That's not an explanation that the Alliance system permits, much like you can't throw flame bolts that do 16 points of damage because your spellbook came from before the numbers were changed, and you can't incant "From the North, I call an Ice Storm forth" (more's the pity) because that's what your pre-split, long ago spellbook has written in it. The intention of the roleplay restriction is to bar ogres from using Necromancy, the effect group. If you are circumventing that restriction without rules-enforced reasoning (i.e. Enslavement, Vampire Charm, are Undead, etc.), you're playing neither by the spirit nor the letter of the rules.Tempest said:My Ogre (and his mind set) is from a different rulebook.
Not really. Honest mistakes ("Oh, I didn't know flame bolts did 20, I've been taking them as 16 all weekend") are cheating as much as flagrant violations ("Oh, that rule doesn't apply to me, because I'm old"Getting the cheating card out awfully quick JP?