Hello all! Your friendly neighborhood Husky here with a question for the new powers that be! Feel free to dispose of this, create a FAQ, edit the sticky thread with answers ... it's your thing, do what you wanna do.
Regarding Pages - will someone who has played in the chapter before be grandfathered in? Specifically my nephew (he plays Ghauld), he will be 18 this year. He played last year and, to my knowledge, had no problems with combat or RP. Also, will my nieces (turning 16 & 17 this season) be allowed to NPC or *only* PC as Pages until they have tested out?
Regarding Pages - will someone who has played in the chapter before be grandfathered in? Specifically my nephew (he plays Ghauld), he will be 18 this year. He played last year and, to my knowledge, had no problems with combat or RP. Also, will my nieces (turning 16 & 17 this season) be allowed to NPC or *only* PC as Pages until they have tested out?