
Yeah it didn't occur to me to try video until nearly the end of the second one. Glad you enjoy the pictures, though they'd have come out better if I'd taken the time to sample the light levels and preset the aperture and exposure times but hey, for only having one foot I think I did alright ^.^
Thanks for all the pictures, that was a lot! :)
Next time you do pictures can't you use a different focus or something that makes it look like my massive forehead is smaller? <grumbles something about having a lousy fivehead>
ummmmm those pictures scared me.... i had no idea i looked like that. good heavens. haha thats alright though. they all looked grreat. all my friends were wondering what I look like in game so now I can show them.
Thank you. :)

OOG- Charlotte Raeker
IG- Sada
Dr_Chill said:
You *could* shave your head, then you would be all forehead :D

My mother has threatened to disown me over this idea, plus with all the times I've been dropped on my head as a child it's rather lumpy up there.