October event pre-reg



1. Heidi Hooper
2. Cassidy Cording
3. David Trapasso + year membership
4. Dustin Springer + year membership
5. Joe Siegel
6. Frank Coyne
7. Paul Boyle
8. Craig Fiske + $10 food donation
9. Meghan Kinkaid
10. Alex Koziak + event membership
11. Gloria Botbyl + event membership
12. William Hawkins + event membership
13. Kelly Allard
14. Dustin Crewell
15. Eric Gibson
16. Mitzie Gibson
17. Seth Prew
18. James Pockington
19. Adam Cushion + event membership
20. Hoyce
21. Albert Lamonda
22. John Robertson
23. Lauren Yung + event membership
24. Loren Williams + event membership + $5 food donation
25. Tiffany Chase + event membership
26. Damon Brundige
27. Anastasia Miklojcik

1. Cole Angelo
2. Will Mullally

Phoenix (4 beds):
Gryphon (4 beds):
Dragon (4 beds):
Pegasus (6 beds): Blythedale
Gargoyle (8 beds): Nemesis
Wyvern (6 beds): Meghan Kinkaid

Fire (4 beds): Frank Coyne
Water (4 beds): Craig Fiske
Earth (2 beds): Joe Siegel
Air (6 beds): Dustin Springer
Spirit (7 beds): Healer's Guild

Note on housing: There are enough beds for everyone, but we ask that you be kind to those who may show up and don't have a reserved space. If someone has no place to sleep and you have a spare bed, please be kind and let them stay there. Also, please don't reserve one of the spots that has 6 or 8 beds if there are only 4 on your team -- get one of the smaller cabins instead.
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I believe I had previously pre-registered for this event and reserved the Private Room Earth.

Joe Siegel
Good morning Mike. I just sent in a payment for this event and and payment to reserve Room Fire for this event.
Thank you
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I just sent payment for October. I'll poke the rest of my group to get on it as well; we'd like to reserve a cabin.
Can I please request Gargoyle cabin for myself and others? We have a squad of 8, most are pre-regging nowish
Also part of the Gargoyle crew - prereg is for me and Dustin :)
Paid and Prereg.
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Just paid to PC, playing Joshua. Nemesis and Friends crew is growing, can we please snag Wyvern?
Hello! I think there has been some confusion.

The group I'm requesting a cabin for is myself, Lauren Y, Albert L, Mitzie G, Alex K, and Gloria B. We had a 7th, but they aren't able to make the event anymore.

The Nemesis group is a different group, but I think they're a big crew.

Can I take the 6 person cabin, Wyvern, and Nemesis can take the 8 person cabin, Gargoyle?
Confusion likely stemmed from people assuming Eric and Mitz would stay together (that whole "married IRL" thing....).

To clarify- Meg's group is as detailed above.

Nemesis and friends is currently me, Paul, Eric, Hoyce, Kelly, Dustin, and possibly one or two more.

Looks like both groups each need one of the bigger cabins.
Confusion likely stemmed from people assuming Eric and Mitz would stay together (that whole "married IRL" thing....).

To clarify- Meg's group is as detailed above.

Nemesis and friends is currently me, Paul, Eric, Hoyce, Kelly, Dustin, and possibly one or two more.

Looks like both groups each need one of the bigger cabins.
Sorry! We totally had some confusion on all fronts! :)