October 13th-15th Pre-Reg Open

Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
Announcing Registration for our October 13th – 15th Weekend Event
The price for this event will be $40, and anyone who registers will get 50 goblin stamps and a full boat of protectives at game on just for doing it! You can do that by going to our website traversecitylarp.com and using the registration link. It is simple and easy and helps us determine treasure among many other things, so please help us out!​
Please include the following in your pre-reg:
  • Inform Logistics how you wish to spend any Build
  • If you have Spells, High Magic, and/or Production provide Logistics with how you want to use those skills.

Logistics Details:
Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm on October 10th, 2017.
Please send the following information to: traverselogistics@gmail.com.
  • Inform Logistics of any temporary tags you need to trade in for permanent ones.
Site Information:

State Land (Same site as last event)

Who All Is Coming?

Pre-Registered PCs:

  1. Joe Convery (Gideon)
  2. Taed Price (Grianadhmad)
  3. BJ Goldade (Robert Karstarke)
  4. Kierra Pendill (Saro)
  5. Evan Primeau (Velnaeus)
  6. Matt Waller (Arai)
  7. Matthew Byers (Maxwell)
  8. Vicky Pacillo (Elle)
  9. Aidon Byers (Aragon)
  10. Summer Harrison (Cenarith)
  11. Mark Mellor (Shar)
  12. Sterling Avery (Silvara)
  13. Tom Andary (Casan)
  14. Rob Dautovski (Kit)
  15. Damien Puckett (Kunzio)
  16. Anique Puckett (Ahlana)
  17. Blake Bandrowski (Gen)
  18. Dave Herald (Saiafin)
  19. James Purkiss (Raz)
  20. Alex Wierschke (Venaul)
  21. Chandler Holley (Arthur)
  22. Trinity Avery (Argenta)
  23. Michael Nordby (Lukas)
  24. Genevieve Preston (Collette)
  25. Mason Thompson (Grey)
  26. Mike Long (Havok)
  27. Mia Long (Kai)
  28. Aric Long (Dmitri)

Pre-Registered NPCs:
  1. Brigit Convery
  2. Cory Walker
  3. Tory Dueweke
  4. Jared Sisco
  5. Beverly Sisco
  6. Chris Thetford
  7. Carol Jurkovich
Last edited:
[disclaimer]not a Traverse City staff member[/disclaimer]
[but]I went through this two months ago[/but]

Just like a returning PC pre-registers! Go to http://traversecitylarp.com/pre-reg/ and fill out the form there.
Hi Jostal! Glad to see you back :)

Biggest thing is setting up your character. I would advise you email logistics traverselogistics@gmail.com
You should have a few extra build from NPCing last year. Still planning on playing the character you talked about / that we have background on file?

Will the event be here:
Forks State Forest Campground
8585 Brown Bridge Road
Traverse City, MI 49696
Will the event be here:
Forks State Forest Campground
8585 Brown Bridge Road
Traverse City, MI 49696

No, don't go there haha. I went there the first time and everybody looked at me crazy when I said "Larping."
Go here and see if you can get directions off of that.
It's a tent site. There is a portapotty on-site but you'll need to bring your own sleeping accomodations, food, water, et cetera. Although we're doing Fall Festival as part of the season closer so a lot of people are bringing food to share throughout the weekend.
And as a person who got near dehydrated once and who saw another guy get sun poisoning, water and sunscreen are both MUST-HAVEs. :)
Sorry to hear that :(. Was looking forward to you being there again.