Well apparently I only previewed my favorites list instead of submitting it the first time, so let's give it another go and see if I'm bright enough to press the right button. Favorites List for October, in no particular order, Round Two...GO!
#1. "The Mod Which Shall Not Be Named." Detailed, right? I'm sure everyone has their own super-secret adventure, but wow. Just when you think you don't have a part to play in the bigger conflicts of Fortanis, you stealthily sneak up behind them.....and they floor you. I wish I could say more, but know I probably never will. I'm so glad late night, "Gloves Off" mods are back. Thank you, Plot Committee. Thank you so very, very much!
#2. The look on Rose (NPC's) face when I completed her fishbowl quest by giving her an actual, real pumpkin. This ranger goes above and beyond the call of duty!
#3. Getting cursed. Twice. Nothin' says lovin' like a Greater Fey Curse and a Gypsy Curse bickering over your brain space. I had an incredible time channeling my Middle School years in order to role-play Slough'Sluagh's "Curse of Self-Doubt," and would like to thank all of the characters (especially Grim, Andros, Garathon, and Leona) who did their best to salvage what was left of Khorwyn's failing bravado during its course. And once it was removed it was replaced by Ket's "Curse of Unwavering Confidence." I know I'm taking liberties with the name of the latter, but what a 180! New role-playing opportunities made for lessons learned, humility gained, and a gift received. Awesome. Truly awesome.
#4. Late night memory-scrambling role-play with Gwendara. Again, a whole new portion of the game was revealed to me, and all I had to do was let a Biata get her hands on me. Oooh. That sounded dirty. :shock:
#5. NPC's, NPC's, NPC's. My favorites included Amelia's "Breakfast Orc," Robb's "Slough'Sluagh," Bill's warrior powerhouse from Castle Idolan (spelling?), Patrick's bumbling warrior whose-name-I-forget, the three honor-bound Fomorians in the woods, and the always alluring Lady Oblivia.
#6. "Correcting" Find'rth. Hey, he had it coming to him, after calling me naive and stupid for no reason.
#7. Getting to go out to dinner with my hometown (sorta) crew.
#8. Music! Two events in a row we've had tunes of epic ambiance, and I never want it to stop. Whoever had the idea to give us forboding and inspiring melodies as we played is my hero. +12 Awesome Points.
#9. The two Friday night "visitors" we had rift in within our Warded private room, on behalf of the Prince. Creepy, especially since they new personal information about both myself and Garathon when we arose to engage them.
#10. Honor combat by the creek. What an amazing and spontaneous opportunity for incredible role-playing and combat. Special thanks go to Collin for the role-play which led into the actual honor combat, and also to Brad, with whom I got to have an intense Boffer/Kenjitsu battle. Well fought, Shinobi.
#11. Oh snap! I broke my 10-point favorites rule! Seriously, though, it was awesome to have our original crew back together again for the season finale. Me, Robb, Amanda, Brian, and Jinu, all having a great time together.
#12. And last but not least, my throwing weapon mishap. Here I was, all excited to have finally learned and put build into Thrown Weapon, and during the Friday night battle with the torch and hay circle, I stumble upon a throwing weapon. I pick it up, and ask a nearby adventurer if they can use it. They replied, "Nope!" and with glee, I said, "Well I can!" and proceeded to fling it directly at Mike Brenizer. Or should I say, Mike Brenizer's mouth. Which had a set of orc tusks in it.
Sorry Mike!
Thanks for being such a good sport.
That's all for now. I've had a wonderful season, and can't wait to see everyone next year. I wish everyone safe and warm winters, and delightful holidays of your choosing. Take care, and see you all in April!