October Event Meal


After a wonderful meal this past Saturday I was curious who might be interested in purchasing Saturday breakfast and dinner during the upcoming event? My dad was the cook for the past game day and he has expressed interest in cooking those two meals for the upcoming event. The dinner would be planned for in-game as there will be a gathering/feast Saturday night. At this time I am just trying to get a general idea of who might be interested in this if it were available. We would likely charge $10 for the two meals. Breakfast would likely be some sort of breakfast burritos. juice, etc and dinner will likely be home made chili, corn bread and possibly some form of dessert. Whether or not you purchase the "meal plan" you would still be welcome at the in-game dinner you just would just have to provide your own food.

Although NPCing is free at events, we provide food for the whole weekend for $10. This would include these meals.

I'd do it if beans weren't a focus of the dinner.
Despite it not being necessary for the dish, I generally assume that when people say "chili" they mean "chili with beans", which means I would likely not enjoy it.
I would get this for sure if I was to go, still waiting on a response/my post to actually post for NPC'ing the next event :).
Same here
I'm in too.
So, unfortunately, real-life has intervened and Dave will be unavailable to cook for the event. We still would like to set up an in-game Saturday night meal, and we still need someone to cook for our NPCs. At this time, we are looking for a volunteer or group of volunteers for this duty. If you don't know how to cook but can follow instructions, I can provide some easy-to-prep recipes, as well as prep up some good foods that will just need reheating on a stove or in an oven.
Well, depending upon numbers I can cook but seeing as I am either copping a ride from someone or motorcycling to the event, transporting food will be the biggest issue.

Considering we have a kitchen as our disposal options are boundless.

Some easy ideas:
Lumberjack Soup.
- milk & cheese base, hash browns, ham, peas, corn w/ some potato starch to thicken. One big pot=easy clean up.
Breakfast Burritos.
- eggs, ham, cheese, sausage/bacon, salsa w/ flour tortillas.
Basic chicken or ham dinner.
I can bring some food for an in-game feast. Dinners (especially allergen-free ones) are my specialty. :)

I'm also willing to help with a meal or two for NPCs. If you want to email me i'm at vividian13 ~*at*~ yahoo ~*dot*~ com.

Just let me know. ;D
I will PM prashka to see if we will split cooking duties and food logistics during the next week. We will need to know if we are cooking for 10, 20 or more though.
Can anyone confirm (PM or post) if you are in or out: current list from previous notes....

Pork on side only.

Roan Dari Alki

Adam S

PS: I am not a big chili cooking person, so going with something else & I am open to recommendations.
See my previous post on Lumberjack Soup (which is more like a thick stew than a runny soup) on if that would be a Yeah or Nay.
I'll be there for the meal, is there a price change? I'm also up to trying the Lumberjack Soup.