You make a 9 foot pole arm and as soon as I, as a two stick jock get inside the head of it you're done, because it's gonna be too long to pull it i vertically to effectively block/toe stab with.
Ezri said:The chapter that doesn't allow kitespar has done so for safety considerations, as they are in a pretty cold climate and UL's are more likely to snap/shatter in extreme cold.
I have no issue with PVC remaining the standard and leaving kitespar as an alternate. Just because some of us prefer it doesn't mean we need to change the standard and force other chapters to adopt it.
Not everything around here is broken and needs fixing guys. Polearms are fine at the length they are (they're already a PITA to fit in the car lol). Cores standards are fine.
FrankManic said:If I had an eight foot spear
tieran said:FrankManic said:If I had an eight foot spear
If you really want to see how bad of an idea this is, either go visit your local Amtgard chapter or come see any of two dozen people who play this game who will gladly explain in detail how poorly you would fare, in a one on one combat situation against pretty much any combat style.
I'm in Rochester, NY and would gladly offer my services.
Ezri said:The chapter that doesn't allow kitespar has done so for safety considerations, as they are in a pretty cold climate and UL's are more likely to snap/shatter in extreme cold.
I have no issue with PVC remaining the standard and leaving kitespar as an alternate. Just because some of us prefer it doesn't mean we need to change the standard and force other chapters to adopt it.
Not everything around here is broken and needs fixing guys. Polearms are fine at the length they are (they're already a PITA to fit in the car lol). Cores standards are fine.
Angrydurf said:Most PVC staves and spears that first time players make from PVC end up failed due to the whippyness and that does kinda suck.
Tempest said:Anything longer than a short sword, I shy away from PVC... It just hurts too much, and leaves impact marks, just to be lightly swung in combat...
Angrydurf said:PVC swung at the same speed as one of the various UL cores can leave marks, inertia is a bitch, thouge you are right that means swing slower.
tieran said:FrankManic said:If I had an eight foot spear
If you really want to see how bad of an idea this is, either go visit your local Amtgard chapter or come see any of two dozen people who play this game who will gladly explain in detail how poorly you would fare, in a one on one combat situation against pretty much any combat style.
I'm in Rochester, NY and would gladly offer my services.
Dreamingfurther said:I made like 3 or 4 cool polearm weapons to donate my first big event out of pvc. And they all failed for whipyness... Very disappointing since I made them "to the letter" according to the book. It should at least say something about needing some non pvc core for polearms IMO.
Madhawk said:Actually I haven't seen any weapons made of kitespar, and I've asked many people how they make their weapons (cus I'm new and I want to be informed before I make any)
In San Francisco chapter, the core of choice would have to be Bamboo... The NPC gear is mostly PVC, but players lean towards bamboo in this area. I've also heard that graphite golf clubs make great cores (I'm thinking of trying this out. Golf clubs are dirt cheap at thrift stores like goodwill)
If there is any kitespar here, I have yet to see it. So 80%-90%, I think not... maybe in your area it's more popular.