I had lots. Normally, I don't do favorites but there were a few here I wanted to jot down for prosperity.
--Tedd Collins as Dagger-Eye Guy. Joaquinn done made him listen once to something he didn't want to hear. Ever since, the aptly named 'Terror Thrill', has been looking at me like I was the undead walking around pretending to be a citizen. And I know Tedd has no lack of gumption or skill to actually do it.
--Arcane Paranoia. Due to an earlier encounter I was led to believe Baron Ivan may have been responsible for getting me into a lot of trouble. When the paranoia went off I managed to make my way inside his ward while he was getting dressed and conducted my investigation. That will forever be a favorite encounter of mine.
--Muck-Head Mod. 5 enter. 8 magic armors. 10 tons of slays and evicerates. 2 Obliterations. 5 actually manage to leave. Never let anyone tell you that a shield and bless won't make the difference between a life and death.
--Acceptance onto the Court of the Ash Forest! I get to play with Missy! And a Rock Star!
--Artifact Spear Mod. We are all discussing the runes written everywhere when Dharlassia points out, "What about those Guardians of Forever? They swing Death!"
Joaquinn, "Kainen, would you please?
Kainen in a Can, <begins swinging spree from the safety of a Golem>
Dharlassia, "Woah, now that is sexy. Alright, now what about these runes..."
--Jesse H. This guy has been Alliance Awesome all year long. He plays 3 PC's in 4 Different Chapters, NPC's, writes plot, marshalls, donates everywhere, gives rides in a Big Yellow Bus, gave up parking space because its actually a tank not a bus and... he's an owner. Woah. Did I mention he is also married to a goddess? Yeah, this guy actually lives 32 hour days or something.
--Vex Squad! Looking good as always. Rescuing the Baron. Laying down the law. Killin' the Undead. Cousin Drake with Caulron Breaker. Never thought this team idea would go so far and be so well received.
--6 man meat grinder mod - turned - town encounter. I loved that so much. Those 4 NPC's managed to entertain nearly half the town with that module. And its awesomeness was the perfect prelude to what could be my favorite encounter of all time...
--CROSS CHAPTER PLOT FOR THE WIN!!! In a few days I get to chase Emilio and Hadley through the mists to NH!
Emilio, "If you have a Destroy set on you I am going to be really impressed"
Joaquinn, "Prepare to be impressed"
Thank you all at HQ for a great season. Thank you NPC's for making it all possible. Fairdale is growing to be something beyond our expectations.
Come to NH and dispense justice with me this weekend,
--Tedd Collins as Dagger-Eye Guy. Joaquinn done made him listen once to something he didn't want to hear. Ever since, the aptly named 'Terror Thrill', has been looking at me like I was the undead walking around pretending to be a citizen. And I know Tedd has no lack of gumption or skill to actually do it.
--Arcane Paranoia. Due to an earlier encounter I was led to believe Baron Ivan may have been responsible for getting me into a lot of trouble. When the paranoia went off I managed to make my way inside his ward while he was getting dressed and conducted my investigation. That will forever be a favorite encounter of mine.
--Muck-Head Mod. 5 enter. 8 magic armors. 10 tons of slays and evicerates. 2 Obliterations. 5 actually manage to leave. Never let anyone tell you that a shield and bless won't make the difference between a life and death.
--Acceptance onto the Court of the Ash Forest! I get to play with Missy! And a Rock Star!
--Artifact Spear Mod. We are all discussing the runes written everywhere when Dharlassia points out, "What about those Guardians of Forever? They swing Death!"
Joaquinn, "Kainen, would you please?
Kainen in a Can, <begins swinging spree from the safety of a Golem>
Dharlassia, "Woah, now that is sexy. Alright, now what about these runes..."
--Jesse H. This guy has been Alliance Awesome all year long. He plays 3 PC's in 4 Different Chapters, NPC's, writes plot, marshalls, donates everywhere, gives rides in a Big Yellow Bus, gave up parking space because its actually a tank not a bus and... he's an owner. Woah. Did I mention he is also married to a goddess? Yeah, this guy actually lives 32 hour days or something.
--Vex Squad! Looking good as always. Rescuing the Baron. Laying down the law. Killin' the Undead. Cousin Drake with Caulron Breaker. Never thought this team idea would go so far and be so well received.
--6 man meat grinder mod - turned - town encounter. I loved that so much. Those 4 NPC's managed to entertain nearly half the town with that module. And its awesomeness was the perfect prelude to what could be my favorite encounter of all time...
--CROSS CHAPTER PLOT FOR THE WIN!!! In a few days I get to chase Emilio and Hadley through the mists to NH!
Emilio, "If you have a Destroy set on you I am going to be really impressed"
Joaquinn, "Prepare to be impressed"
Thank you all at HQ for a great season. Thank you NPC's for making it all possible. Fairdale is growing to be something beyond our expectations.
Come to NH and dispense justice with me this weekend,