Plight of the Mystic Wood Elves


"Between the Mala’kari Elves of the Heartwoods oppressing and enslaving Mythics into will-less servants and free Mystic Wood Elves reporting their children are being kidnapped in the night, the Mystic Wood Elves seem to be unable to find aid. “I have even heard that Contract Apocalypse and Adventurers from Ardic have been unable to help. Too bad, I thought these Adventurers were something special…” mummers a wishful passing merchant. "Rumor has it the last Mystic Wood Elf child from the Evergreen Swamp has been taken as well and some Wood Elves are wondering if the protection of the Mala'kari is worth the price" "

Was someone trying to help them and we failed? Or was this simply a situation where the adventurers were too busy. Worth noting, Contract Apocalypse failed as well. Aren't they supposed to be something special?

Anyone know anything?

I know at least a few groups tried to discern what happened to the children. They were dragged into the water, and noone (to the best of my knowledge) was able to pursue further. I believe a vision was cast and nagas are involved. And an underwater temple? It's been a while, my memory may be incorrect.

Contract Apocalypse will do anything, for a price. It's very possible the problem was larger than the reward offered, or the reward was small enough they never bothered looking into the problem.
I had went to help on my own to see what was happening last year but only saw a glimpse of a creature in the water. Looked like the kids were dragged into the water. A mwe town was close by. I carved into the trees to avoid the water and that's all I could do at the time.

One would have thought that the mystic wood elves being big fans of free will, would have lit a fire under the adventurers to get them moving. I have yet to see that happen. This is the first that I have heard about kidnapped children.
I'm going to bring this issue back into focus with a few things to note, since I am apparently responsible for all things mystic wood elf and/or freedom-related:

a) For the record, the last time there was a problem involving a significant group mystic wood elves, my sister and I had to practically drag people to help us.
a-2)Most who promised to help in said past problem could not be bothered to help until well past midnight, and many didn't show up at all.
a-3)I'd rather support my fellow adventurers in their questing than sit around all night twiddling my thumbs and worrying myself to death while nearly the entire town is doing all the adventuring. I am just a tad bit jaded.
a-4)There are maybe three or four mystic wood elves on a good market day, and we aren't all that sturdy a race. We squish like ripe peaches on a hot day.
b)I never heard about the kidnapped children. I had only heard of stone elves who stripped mystics of all emotions for generations simply because they were in between two feuding clans.
c) If MWE adventurers dove head-first into saving our entire race every time something bad happened to them or freeing every slave we came across, I'd wager my entire family would be dead several times over. I would help every time if I could, but a dead adventurer is not a helpful adventurer. I must have an unfortunate sense of realism about these things, and know my own limits.
d)I am a healer first and foremost, and Eldandiril has decided to become the same. Refer to point b and c as to why this is important to consider.
e) I am supposed to protect the Faldric Forest above anything else, at least to my knowledge, and even that is a bit up in the air with Valdanis supposedly at peace and all.

So, yes, something should have been done about it by now, ideally. When my sister and I initially asked for help with the so-called Hollow Elves, we did our damnedest to gather help, but the results were minimal at best. I recall that Pyke wanted very much to help, but I haven't seen him since he apparently became one of my race.

P.S.: My apologies for being scarce as of late, I have been having to whip my co-guildmasters back into shape after an entire season of shirking their guild duties in lieu of more personal goals. I am more than willing to try to help save my race...again... IF(and that's a big if) the fire I light under the adventurers doesn't end with them avoiding the fire this time. I don't want to hear "oh I guess I should help with this...maybe after this next job...or five...oh goodness, sorry, I can't anymore...get someone else to do it maybe..." That isn't gonna cut it anymore. If I light a fire under you I want to see some PASSION burn in your spirit. I want to see VIGOR. "How DARE those assholes do that to these people? Of COURSE I will help you! Let me grab my weapons and/or assist you in forming a solid plan!"

This passion might be a bit late I think the Heartwood burned down already. I think that plight came to head at the last gathering. Saro might have better information.

My condolences.
I'm going to bring this issue back into focus with a few things to note, since I am apparently responsible for all things mystic wood elf and/or freedom-related:

a) For the record, the last time there was a problem involving a significant group mystic wood elves, my sister and I had to practically drag people to help us.
a-2)Most who promised to help in said past problem could not be bothered to help until well past midnight, and many didn't show up at all.

This is a bit disingenuous. The last time I recall, there was a problem was when your forest was covered in chaos, with those hunter cats your people summoned to "protect" the forest. I spent a few months working on that problem with no help, and we journeyed into the forest several times to clean out necromantic areas. When we finally got all the taint removed, it took us fighting from midnight until dawn through the forest. For our troubles after weren't welcome in the forest after cleaning up the mess.

No one has been intentionally ignoring the plight of your people.

Order of the Emerald Flame

My people didn't summon them. The Outcast did. I told people this.

I got no word that you were dealing with the cats. None. Absolutely none. I would have helped if you had told me, in fact I wish you had. All I know is that my sister and I told am the adventurers we could find "we're going to cleanse the forest with a ritual. Please help." And instead I saw all but maybe four people follow those of your order off somewhere (I didn't get any info as to where they were going when I asked a few, they didn't seem to know). I mean I'm not being ungrateful, alright? You helped. Apparently potentially a lot.of Thanks. I wish had known at the time so I could have at least told you that if my sister and I had been escorted too the pool to do our ritual, you may not have had to fight "until nearly dawn". Oh. I believe I did tell you about the ritual. You seemed to ignore us. And as for you doing things without help. That's great. I couldnt do that at the time. I fell after one attack from those creatures and could barely put a scratch on them with my simple dagger. You are a seasoned adventurer who seems to do as much harm to things as a dragon's breath with one swing. You can fend

However this is in the past, and bad things if you try to go changing that. I'm not trying to. I'm trying to make a point.

My main complaint is that, this time around? People seemed completely uninterested. I received a few "okay I'll help"s right before they were asked to so something else or were offered a chance to solve some puzzles as game, at which point they left us wondering if they ever actually cared. I tried to get help that entire market day but my words fell on deaf ears. So I couldn't do anything, especially with the mists being as fickle as they are (I believe that same market day I walked into the mists and woke up in the Earth circle).

Not that any of this matters anymore. If what I'm told is correct, it's too late for the Hollow Elves. I don't know what happened, as circumstances have prevented me from adventuring much the past couple seasons, but that appears to be the state of things. I wish I could have done something. I couldn't without help. I didn't get help. End of story.

I have wine to drink. I'm done talking about this if I'm just going to be told I wasn't ignored when my experience tells a different story. Sorry if you felt like you were somehow insulted by my words. I'm just done trying to get help from other adventurers, so I'm going to focus on helping other adventurers instead. Being a healer and all. I am clearly no leader of missions.
Being a healer and all. I am clearly no leader of missions.

Unrelated to the subject of this dream, I just want to point out that being a healer does not prevent you from being a leader of missions. I have seen both Collette and Dustie lead successful town scale missions in the land of Dragonreach. Neither of them possess more than an earth column to my knowledge, and one wasn't even able to cast a Cure Mort from memory yet.

It is it's own difficult skill to learn to be sure. If you are interested, we can talk more about it at the gathering.

Respectfully, your people did. They made a deal with the outsider for them. They had good intentions no doubt. But, they brought that taint down upon themselves.

You can look back and see my lists that I had posted publicly with the forest clearly listed. El even made a comment about how it was only Mystic Wood Elves who could fix the problem. I wasn't particularly hiding my plans, you could have joined me at any time. I didn't extend an invite but, I was trying to get stuff done.

I don't feel attacked, I was simply pointing out that people helped last time there was an issue. When there's a problem people help. But, as Gideon pointed out you can't just expect people to help with out a plan and organization.

Do you have a plan? Walking into to them and just killing isn't a plan. I don't understand, and many other people their hierarchy. They're aligned with the Empire no? So walking in there and murdering the slavers is going to be a problem. We can't just do that. Are you sure the hallowed elves can't be saved? Have you had a biata or a stone elf try to repair the damage? Has anyone looked into that? Is there a way to undermine their society in a way that won't get us in trouble with the empire? IE gather up a resource they need.

Can we buy the slaves from them? Maybe that's a solution for now to starting to get these people free. Answering and solving questions like this are how you're going to get people to make forward progress. Not shaming them for enjoying puzzle solving.

Gideon is here doing exactly what you asked. If this issue is close to your heart, I think he's interesting in pushing you to share what you know, get people invested and solve the problem.

Also, in mid summer we made some progress on the children being abducted. Those were from the monsters underwater no?

Order of the Emerald Flame
For what it's worth, Maxwell and myself went to free the captured children. Maxwell got prisoned and I had to flee and get reinforcements. After slaying the Naga and rescuing the children's spirits we learned we found one cave of MANY. Also don't leave me in charge of children. I said it was a bad idea at the time.
This passion might be a bit late I think the Heartwood burned down already. I think that plight came to head at the last gathering. Saro might have better information.

My condolences.

I think that Squire Saro did indeed report that the Heartwood was burning, which accounted for my wilted state over the latter half of last month's market day. It was a terrible terrible day for the First Forest. And the land in general, to be honest.
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The children have been rescued, although their plight has aged them. A way to reverse the damage has not yet been found.

The forest was not burned down. (Parts yes, as a side effect of the war that was waged there). The heart was destroyed, and the forest wilts around it.
What hasn't been mentioned is how.why...
We destroyed the heart to end the war.
The Stone elves are helping to reverse the hollow elves back to their original states.
Only one clan of stone elves is insistent in utilizing slavery.
With the war ending, the other clans, who are against slavery, are no longer willing to turn a blind eye.
The dryads still living were escorted to the Ashwood, to take up residence for as long as they choose.
Once the lands settle, the Heartwood will be replanted.

This has been a terrible situation with no happy ending.
We did what we could to save as many lives as possible.

Bob is missing. He wants to go home, however Maxwell was unable to send him home at that time.
He did not wait for Maxwell as instructed.
He needs to be found and sent home as soon as possible.
Redressing the point of the Mystics- we as an adventuring community have failed them for several months. I do not care about individual excuses. Where have you been while people have been turned to stone by snake people? Where have you been while Mystics like Leonard have been stripped of any chance of normality? Perhaps you were just drinking your worries away. While it may be harvest season, I see no reason to celebrate. A whole forest is dead, more children are turned to stone everyday and still Malakari harbor stone elves which are just shells.

Drink if you wish, but I would plead we address the problems which plague the land. We were brought here for a reason, and I would assume that reason wasn't for celebrating.

With Love,
I hate to say it but I agree with saro. If memory serves while the town prepared to face despair within the confines of Maxwells head. Knowing that we would be confronted by our fears, a small group of people went to bed. Amazing enough seen people were quite awake when it came time to distribute the spoils. So you can't complain about nobody helping you if you don't actually help out anybody else. People remember these things.
As a small precursor, there was a substance found a few months back that had the ability to restore youth. The merchant sold them for a sum of five gold each, I believe.

On to my actual commentary. Over the past few gatherings I've seen, many factors have played into the amount of actual tasks being accomplished: one factor, of course, would be the weather, which at some intervals hasn't been kind. The more pressing factor, however, would be a certain divide in the adventurers, one that I've observed for as long as I've been adventuring with all of you. There's a rift between the more experienced and less experienced adventurers, one that I do think should be brought to light.
Part of this issue is, of course, a product of expertise, as newer adventurers tend to be weaker in battle than more experienced ones, and this obviously can't be helped. The higher adventurers obviously need to be prepared to respond to these higher threat situations, and thus, when a group is being formed for a less world threatening adventure, I've observed the more experienced adventurers are more hard pressed to expend resources and time. Before anyone jumps to conclusions or tacks an unwanted meaning to my words, I do not view this as the problem: in fact, it is nigh unavoidable, and by my observation, not a lack of caring from the experienced adventurers necessarily, but a lack of time. There is only so much that can be done in one market day, and I can't remember the last time I saw Maxwell, Ahlana, Havok, or any other integral figure refuse to participate in an important battle or adventure.
I apologize for being long winded, my point is that the major problem I see is a lack of communication between the younger adventurers and the older adventurers on the importance of certain tasks, and the relative difficulty of said tasks. By communicating the projected difficulty, and only taking along enoug adventures to adequately handle it, more tasks will be accomplished. I have seen a multitude of adventures saturated with adventurers while other important tasks are left empty handed.
In the end, I don't see it as a lack of caring on anyone's part. Just a pack of information sharing and time management.

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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Along this same line of though, but a different perspective:
Often the wait seems to be centered on a lack of healers.
(More specifically, everyone waiting for Maxwell.)
I completely understand the need for healing.
Perhaps, on... less intense adventures, consider utilizing younger healers, potions, and refits?
Yes it makes it more dangerous, but really, well managed, it should be fine.

On that note.
And always, ALWAYS, carry potions.
2 cure crit potions = more raw healing than I can memorize.
I think that is close to true for most of the younger healers as well.

Just to put things in perspective.