Our First Weekend Event! May 22nd-24th!

I like it... Dave I need you to NPC something for me next event... :P

Haha, Paul I think I just got a great Idea for an Archduke outfit....
you are all sick, very very sick! Unless Dave weard makeup like John does when playing a pricess. If you are willing to emerse yourself in the role, I guess it is okay.
We *could* put pink bows in his hair too, but I don't know if it would work without the bows and makeup...
'm going to npc for this event also until I start getting the hang of this. And that image of dave in a skirt and wig keeps getting better and better. ;)
Nothin wrong with that! Get a free game, and the experience (both in game and out of game) ta boot!
Unfortunately I will not be able to make the game. I'll be in Alaska, attending my brother's graduation and shoring up the defense's against Dave's next invasion attempt.
Will there be rule books available for purchase at the event? I tried my local Shinders, but the 2 near me went out of business. I will check Barnes & Noble today and see if they have it in their gaming section.
We'll have rulebooks on hand for sale, We are working at getting some of our books in some hobby shops around the area, but they are not available in major bookstores (perhaps someday though ^.^)

Rulebooks sell for and Even $20
Great, because I tried Borders and B&N today and neither had them.

The only other place I can think of is Uncle Hugo's, but I don't have the time to go there today and probably won't this week.
Rulebooks are available online as well, should you wish to download an e-book version of it.
Fynwei said:
Gah! The image of Dave in a skirt, frilly pink bodice, and a yarn pigtail wig is too much! x.x

After many weeks of painstaking mental gymnastics I finally remember the above quote as it must have been actually said.