Opening event?


Gettysburg Staff
So who's coming? PC or NPC?

I'm actually on the light side this time :)
I am reaaaaally trying to get off my guard crap so I can show up.

I PLAN on being an NPC, but I can't confirm anything until I get approval. LAME.
LIGHT SIDE PC PIEW PIEW PIEW! But I may hop ye/the olde fence at some point to swing a little pipe.
Just pre-regged me AND TODD to PC the opener. (WHAAATT?!?)

KILL IT, KILL IT, I'll be PCing I hope. We'll shall see.
I'll be there to PC, My rabbitkin will probably have to eat his shoes to survive if no one orders anything, but I'll be there :-p.
I will be there, NPCing!! Gotta get a few ducks in a row before I get all the pre-reg stuff done, but it would take a LOT to stop be from being there and reveling in the glory that is the dark side!!!!! >:D
fyrechild said:
Just pre-regged me AND TODD to PC the opener. (WHAAATT?!?)



But anyway.... I will be PC-ing Rayna! Can't wait! I will be pre-regging ASAP (have to wait for new bank card to show up before I can pay...)
Hi. I'll be putting up the pre-reg lists for the event today.

Please email me at to let me know if you're coming to PC or NPC. I check the Facebook event page to keep up with who's attending, but emails to logistics are the official way to pre-register. Also, NPCs please include your T-shirt size when you email me, so I can inform Robb for some nefarious plans of his.


Thinking of coming.

Are there any foresty groups that my character (Sornelintion / Swifteagle / Eagle-eye / etc) can stay with?
I didn't realize GB starts in March. How much ahead time do I need to register and how do I pay?

N/M I found the website. Now I just need wife approval and to update my skills on my character.
Cúangol said:
Thinking of coming.

Are there any foresty groups that my character (Sornelintion / Swifteagle / Eagle-eye / etc) can stay with?

IG question!
Damn, I get to meet Ocean, I can't wait.