Push to SoMI?!

I kinda want to see D interact... and I wanna see you wear your new head scarf
Wow, looks like we'll have a bunch of new faces at our closer :)

In the interests of keeping logistics times down, please send your tag requests to: alliancesouthmi@yahoo.com
so we can have as much pre-pulled as possible.

See you in a couple weeks!
still a toss up as to wether I can go or not... but if I can... D or Fern, D or Fern... same level...


The smell of pumkin pie.
I;d be really tempted to play thor if you played fern because it;d be fun to hang out without the whole leadership/politics pressure we have at home going on. Only problem is I am unsure if i can afford it, so it really depends if i can get the money together or not for PC vs NPCing.
I'll still have three choices. SO much to think about.
Play Fern! I will feel safer bringing Kendra out then! :P
I am heavly leaning towards NPCing, for several reasons. But still not sure yet.

One big reason because I will get Gobbies for NPC, which I can spend to blanket two other events that have happened in the last three months in SoMI, which will help alot.
Gorka will share all her friends with Kendra, we'll stay safe together. I plan to do a lot of painting.

Do we have a running tally of which PC characters are going?

I'll do Thorador, I just need to figure out some stuff. heh.
Hey, hate to jump out with such little warning, but I can't make this happen... Have fun!
that makes a seat open in the dawson mobile. currently it is myself, nathan and andrea. -dawson
so does that mean you can go?
The Forecast for the weekend calls for cold Minnesota like weather with a 90% chance of Fern.

90 percent chance of fern? it's raining men?

best part is the guys dance around in ferns hats...

Fern is not a man though...:)

I project the Chicago Car, codename Road Larp One, will take off around 5:00 PM when I get off work and get to site around 11 PM EST. Do you guys want to all bunk together?

I think we will need to leave early on Sunday morning so Vicki can make a work meeting but we can host people for an hour as they pass through town on the trek back to MN.

SoMI has one of the best sites in use in Alliance. There are several fields, and paths, heated bunk cabins with showers, 2 kitchens for PC use, a full mess kitchen in the "Tavern" building so you guys are all in for a treat. I can't wait.
