planning ahead, feb event



hi. It has finally happened, I'm finally planning a trip out to seattle. Dave (plays a dark elf, keres, that some of you may have met at the hq event) and myself will be out there for the feb event. I was wondering if someone would be able to give us a ride from the airport to the site and to the airport after game. I will say our flights do get in/leave early and late respectively; however, I don't mind hanging out in an airport as long as we get to play :) We're scheduled to arrive at 10:38am on friday and our plane leaves at 11:30pm on monday. If anyone can grab us we would certainly appreciate it. thanks ahead of time and can't wait to play your game!

Jen :)
I know that I could get you guys TO the event, and can pick you up from the airport any time after 2:30 PM PST on the day before (Thursday). Still trying to situate my schedule for getting the Sunday / Monday off for the event itself.

And slightly off topic, but I think I recall whom Dave / Keres was, but who were you?
thanks so much for the offer. Just a note though, you said thrusday and we're coming on friday. I wasn't at the last hq event (went to the nh event instead) so unless you've been to other events out here (I usually play nh, hq, and npc ma) you prob don't know me. I'm Jen who plays Sun (previously known as Jez), a child twilight elf earth ritualist. You prob wouldn't have heard of me or my character (only been playing for 2-3 years), but apparently my bow is known (it's bright yellow and has a dragon on it that "talks" and "scares away goblins"). I'm sure you'll understand once you see her.

Jen :)
Jen did you perhaps NPC the Sept event in Mass, and if so which one were ya? I know i got to meet several young ladies as my hobling on saturday night and had a blast with everyone I got to play with at that event, so looking forward to seeing you guys out on this coast.

aka Solomon, the smooth operatin' hobling
Solomon Maxondaerth said:
aka Solomon, the smooth operatin' hobling

Now now, you *know* you've got some competition for that title out here Jeff, can't be throwing it around all uncontested-like ;)

Can't help with rides (coming up from Oregon), but will you(Jen) and Dave need to borrow props/weapons/etc. from anyone? I'm sure we could find something if you are having difficulty with transporting everything.

ha, I missed the sept mass event too (again, went to nh). I honestly don't think I've met anyone from seattle, but I could be wrong. I tried finding a pic to stop the "have you been to this event?" questions, but apparently all the decent pics of me are of me npcing and although I do make a very cute warewolf, it's not how I usually look (and I plan on keeping it that way).

Jen :)
alright, after some searching, I actually found one

As far as props, I think we're all set. We're both casters with bows so it shouldn't be difficult. He might be keen on borrowing a bow instead of bringing it on the plane, but I'm going to bring mine (otherwise I'll have to be a very sad little elf girl who wants her toy back). thanks for the offer though. If anything changes I'll def let you know.

Jen :)
Jezebel said:
thanks so much for the offer. Just a note though, you said thrusday and we're coming on friday. I wasn't at the last hq event (went to the nh event instead) so unless you've been to other events out here (I usually play nh, hq, and npc ma) you prob don't know me. I'm Jen who plays Sun (previously known as Jez), a child twilight elf earth ritualist. You prob wouldn't have heard of me or my character (only been playing for 2-3 years), but apparently my bow is known (it's bright yellow and has a dragon on it that "talks" and "scares away goblins"). I'm sure you'll understand once you see her.

Jen :)

Coming out on Friday works just fine. I threw out any time after 2:30 on thursday since I don't work Fridays. So, any time after I'm off work on Thursday I can swing by Sea-Tac.

So, Friday works just fine.
Polare Lissenstine said:
Now now, you *know* you've got some competition for that title out here Jeff, can't be throwing it around all uncontested-like ;)

Could always ask yon feathered lady who she likes more... :laugh:
Now now, I did not say THE smooth operatin' hobling. I just don't have the time or monetary resources you do to challenge for THE title. I just used it as a descriptor.
Now, as far as shenanigans, I like to think I have the edge. Alavatar? Avaran? Who's shenanigans do ya miss more when we're not there? Hmmmm?
Hello Seattle,

I am also planning to get to your Febuary event, although I have not yet made plane reservations. Brad, would you be able to to pick up another wanderer from the airport on Friday? And drop off on late Mon?
Jezebel, please pm me, I can't figure out how to do it on this board yet.
And Solomon, you were definately the smoooooth hobling! I had never seen paste of stickiness used in such a fashion. Nor do I think I have ever laughed that hard at a nero event.
Looking forward to meeting you all.

oog - Cheryl from MA
Erm.. maybe. It depends on how much of the stuff I can convince other people to bring. I'm usually the one stuck bringing the stuff needed to decorate one if not two cabins plus the logistics stuff. I'll see what I can do.
I am going to be heading to Seatac on monday to pick my dad up so if any of you flyers need a ride there shoot me a message

Nick Brewer
Solomon Maxondaerth said:
Now, as far as shenanigans, I like to think I have the edge. Alavatar? Avaran? Who's shenanigans do ya miss more when we're not there? Hmmmm?

That's a tough question since I haven't seen Solomon in AGES. You're both pretty shinaniganinny...Tough call. Hobling On A Rope rocks everyone socks...

But, given Solomon's extended LoA, I'm going to have to go with Polare on this one. :D

I'm sure Solomon can make up ground if he'd SHOW UP once in a while though. ;)
Marlann said:
I am going to be heading to Seatac on monday to pick my dad up so if any of you flyers need a ride there shoot me a message

Nick Brewer

Sorry scratch that, I got my weekends mixed up more rockstar for me
Hey there. I was just wondering if someone could also spot us some spell packets. By some - maybe a lot. Otherwise I have to mem a lot of spellshields and start taunting the NPCs.

I'll be NPCing/plotting that weekend so I'll bring up my bag o' mana you can feel free to use indiscriminately. I'll even make sure you need it. A lot.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

hobling type and evil plotter of player demise
I will be coming up from Portland so if some one need's a ride I can supply two seats. I would offer three but I know Emily left her soul in my truck so there is no way she won't be riding in it. Gas money will probably be nessary but Luckly my truck is no gas hog because Toyotas rock.
Hi all,

I prefer to not fly with plumbing supplies, so........, might anyone have a longsword rep I might use for the Feb weekend? I like the ultralights, but PVC is fine.

I am really looking forward to the weekend.