Please post your favorite event experiences here! The game was a blast and deserves it!
1) Pain and Purity: The Solo Mod In A Mausoleum Wait Isn't This A Job For The Death Guys And Jesus Jason Stop Chasing Me!!!
2) Teaching Gally and Mini magic. Especially since I was tired while teaching Gally, and extremely prone to distraction. Also, learning that her kind of Dryads are extremely anti-Binding. That was a cool quirk.
3) Taliya's "adoption." Also, all things involving Taliya.
4) The Depths mod, and all that will come about from that encounter.
5) The opening of Pain and Purity, even if Zeth's somewhat angry zealous side came out. Ah...zealotry.
6) Shane's Frankenspirits!
1) Pain and Purity: The Solo Mod In A Mausoleum Wait Isn't This A Job For The Death Guys And Jesus Jason Stop Chasing Me!!!
2) Teaching Gally and Mini magic. Especially since I was tired while teaching Gally, and extremely prone to distraction. Also, learning that her kind of Dryads are extremely anti-Binding. That was a cool quirk.
3) Taliya's "adoption." Also, all things involving Taliya.
4) The Depths mod, and all that will come about from that encounter.
5) The opening of Pain and Purity, even if Zeth's somewhat angry zealous side came out. Ah...zealotry.
6) Shane's Frankenspirits!