*A cold, empty voice echoes quietly through the dreaming like water droplets in a mausoleum falling on stone.*
I aim, in this thread of consciousness, to speak on several notions and coax free what details are lacking in my own observations.
It has become apparent through the evidence I have collected in my "shady dealings" as some have taken to calling my methods of information gathering, that the Savage Legion engages in magics of the Blood.
Upon further research it is evident that these magics are derived from Celestial roots, which to my observation makes naught but sense considering that blood is simply an extension of the elemental.
Furthermore they utilize this magic in conjunction with Ogre Mages. Not High Ogres as we are used to encountering, but rather their cousins, less diluted and refined in their lineage.
Evidence suggests these Ogres often serve as powerful necromancers and mages, but for what reason these roles are less populated by their physically weaker yet mentally superior goblinoid cousins is as of yet a mystery.
In addition to the preceding, I have learned that some of our enemies house within them an elemental shard. Some stone of power that I only discovered after having dissected several living specimens of their ilk, is not perceivable to the naked eye.
In this vein I would ask assistance from a Celestial or Earth caster of greater power than my own in divining a method for viewing this shard so I may employ my skills in surgery and magic to locate and carefully harvest one such specimen. From my understanding, it exists on two or more planes at once and may only be seen by an individual who can view both halves simultaneously.
I have not yet seen an example of such an ability and if it can be gained magically I will volunteer myself, as only makes sense, to be a "guinea pig" of sorts in determining a means for imparting this ability.
To those of you mentally capable of assisting in gathering further information on these subjects, as well as working a solution on how to locate and excise one of these shards, I invite you to speak here or privately as suits you.
-Roann Flynt of Light & Lies and Brother's Creed
I aim, in this thread of consciousness, to speak on several notions and coax free what details are lacking in my own observations.
It has become apparent through the evidence I have collected in my "shady dealings" as some have taken to calling my methods of information gathering, that the Savage Legion engages in magics of the Blood.
Upon further research it is evident that these magics are derived from Celestial roots, which to my observation makes naught but sense considering that blood is simply an extension of the elemental.
Furthermore they utilize this magic in conjunction with Ogre Mages. Not High Ogres as we are used to encountering, but rather their cousins, less diluted and refined in their lineage.
Evidence suggests these Ogres often serve as powerful necromancers and mages, but for what reason these roles are less populated by their physically weaker yet mentally superior goblinoid cousins is as of yet a mystery.
In addition to the preceding, I have learned that some of our enemies house within them an elemental shard. Some stone of power that I only discovered after having dissected several living specimens of their ilk, is not perceivable to the naked eye.
In this vein I would ask assistance from a Celestial or Earth caster of greater power than my own in divining a method for viewing this shard so I may employ my skills in surgery and magic to locate and carefully harvest one such specimen. From my understanding, it exists on two or more planes at once and may only be seen by an individual who can view both halves simultaneously.
I have not yet seen an example of such an ability and if it can be gained magically I will volunteer myself, as only makes sense, to be a "guinea pig" of sorts in determining a means for imparting this ability.
To those of you mentally capable of assisting in gathering further information on these subjects, as well as working a solution on how to locate and excise one of these shards, I invite you to speak here or privately as suits you.
-Roann Flynt of Light & Lies and Brother's Creed