

- The Sunday AM knoll battle(s) in the tavern. Jesse, my sides itched with laughter, had a blast.

- The AWESOME fort battle! Never been to this site before, and it was just freaking awesome to use that type of "prop".

- Being one of Nettle's vines. Bill, you did a great job as Nettle.

- NPC camp! Listening to past stories and memories. And Jaimi playing with the voice box Friday

- The final wave battle(s) on Sunday outside of the tavern. Tree dodging FTW!

Thanks to the rest of the staff and PCs for a great season!! I already can't wait for next year!

P.S. Mike, was incredible, good job!!
aww she called me Ginny...which only makes me miss Ginny!!! GRRR ::sniffle:: Ginny and Tammy run the tavern in Caldaria....Mike and Jena run the tavern in Finn Castle...hehehehe but now i miss the Ginster!
hmm, faves...

-Actually PCing! And looking forward to NPCing this chapter next year.

-Zombie talk with Sean on Friday afternoon.

-The chick mod. The request for all chick NPCs, getting Tori and Nellie... and three guys to beat up. And apparently having an audience! Love it when that happens.

-Getting back from that mod and hearing that the following conversation took place:
"where did Phedre go?"
"With Morganne and Zehnyu, with Ashara to the Elemental Ice plane."
"Is she going to be OK?"
"Um, she's thrown like 3 spells today, has a 4 column, and memorized pretty much all fire and binding."
"...oh. She'll be fine."

-Talking to Figment and finding out why she got a funny look when I talked to her in Caldaria about the Arcanum... I love that people assume I'm a rogue... I'm so NOT sneaky.

-The fort fight. I HATE LAUGH GAS! All I had was a frickin purify potion and I didn't want to lose all the rest of my protectives... dammit. (PS, I'm glad that fight was in daylight. As cool as the fort is, it makes me nervous at night)

-Getting left in the woods to count out the 10 minutes of my arcane fear on Friday night. The look on people's faces when they would get too close and I would pull my cauliflower hand of aura out from under my cape... priceless!

-Getting chased all the way to the Hunt cabin Saturday night by Chaos and/or Death elementals. Scary as hell, and I'm still SO pissed that Elryion rezed.

-Muggins propositioning me, and me shooting him down over and over again. There isn't enough money in the Hobling treasury... Phedre and Melody agree that hairy men just aren't our thing.

-Hearing about the contract Gebous wrote for Evie. I'd like to be a fly on the wall for THAT negotiation.

-Standing *that* close to Emilio and not realizing it. And apparently getting away scott-free.

-Watching Morganne beat down Elryion because "Justicar Crowe" said she could. (and Sean using a tire as a circle rep for a CoP and bouncing on it the whole time!)

-The whole Sadien Moore (sp?) Pure Lord thing. Phedre's curious how that works, and how powerful it is.

-Pantzike constantly thinking I was something undead. Pale skin, red lips and a dark hood remind you of something vampiric, Craig? ;)

-Girl talk with Melody (and making sure she was there for the ward casting!), and inappropriate giggling with Morganne, and our truce... I love that the person Phedre bonded with most this event is an anti-Celestial Barbarian. "I don't cast anything on you, you don't beat me to death with that *points to big-*** pointy weapon*, and we're fine."

-Watching people watch Mike's Paladin in that last fight and going "25 magic? +10 monster strength? I'll stay out of your way...," and then watching the monsterbation between him and Gary.

-Haberdashery talk in the tavern. We were all sort of right, I'm ok with that.

-Starting to feel useful (now that my level isn't the horrible dip it used to be in mod APLs), but still having to ignore the guys who tell me to stay back. I don't mind protecting healers and watching out for people who are refitting, but I'm gonna start webbing people who tell me I can't do things...

-Watching Casey, Rock and Drenten all get REALLY nervous when (a minute into a ritual casting) Casey gets told that the Malachi might be on his way.

-Cuddling with Elryion/Shane on Sunday morning.

-Giving Jaimi cookies.

-Singing to Shane and Will at closing ceremonies!!

Thank you all the PCs and NPCs for making this such a fun chapter; Sean, Gary and Ray, you guys are amazing. It took me until my third event in your chapter to find out this was the first season under the new ownership! The plot is creative, thorough, and absolutely amazingly written. I'm looking forward to watching more of it unfold.
OH MAN phedre i totally forgot one of the funniest moments...well two of the funniest moments for me this past weekend...

fort battle....phedre walks up to me and points at herself laughing hysterically and her eyes are wide and i'm thinking "uhhh you've lost your mind?...OH WAIT YOU WANT A PURIFY????" NODNODNOD and i just happened to have my one purify YAY

and i'm sitting in the tavern the lights are low and i'm facing the healer's circle and something catches my attention so i turn towards the turn and get startled out of my girdle by phedre all PALE face in black hood with red lips and i'm like "JEEPERS!! dont' do that!" realizing it was a good girl...well...not undead anyways
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
and i'm sitting in the tavern the lights are low and i'm facing the healer's circle and something catches my attention so i turn towards the turn and get startled out of my girdle by phedre all PALE face in black hood with red lips and i'm like "JEEPERS!! dont' do that!" realizing it was a good girl...well...not undead anyways


by the end of the event, I was just seeing how many people I could make jump.

and YES, for the record, I'm always this pale. I'm not sick, I have no makeup on (except for the lipstick), and I like it that way.

Sun is your friend. Does Sun even know phedre
what is with us pale people that we can never get a "base tan" i mean really...i pink then peel..then white then pink then peel then white then FRECKLE then pink then peel then white...i have more freckles now than carter's got liver pills! silly euroblood.
I don't believe I've interacted with Sun yet.

:roll: to the dark elf comments!

The sun (aka Sol, aka that big ball of light in the sky) is NOT my friend. I am in the same burn-peel-freckle cycle as Tzydl. I prefer to keep the number of freckles on my face to a minimum, or I start getting that wholesome "Pollyanna" look.

And few people I know can keep a straight face when that happens.
I would like to take this time to give my formal endorsement to freckles.
<==feelin' the love
phedre said:
freckles are cute on certain redheads, among others.

On myself, I am not a fan.

Um, I TOTALLY have dibs. /growl
phedre said:
freckles are cute on certain redheads, among others.

On myself, I am not a fan.
