Our Money, Any Ideas?


I want t' start by thankin' everyone for stickin' with us this last market day for the bumps and confusion in dividing our i'ems and money evenly- and a special thanks to those who 'elped in the end with the miscount. Obviously that was one problem we faced. I would suggest that from now on we set up a system writing down the names of all adventurers before we go off t' fight. That would make check in at the end so much smoother as well as stop the problem from 'appenin' again.

That still leaves us with the question of value on objects. When we 'ave a group as large as ours it just doesn' make sense t' auction every i'em. I mean, there 'ad to 'ave been at 30-40ish things in that pile! For one thing identifying wot they are takes plenty of time on its own. I welcome any ideas on 'ow to resolve this problem in a way that is both quick and fair. I certainly don't want t' see stuff from one market day being carried around til the next. That's an easy way for theft to 'appen.

Also, as an outside contractor with the tavern itself I would like to suggest that McGregor an' 'is employees be the ones in charge of 'olding and takin' care of the books for our loot. I 'ave worked with both Ainye and McGregor an' am more than willing to vouch for their character- but hey, McGregor's on the counsel. That alone should show 'ow 'e stands in our communi'y. -An' lets not forget the staff can keep the money safe until its collected in the ward or wizard lock.

Those are my thoughts on the mat'er anyway. I welcome open discussion on the subject.

-Miss Alyce Sharp
I elect that any person who is in charge of carrying or dividing the spoils be held accountable for it. For example, if you "lose" a magic item while it is in your possession, you should be prevented from ever participating in the carrying or dividing of the spoils of war. It makes common sense... either you're a thief or incompetent, in both cases you've proven yourself unworthy.
-Hunter Davion
I for one thing that someone at the Tavern, or Sheriff Fern or one of his deputies would be the perfect person to hold onto things if we are unable to split things up right away. As far as counting things out, I think anyone that everyone can agree on that at the least knows the values of different things would be fine. I would even be alright with that person getting a little tip for their work in the mater but that's just me. Also, if people were to buy things from the pot to be sure they got something they wanted, then please pay appropriate amounts for things. I understand that there is an up and starting Alchemy guild out there, but I for one am able to identify alchemical substances and can assure you there there are many elixirs and gasses and such that I would not sell for less then five silver.

As far as things going missing, before we count them out, lets first try and determine what happened. I would be surprised if there were no thieves at all in Hopes Reach. If its not their fault then its not their fault.

-Arrin Fillrith
I think we needed a bigger bag to carry our spoils. I'll make one. It will be done by the next market day.

David_Aselrik said:
I elect that any person who is in charge of carrying or dividing the spoils be held accountable for it. For example, if you "lose" a magic item while it is in your possession, you should be prevented from ever participating in the carrying or dividing of the spoils of war. It makes common sense... either you're a thief or incompetent, in both cases you've proven yourself unworthy.
-Hunter Davion
I have to agree with Davion here. I do not mean to offend anyone, I understand mistakes happen - but honestly they seemed to be happening a lot this past gathering. I found Jamina, Nirvana (I believe that was her name, she was a dryad), and McGregor to all be trustworthy in my book. (And obviously I trust Davion and Cho Ko Nu, but I am partial to them since I knew both before I even could hold a sword).
- Allendra
PS - That sounds like a splendid idea Gorka...at the very least we'd have a big bag for carrying your body away from undead sleeping trees! :lol:
the problem i be seein in each case were the things that were pocketed. i heard of a couple formal magic scrolls that didn't make it to loot, i personally witnessed 1. that is a big share of loot, and not being put in the pot is a huge detriment to the group loot. someone who gets such a valuable item should not also be conning gold out of the pot. i don't mind the, "i loot it, i keep it" mentality, but that means that i ain't never gettin a fair share as i am more concerned with the fairness of the issue. a formal scroll and any MI was worth more than any share that we got of loot, and i support that people get a share of loot or one of those items, and if more than one person wants it, then it goes to auction unless someone is nice and lets one of them less experienced adventurers have it.

too many squishies are around for me to stop to loot, i gotta watch their backs. i ain't much of a fighter, but i can at least let them get away by takin a couple hits.

i lost myself in my words again, but it becomes harder and harder to rely on the honor and word of the adventurers i am around when i see so much stealin and goin back on the words. mind you, there are lots of good an honest people, so i keep it straight wit'chall, but don't pretend we got a fair shake. i know i didn't even get enough to cover food costs at the tavern for loot.

there's my two braincells worth. ain't much, but its all i care to say on the issue

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
dragonfire8974 said:
the problem i be seein in each case were the things that were pocketed. i heard of a couple formal magic scrolls that didn't make it to loot, i personally witnessed 1. that is a big share of loot, and not being put in the pot is a huge detriment to the group loot. someone who gets such a valuable item should not also be conning gold out of the pot. i don't mind the, "i loot it, i keep it" mentality, but that means that i ain't never gettin a fair share as i am more concerned with the fairness of the issue. a formal scroll and any MI was worth more than any share that we got of loot, and i support that people get a share of loot or one of those items, and if more than one person wants it, then it goes to auction unless someone is nice and lets one of them less experienced adventurers have it.

too many squishies are around for me to stop to loot, i gotta watch their backs. i ain't much of a fighter, but i can at least let them get away by takin a couple hits.

i lost myself in my words again, but it becomes harder and harder to rely on the honor and word of the adventurers i am around when i see so much stealin and goin back on the words. mind you, there are lots of good an honest people, so i keep it straight wit'chall, but don't pretend we got a fair shake. i know i didn't even get enough to cover food costs at the tavern for loot.

there's my two braincells worth. ain't much, but its all i care to say on the issue

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
I agree with you on that James. I was not even aware of any formal magic scrolls during that fight (oi that would have been nice...). I am there with you on trying to protect the casters - being one of the few casters that can take any sort of blow I do my best to protect my fellow casters. By the way, it was nice fighting along side you at one point when you were using that polearm of yours - it kept them at bay and distracted so I could sneak up behind them (I wish I knew the trick to do more damage to them from behind!) Unfortunately it seems to be "every man for himself" out here..a mentality I am not used to nor can agree with.
denise_eviana said:
- Allendra
PS - That sounds like a splendid idea Gorka...at the very least we'd have a big bag for carrying your body away from undead sleeping trees! :lol:

Oh, so I should make it big enough to fit you? In that case I need to weave a lot more fabric. Sorry it may not be done in time then.

Again I apologize for the mixup this last time. Personally it was m' first time trying to 'elp with the loot. I must say all of the shoutin' an' large crowd did not 'elp mat'ers. 'Owever in the end the loot problem came with not 'aving an accurate count t' divide it between. There ended up bein' about 5 people who were not counted. Now, I'm not sure where everyone was when the count was being done but it shouldn't be 'eld against us. A person who is absent isn't exactly something we magically know about. Thus my suggestion for a sign in prior to 'eadin' out- if you don't sign and don't get counted it will be your own issue.

That's just my two beans.

And if anyone isn't grateful for us at least trying then by all means, go ahead and see 'ow you do. Personally I don't appreciate some of the craptastic attitudes that came our way- especially when we were getting NOTHING EXTRA for puttin' in such a pain in the arse, pile of steamin' crap, chunk of work! I'd do it again and improve our method but I 'ave no time for people who 'ave no consideration or respect and sadly that's half of wot I noticed goin' around. (Thank you to those offered understandin' instead.) I am ashamed to call myself an adventurer when it means we disregard what is fair and right in our own self-interest- then cry foul just for the 'ell of it, even when we got our fair share.

As t' the pocketed scrolls, I saw nothing of this and I was specifically watching for such crimes against our community. If you did see someone steal from the group (and that's exactly wot it would be in this instance, stealin' from the collective) I strongly urge you ta let Fern know. If 'e is not available you are more than welcome t' tell McGregor or Deputy York and I am sure the message will be passed on.

-Miss Alyce Sharp
Me found big scroll with words a sky magic caster could not read on body of spider in fight in cave/mine, gave to Fern, he said he need identify it. Last me saw of big scroll, but on same hand, me trust Fern's word and think he get identify, then when we know what is, we deal with then.

Me have skill of merchant, and see many items give away for much less than true value. As producer of items, this is insult to me labor. Give fair price if take from pile and divide cost in coin among others seem be good strategy. If market price not protected, market crash, then no one win because not worth cost of produce so no more items and no more merchants. Everyone lose then.

-Cho Ko Nu
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I told a few of the people who are in your group to inform you, that appenrantly didnt happen. Contact me in private if you wanna know what the scroll is.

You also have some really interesting concepts of market economics, I'd love to debate this with you as I didnt realize you were a skilled merchant and I dig talking to folks about the merchanting craft.

As to everything else, theres no such thing as a "fair share".

I also think the idea of loading me down with the treasure bag is about as good as having a picknic by an obelisk overlooking a nice respite summer sunset.:)

Sheriff Fern
Sheriff Fern,

I could only speak for the alchemical substances. I am learning what I can of the rest of the economy here but yes, I honestly wouldn't mind speaking with you about the mater and learning as much as I can. As for Loading you down with Loot, I was not referring to the middle of a fight, I simply meant that if there was no time to count things out that you or anyone else of higher standings would be a trustworthy individual to watch over it.

In any event, please get back to me about that discussion, I would be happy to describe how the economy was structured in my home land if you were interested. :)

-Arrin Fillrith
Sheriff Fern has enough problems on his hands. I think it is best not to bother him with the loot.
In terms of loot and the like:

I agree with Alyce about trying to divide up the loot. It took all of my patience (which had disappeared by the end of the night) to get through that. Personally, this would have been only the second or third time I have received anything from a mod that I attended in a group more than five adventurers. As one who is not good at fighting myself, I do not receive much when I tag along. However, I devote myself to keeping those same fighters on their feet. This is harder than it seems and I do not wish for more than a share, but I do wish for a share in the loot, even if it is merely a copper and a thank you.

I know nothing of any scrolls and, during the obelisk fight for sure if not others as well, I am usually watching for and getting people up who have gone down and are bleeding out to bother looting anything.

I believe that buying things at face value should be something that should be done in the future. Have a merchant write down the value of every looted item, then we can divide up the final copper total evenly. Taking an accurate head count would be helpful as well- there were some people hanging on the fringes of the battle that got a cut of the final loot, having done very little in the fight itself, before Alyce, Tazoulti and I got our cut. This may aid in avoiding future problems of the same.

I agree with some of the ideas presented by Aine, Allendra, and Alyce. I think we need some method of logging who goes on the adventure so we have an accurate tally and what comes back (loot wise) along with it's fair market worth so that it can be split to everyone's satisfaction. Items that can not be easily shared should either be sold at auction or to at least to someone who is providing it's fair market worth, and those monies spread equally amongst the common shares.

And until the loot is split into shares, it should be guarded & protected, say in McGregor's ward. We could even have it logged as well, to avoid any silly accusations to the staff or McGregor. And then we could also use that log as a check off as the shares are dispersed, it's as simple as that.

I think designating a "Loot Carrier" say using Gorka's soon to be made bag or something similar during the fights is a very wise idea. I'd prefer that this "Loot Carrier" be someone who is not on the front lines as that's unnecessary burden for them and a risk that they might be brought down by the enemies hands and thereby chancing losing our loot. In the past, one of the healers, who is normally in the more protected position in the back served this role quite admirably and I think this method can continue to be used simply because the healers are already trusted. We already trust them with our lives, so why not our loot?

And before I forget, I must point out that these are my own opinions on these matters and as such, are not any official "Guardian Council" held opinions.

' nuff said,
- Tazoulti Strongbeard
I have been inspired by a recent addition to hopes reach, Davion, in a way to engineer a loot box/bag. This bag/box would have a slit like opening that would allow loot to go in but unless unlocked no way for anyone to remove loot. I only suggest this because I believe many might feel better about loot when there is a physical restriction to ones ability to steal. I personally trust the loot carriers and honestly care little about loot, but I do care about reducing the conflict and angst that will be a problem if a solid loot method is not figured out. I believe I will attempt to create such a box for next market day.
I also agreed a simple roster for who goes on any adventure is a great idea.
And I agree the loot should be split and sold as per market value's, and if multiple people want an item, it is then auctioned. This allows fair base prices for loot so as to not have them get undercut, and also the chance for items that have more demand to have an appropriate value.

Just remember we are stronger as a group, and we need to be as strong as we can to fight the corrupt.

-Thorador Boulderfist
Thorador said:
I have been inspired by a recent addition to hopes reach, Davion, in a way to engineer a loot box/bag. This bag/box would have a slit like opening that would allow loot to go in but unless unlocked no way for anyone to remove loot. I only suggest this because I believe many might feel better about loot when there is a physical restriction to ones ability to steal. I personally trust the loot carriers and honestly care little about loot, but I do care about reducing the conflict and angst that will be a problem if a solid loot method is not figured out. I believe I will attempt to create such a box for next market day.
I also agreed a simple roster for who goes on any adventure is a great idea.
And I agree the loot should be split and sold as per market value's, and if multiple people want an item, it is then auctioned. This allows fair base prices for loot so as to not have them get undercut, and also the chance for items that have more demand to have an appropriate value.

Just remember we are stronger as a group, and we need to be as strong as we can to fight the corrupt.

-Thorador Boulderfist
This is a good idea Thorador...the only problem is making sure the loot makes it into the bag in the first place. I agree with your perspective on loot - I care little about it, I only wish for it so I can eat a good meal at McGregor's tavern :) but I care much more about the angst and conflict this seems to be causing. I suppose we could designate that the people in the back are the only ones looting - to reduce chaos and accusations on who is pocketing things for themselves - but that would still be a hard thing to monitor.
In the past, one of the healers, who is normally in the more protected position in the back served this role quite admirably and I think this method can continue to be used simply because the healers are already trusted. We already trust them with our lives, so why not our loot?

Most people were not paying attention, but one of the aforementioned healers "lost" a magical item with no more explanation than "I dropped it somewhere." The magic item does not concern me, but such inattentiveness would not be tolerated in the militia. How can you trust someone with your life when they lose the most important item in their possession? Maybe someone more capable should be assigned the duty, and that dryad can focus all of her attention to saving lives?


(edit: added signature)
I have some plans for a secure bag. taking form a simple trap used to catch primates I think I can make a sinched opening that would be too small for a closed fist to exit. I would need some one else to construct the locking mechanism, it would need to be able to secure two loops together.

I'm still working out how to balance security of the items in transit with security from theft. I honesty would rather focus on preventing lost items than to doubt the honor of my comrades.

Any input into the bags construction should be made now before I start making it. If you are late in your requests, Shove it where your mama don't wash no more.

DracoIam said:
I have some plans for a secure bag. taking form a simple trap used to catch primates I think I can make a sinched opening that would be too small for a closed fist to exit. I would need some one else to construct the locking mechanism, it would need to be able to secure two loops together.

I'm still working out how to balance security of the items in transit with security from theft. I honesty would rather focus on preventing lost items than to doubt the honor of my comrades.

Any input into the bags construction should be made now before I start making it. If you are late in your requests, Shove it where your mama don't wash no more.

Haha Gorka you amuse me so :) I do have an old lock and key that I am not using - and personally I would trust you with the key Gorka :)