October Favorites

Oh my...Where do I begin?

1) My first chapter-hop EVER!!! This is my first season LARPing. And this was my first time outside of HQ> WOW.

2) All the Famillia! I've never seen that meny gypsies in my life! ^_^ I was so proud to be sitting in the sun next to 3 other cousins.

3) The look on Bill, Tori and Samara(sp?)'s faces to see me in NH

4) relizing I was staying in the same motel as Metzler, chazz, bill, and everyone else.

5) AMAZING RP with Savaria. Never thought I would want to protect a wild elf before.

6) The "Rescuse the MEW" mod. I was the only healer, and not only did no one fall, but, I got to be the "main-distraction" as the guys were working together to storm the bad-guy. I was so proud of them!

7) I know alot of people were misrable in the rainy-night-wave-battle-of-doom, but it was honestly a fav of mine. Standing in the mud, dripping wet, my hair and cloths plastered to my skin, and the Big-Bad tells me and the other gypsies to "go home"?? I Don't think so!!!! I ended up ditching my cloak and fighting. By the time I got into the tavern at the end, the Dwarven Bar Keep called me a "drowned gypsy-rat". Thanks. Love you too. lol!

8) everything Sean Metzler(sp?). Holy crap. You really must be hideing a stunt-double in NPC camp. Every time I turn around, you were something different. Honey, you are so wonderful, allong with all the NPC's. Thanks guys!

9) RP with Dabora.

10) My most memorable moment as of right now (that is untill I think of others) was the awsum RP between Amar, Wynter and Patchiki, talking about Lady Zat. Apparently, At first, Pat thought I was going to tear into him for bad-mouthing Zat, and totaly surprized him when I said, "I can't stand her sometimes!".

I know I'll think of more. My brain still isn't 100%. More later ^_^
A short list not in any order

Being able to get onsite at a decent time. This is the first event I have been able to get to before 9-10pm.

The coffin sales man and the RP which ensued.

Don't drink the lava!!!

Gary coming into the tavern, chasing out keely and me and someone else chasing after them to try and save keely. The second Gary is out the door *hold* other werewolves transform and finding out on the lay on that the two people behind us were the other werewolves.

Warm cider, I forgot how much I missed the colder events until that moment.

Having someone constantly checking to see if I needed healing. I love being spoiled.

Having Sean hit me with 16 death, realizing 2 seconds later I was out of evasive skills.

Swamp mod. We all knew it was the trash compactor. It was awesome, and we all stayed in character for it.

On Saturday when the waves of undead were coming out you guys did an awesome job making it seem like they were coming from every direction.

The werewolf exchange, and after rescuing Ray's meewee Ray just being like "what are you doing here..."

Knife fight!!!

There are so many other moments, I'm sure I will remember them later though.

NPC's you guys rock! Thanks to you folks who handled plot and everyone else who got/kept things rolling.
Azureith said:
The werewolf exchange, and after rescuing Ray's meewee Ray just being like "what are you doing here..."

yeah you would think that he would be a little more grateful for his sister to organize a group of people and risk life and limb to save him
i loved the rp during the "exchange" was to funny
"oh well you can breed them."
"thir brother and sister arent they?"
"who knows what you'd get from breeding two related mwe were wolves."
the sons and daughters of lightning didnt fall for it though and we had to come up with a new plan
which just resulted in us luring out a couple of the gaurds then when ben and one other garud was left, rushing in and killing ben before he could finish his three count
and then on the way out that pc carrying ray on his back so we could move faster before the rest of the army came down was too funny and im really surprised at how far he ran with ray on his back.
Lots, but my memory sucks.

Emilio. God I love to hate him. I know he can't be reasoned with, so I didn't try. Just kept trying (unsuccesfuly) to find a away to hurt him.

Rock, and his inability to apprichiate how close he come to being executed. Being a **** to me after the mental encounter, unaware that had I wanted to, I could have fed him to the justicar's axe. Brian is the man. Great times.

Undead petting zoo. Looking at albrick and mouthing "he's distracted, go for it"

Having to explain to the Justicar WHY Rock should not be alowed to tend goats. "well, my lord...because no one f***s more goats than Raska." I couldn't maintain a serious demenor as I said it. Again, Brian....damn man.

Being the guy in full scale maile who can sneek up on people who are comunicating with bad guys in secret.

Backing up Sevaria against teh Dark Elf. Amar = racial purest. If Sev wanted the Dark Elf dead for breaking with tradition and purity, then Amar was more than willing to start the fight.

Moral delemia's about Icenia, the brewing civil war, and Ren.

Inking set, letters, and sealing wax. "Open only in the event of my demise"

More I am sure but I have a long drive ahead of me.
I'm so tired and my head is still in a blur, but here's what I got:

- Plot. Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting me advance my character as much as I did this weekend. You guys constantly threw me for a loop, whether it was from dark elves pregnant with a member of my tribe or putting the crazy wild elf racist in charge of the town. I have a lot to think about with this character now -- I think a lot of things are going to change with Sevaria and it's going to be iiiinteresting.

- Speaking of! DARK ELF PREGNANT WITH WILD ELF WHAT THE F&@K. Oh my Goood, guys. That was the craziest roleplay I've done in years. From telling Amaranthus and Darius in plain terms that if she didn't leave, I would run her through, to the Sadden Morians arriving, and me going: "wait.. wait, she's PREGNANT!", and me going through my mental rolodex of who would kill me and who would help me if I decided to pick a fight and kill a pregnant woman. Not to mention the Justicar would just obliterate me anyway.

- Rahksa and Emilio. Only Brian Bender can be that much of a slick bastard to avoid being executed by the Justicar. People go into Rahk's head. Hilarity ensues.

- Undead petting zoo? I need me one of those.

- Serious business roleplay with Darius and Amaranthus. It's weird -- this character started off as a complete loner, distrustful of everyone, and now the biata purist and the half-dwarven paladin wanna-be are her closest friends. Go figure.

- Having to lead the town. OOG, sure, that's something I could do. IG, as Sevaria? Heeeell no. She tried her best though, and I tried my best through her. It was a weird and interesting experience for me.

- The Vanguard. I fricking love watching these guys.

I'll see you guys in two weeks -- except this time, I'll be in sideburns. :D
One thing I forgot.

This event does not count tword the east coast season. I am sorry everyone, but seeing as I was not injured in any way this weekend means this was not a ligitimate event. Magic items and production should be returned to logistics, and you should contact customer Service about how such an oversite could occur.


PS: in all reality, this was the first event all year (and I have been to every event this year except one) that i was not injured in some fashion. Thank you for not hurting me. See you in Nov.
dreadpiratebill said:
One thing I forgot.

This event does not count tword the east coast season. I am sorry everyone, but seeing as I was not injured in any way this weekend means this was not a ligitimate event. Magic items and production should be returned to logistics, and you should contact customer Service about how such an oversite could occur.


PS: in all reality, this was the first event all year (and I have been to every event this year except one) that i was not injured in some fashion. Thank you for not hurting me. See you in Nov.

Amaranthus losing his eyebrow doesn't count?
::Looks at the pic of Ator begging on bended knee::: yup...i got it...

and i gotta say the pic of us gluing glow snakes to ray's eyebrows is HILARIOUS! and if you didn't know what it was..you'd laugh
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
::Looks at the pic of Ator begging on bended knee::: yup...i got it...

and i gotta say the pic of us gluing glow snakes to ray's eyebrows is HILARIOUS! and if you didn't know what it was..you'd laugh
the problem is that i don't know how to get them from the CD they're on to a computer :( this computer at work with internet is a thin client which means no disc drive for me to stick it in...Any ideas??? i can bring the disks to the kingston site on friday as well as my camera. i'm hoping that someone can get the mini video clips off my camera (aparently they don't translate to the disks at kinney drugs) because there is a mini clip of Jaimi playing a werewolf that is actually almost terrifying.
I thought of one more:

Amaranthus and Sevaria are in the tavern after a somewhat long and stressful discussion. He picks up what looks like the inside workings of a music box off the table and starts turning the gear:

Sev: .. It's clicking. Amaranthus, it's clicking.
Amaranthus: I know it's cli-- oh god, it's clicking.
Sev: ::Backs away five feet.:: You're going to blow up, Amaranthus. It's clicking.
Amaranthus: Tinker -- TINKER!!

That's what you get for having a music box the two most paranoid characters in game.
on that note...the look on (orange tabard gary played him)'s face when he picked up one of Tinker's gloves. with the metal fixtures and bits of colored glass all over it...and he was looking at it like UHHHHH WHAT THE HECK? and my npc at the time (raven scavenger) was thinking OOOOH SPARKLIES I WANT IT!!! but......i decided it might be back for her to steal a PCs glove heheheheh