October Event Favorites


Please post your favorite event experiences here! The game was a blast and deserves it!

1) Pain and Purity: The Solo Mod In A Mausoleum Wait Isn't This A Job For The Death Guys And Jesus Jason Stop Chasing Me!!!

2) Teaching Gally and Mini magic. Especially since I was tired while teaching Gally, and extremely prone to distraction. Also, learning that her kind of Dryads are extremely anti-Binding. That was a cool quirk.

3) Taliya's "adoption." Also, all things involving Taliya.

4) The Depths mod, and all that will come about from that encounter.

5) The opening of Pain and Purity, even if Zeth's somewhat angry zealous side came out. Ah...zealotry.

6) Shane's Frankenspirits!
1) Gambling with One-Ear and winning the bet but losing the money anyway. That magnificent bastard. "Yeah, that just happened."
2)Farmer NPCs; farming is relevant.
3)Double-hooking and playing a cackler while attacking a low-level newbie was memorable and the best part of that battle.
4)Going around at four in the morning and disarming the traps that have been springing up in the night. Then hoping not to get caught doing the good deed as (being us) we'd be blamed for setting them in the first place.
5)Seriously, the way that Dab and Roann are talked about and viewed as shady is great. "Be all you can't be."
6)Barbarian ward/ noisemakers.
7)Hitting Nate in the nuts every five seconds, lawl.
8)Talking long and hard with Nova and then seeing it dawn on her that Roann is a sociopath.
9)The Scholastic Arboretum, (I think?) and convincing a group that there's treasure inside while withholding the fact that it blows people up 50% of the time.

All the PCs and how it all ties together keeps an ex-bandit/farmer coming back. I love you guys.
1) "Please explain 'shenanigans.'"
2) The Long and Ultimately Pointless Quest for Ryabel
3) Shepherding Garrick
4) JOHANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5) Drazzen the Invisible Friend, and subsequently the Serious Elf Earth Sub-Guild
6) Explaining Dead MWE Storage at midnight
1. Playing magical badminton with Shin in the dark.
2. Throwing all my packets at Polare, shrugging and walking away from him during the second night battle.
3. Role-playing with Krieger and Darylin (spelling?) and finding out about what the players are doing for refugees.
4. Working with everyone at monster camp (which was very well organized).
1.) Speaking of Zeth and distractions, one of the raccoons comes up and starts bugging him while he's teaching Gally, and I'm sitting nearby with my shield laying on the table. To the top of the shield is attached a shiny metal brooch with pointy edges and a big shiny stone in the center... Zeth wants to stop being distracted, so he looks to me, points to the brooch, and says "You should wave that at him." (I have no clue what he means; Zeth had just pointed to my shield which carries almost everything I own.) Just then, the raccoon sees the shiny object and yells "MINE!" and reaches out to snatch it... and jerks back, nursing his hand! "Ow! Ow! Ow! It's attached! I didn't know it was attached! Owwww...."
2.) Feeling important and useful in combat against goblins. Wooooooo, gas globes and cure elixirs!
3.) "So did you and Maven have fun?" "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Uh huh. I saw you two go walking off together." "I have no idea what you're talking about."
4.) Bellydancing and playing the ocarina with the orcs. That's the fastest I'd played that song ever, and I'd only JUST learned it at game that day.
5.) Unnerving Dab by just sitting there.
1.) Tsunami and Dream mod with March and trying to figure out what to do when the light went on. Eventually reading our whole page in unison... we were so out of breath by the end of it!
2.) Fighting Shane's MWE behind enemy lines with Diego. That's a fast raccoon!
3.) A good, overdue, talk with Polare. Always exceptional!
4.) March coming over to the Mists cabin on Saturday Night, "Kasuni, I wanted to see your home and meet your family!" ... Uh oh!
5.) Hanging out in the Mists cabin with everyone... Always a blast!
6.) The best conversation ever with Daylynn after he used his golem to pick up Kasuni and Taliya and stick us to an undead. "Daylynn, has no one ever told you that it is rude to pick people up and put them places, like on an undead? Really? Well, it is!"
7.) Fighting Shane's MWE on Saturday night, and figuring out his vulnerability to Stone. Throwing a couple of wand charges, and getting hit with 10 Spellstrike Deaths in a row in response. Keeping him incapacitated with Polare, Jem, Kidda, and Sage for almost an hour.
8.) Having Durnic and Morgan over for a drink, and telling them about things that haven't come up for almost 7 years. That's a conversation that has been coming for a long time.
9.) Tavern shenanigans with the raccoons on Saturday night. Karzel spiking Kasuni and March's drinks, and March and Kasuni stealing and hiding everyone's things. Scaring Flynn when Peanut (his sword) went missing.
10.) Kasuni and Nova butting horns. That's two excitable MWEs with communication barriers.
11.) July, Shay, and Garrick joining Tsunami and Dream!
12.) Finding a used trap on my cloak in the tavern. Being confused about who would leave a used-up trap on a cloak. Hearing OOG later what happened. Yikes!
13.) Battle Cat!
14.) The 9th House

Thank you all for a great game! That was a blast!
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1.) Speaking of Zeth and distractions, one of the raccoons comes up and starts bugging him while he's teaching Gally, and I'm sitting nearby with my shield laying on the table. To the top of the shield is attached a shiny metal brooch with pointy edges and a big shiny stone in the center... Zeth wants to stop being distracted, so he looks to me, points to the brooch, and says "You should wave that at him." (I have no clue what he means; Zeth had just pointed to my shield which carries almost everything I own.) Just then, the raccoon sees the shiny object and yells "MINE!" and reaches out to snatch it... and jerks back, nursing his hand! "Ow! Ow! Ow! It's attached! I didn't know it was attached! Owwww...."

Yeah that was me.... Karzel thought it was magic!!! And he was right!!

1. Kiarra and her Drunken Felony.
1)Biata Pantherghasts
3)Being a laughing corpse for three hours with a bad throat. I could hardly talk afterwards. T'was glorious.
4)The MWE Rescue mod. Tony and Paige were hilarious.
1.) Maven- "I consume this one, I consume this two, I consume this three. OW, that was spicy."
2.) Battle Cat!
3.) Meeting all the new NPCs
4.) Ghost lovers on the beach with Shane
1. Laughing like a fool, knowing full well that I helped set up a trap that I was about to walk into.
3. Listening to 2 marshals go into a fit of profanity rarely seen
4. Watching a marshal kick the trap off while yelling "THAT'S HOW YOU DISARM A TRAP"
5. Coloring in my book, drawing people walking by, and only one person asked what I was doing
6. Wearing a collar the whole game, and only hearing 2 whispers about it all weekend.
7. The look on certain PC's faces when I told them my story, and parts of what I knew about our enemies, and why I wear the collar, and color.
1. Zeth hallucinating that Gally was a tomato and going "Hey, Tomatoes don't move" and then binding me in place so he can try to eat me.
2. Late night incantation practice. When you can do the incant half asleep, you know you got it.
3. "So I was talking to this blackberry bush..." "What is it with you.. you could trip, fall into a bush, and come out uninjured with something"
4. The roman line strategy that got skeletons into the actual Tavern
5. A necromancer telling the undead to "Get in there and kill them" and me and another NPC look at each other, go "Which them?" then go right back to trying to murder the PCs. Apparently that was the right them.
6. Walking around early Sunday morning with a whole mess of "Way to high for this to be safe for my squishy self" PCs when the Death elemental shows up with his Order buddies and watching everyone scramble for the wards.
1) Spending quality time with the earth guild peeps and having a chance to test some new "hands on" undead fighting lesson plans.
2) Getting the chance to meet so many great new PCs and NPCs.
3) Biata panthergast and all the awesome adventurer back-up support with that fight.
4) The 2am hunt for a Ryabel who was not missing!
5) The joy of watching Dra'zen and Vellis interact with Johann the overly exuberant Biata. It was sheer magic.
6) The chat with Shay and Kasuni about Tsunami and Dream.
7) The orc and high-ogre clan - your roleplay added so much to the weekend and your cabin setup was superb!
8) The ceramic bowl of hope. Best. Item. Ever.
Oooooo man.
1. Dat trap tho.
2. Late night chat with Nova, culminating in her realization that Roann's not exactly cuddly inside. Excellent role play and discussion about life, morality, emotions, justice, law and truth with Nova, Tall Elf Dude, and Zeth.
3. Zeth's face when he asked: "Wait... you mean, create life... from nothing?"
4. Mummy's just want hugs man.
5. Light and Lies mod, brief but fun. Sneaking around the building, double-tapping a goblin and looking up to see all the others had already been dispatched. It was like we were made to work together or something.
6. Discussion with Shin and Ko about necromancy, reality, and balance.
7. The scared-looking MWE Allara coming to chat with Roann, hand on her sword.
8. Legs going hog-wild on some Pantherghasts.
9. House related stuff, sneakery, and the finer points of being a retired brigand.
10. Bjorn's bone and salt wards against evil spirits.
11. Bjorn giving Nova a literal grain of salt.
12. Mal(sp?) and Garrick taking a trip into Roann's mind, willingly I might add. Great roleplay, and hearing about Garrick's response to it second-hand was awesome as well.
13. All of the music! Roann hates it and nearly blew his shatters on instruments, but I loved it!
1: All the baked goods.
2: Dab hearing Bhaskara used to be an agricultural seed salesman.
3: Downtime shenanigans. Waiting for the shoe to drop on that one.
4: House of Rumor and Conjecture. Discussions of the house banner. Rumors coming true.
5: Rachel "peeing out the stone elf" while waiting for Sunday morning lair cards.
6: Plot realizations on the drive home.
7: Hearing bits of plot I started in Oregon. Jordan, Isaac, Ali, I love you guys, it's why I do the things I do to you.
8: Breaking Shin with some shiny rocks. Payback for rocks from two events ago!
1) The Ice Elementals trying to get home were hilarious. Srsly.
2) All my new House Unicorn friends! <3
3) Being ridiculous with my Felony
4) I had so much fun killing things with fire!
5) Basically everything. Great event guys :)
Mr. Woodcock's tournament goblin. My voice was harsh from yelling at him to shut up. Thanks for taking it all in stride, it was a fun thing to watch. Congratulations again to all the winners (I thought bones was going to take it)
1. Wykunis and everything around all of that.
2. Finally getting a drink with Kasuni.
3. "Shun all non-Mystic Wood Elves".
4. Sneaking through the woods with Morgan to do some scouting.
5. Special thank you to Ben for thinking off-of-the-cuff and letting me use my Treewhispering for tracking purposes. That meant a lot to me. :D
6. Last but definitely not least, opening the House of Fate and Fury.
1) "Shun all Non-High Orcs" And not knowing what the hell to do! Dear lord...
2) The Tourney.
3) Orc Party
4) Lowering the property value of all the houses in the neighborhood... just by moving in.
5) Watching all my Salt Lake friends have a wonderful time. (At least the ones that made it anyways)
6) The people of Alliance Seattle. You guys keep making me want to come back.