NPC Rolecall for May

kiarra said:
they do need to be on site and there the whole weekend.
That is, the portion of the weekend in which you are playing. If you leave early, your parent doesn't have to stay. That would be ridiculous.

Also note that if you leave early, you miss out on the super-special grab bag of lootz, though you'd still get all the normal benefits of NPCing.
I'll be an NPC :) I'd like to be on the food plan. I should be able to stay all weekend unless a test gets scheduled for Monday.

Emily S
BSA = Boy Scouts of America. Technically Alliance OR (and Seattle) is a Boy Scout Venture Troop. This is where we get our insurance from.
Checked my school schedule and it looks like i'm in! I can be there all three days and definitely in for the food plan.
Weasel said:
Checked my school schedule and it looks like i'm in! I can be there all three days and definitely in for the food plan.

I'm Kobe an new to this area, I'll be hopefully coming to NPC along with a friend Luke and maybe dragging my friend Roki as well for two of the three days of the event.

All the folks that posted that they will be NPCing over the last day or two, if you could add whether or not you want on the meal plan I would appreciate it. Otherwise I have to assume you are bringing your own food. Also if you are only coming for 2 of the 3 days, which two are you coming for?

Okay just got info updated from my work. I will be able to NPC until late Sunday night, but not Monday morning.
So I would like to be included in the meal plan even though I will only be there Friday night to Sunday night. Thanks again
Please take me off of the list for the meal plan. I have diabetes, and will just take care of my own meals. Thanks!

Please cancel my NPCness, I will be sending in my Pre-reg to PC shortly. Sorry for the confusion
A.mungo said:
Please cancel my NPCness, I will be sending in my Pre-reg to PC shortly. Sorry for the confusion

Sorry NPCs, but WOOOOOT!!!!

*celebratory dance*
Glad you were able to come PC Tony. We will forgive you this time for abandoning us and joining the dark forces....and by that I mean the gypsies. :P
The NPC list has been updated. If you think you should be on the list check it out to make sure. Also look to make sure you are on the right list regarding the meal plan. There are a few folks that have not said one way or another that they would like food, so those folks are currently not on the list. If you would like on the list, please post here. We will be closing meal sign up on Sunday April 29th at 6pm in order to give our lovely cooks time to plan meals and buy groceries. Remember the meal plan is $20 - cash only please.
One other thing:

We have a lot of people who have signed up to be NPC's for us this weekend (yay!), but this makes it all the more important that everyone does their best to bring and wear the basic black layers -- dark clothes (preferably black, and no visible or distracting logos), definitely the darker the better, and primarily leg costuming --, or other kinds of NPC-appropriate clothing that you think would work for NPC costuming. We have a decent amount of costuming, but not nearly enough to supply to 30+ people at once; so if you could help us out with this, that'd be awesome.


Also: To put the rumors to bed, no, Rob Thomas is NOT going to be NPC'ing for us, there was a bit of a mix up with scheduling and all of that, so instead we've gotten Rob AND Thomas, who are two separate and distinct people that have no affiliation with Rob Thomas. Sorry for the misunderstanding, and maybe next year.