Question for Everyone

I grant you the gift of death! *hits izlude in the eye with a packet* DOH!

Thanks for all of the input here, people. It's very helpful to me as well as Haley, I am sure.
Thats the best part!
In a first person shooter, that wouldnt be that bad of a title.

Nero, on the other hand...

Okay, I'll stop hitting them in the head with boffer weapons...
My reply...

L.E. said:
Okay, I know this is a very general question, but I was wondering:

What kind of plot do you like?

What kind of mods/storylines do you like to play?

I like mods with mixed RP and combat. I like mods that get me out of town. I like mods that have me, and my group of 4 to 6 friends, going out of the inhabited area to seek treasure on a treasure map, or seek knowledge from some forgotten library that we found referrence to in an obscure book, or just generally go out somewhere to further the overall story arc by finding information in a cave/camp/dungeon/tower somewhere. In all of the great modules from my experience, there was a goal and that goal had some pitfalls along the way, and it always involved you getting off your duff and going somewhere else to accomplish a task.

What are important elements of the best mods/storylines that you've ever been on?

Danger that makes you sweat, but doesn't look like a sure resurrection, traps, puzzles, RP, combat with things that don't have immunities or resists (spell shields are ok if one of the npc's in the group has the spells and uses them for that), sneaking, using your environment, allowing freeform resolution to problems, moral dilemmas, thought provoking story, multiple encounters that lead up to a conclusion and perhaps adds to an existing story arc.

What do you want to see more of?

I want to see more mods that take place out of town. I want to see more npc's that are pc races with classes and skills. I want to see more normal creatures. I want to see more adversity due to the skills of my opponant rather than the funky abilities he has. I want to see more story and I want to see more history. I would like to see more of the plot disemminated to people so that people know a little better what is going on. A lot of times it seems like things are just utterly and completely random, or have no buildup whatsoever. I remember hearing that there was lots of plot buildup for the Mistress of the Hunt, but to us it just seemed like plot decided to 'beat on the pc's'. Something I've heard for a long time is that plot likes to punish and degrade the players by beating on them and generally humiliating them. I know this isn't true in my case (being a plot member) and I'm fairly certain it's not true about any other chapter I've been to, but sometimes it really really seems like it because we have no idea why anything is happening and when we inquire, we are pretty much told 'you don't find out anything'. Another thing I thing would be nice is if there were a local place for people to go to in order to 'research' stuff... like maybe a library or something. I know that many many times I've just been at a complete loss for how to investigate a plot line, while plot was waiting for the pc's to investigate the plot line before letting people in on what was going on. So we were frustrated, plot was frustrated and ultimately it just ended up being a bad plot line because pc's didn't know what was going on and the whole thing just seemed ill conceived and shallow.

What do you want to see less of?

I want to see less "attack the tavern/town" encounters. I want to see less 'freaky weird stuff'. I want to see less creatures who's stats don't make sense. I want to see less creatures with innate resist <effect> or immune to <effect>. I want to see fewer 'creatures of the month'. I want to see less political plot. I want to see fewer NPC's who are 'guards' or 'military' that are supposed to be around, but are usually only phys repped when some pc narcs out some other pc and the guards come in to arrest them, or they come in when a pc needs to be smacked down. If they aren't around when monsters need smacking down, it's just irritating when they are around to smack down pc's. I want to see less 'new rules' and 'rules of the month' and generally things that are not covered in the rule book, the addendum, scrolls in the case of formal magic or the other nationally distributed databases (monster/treasure/whatnot).

And also, my big question:
Do you mind getting woken up at night?
And if you don?t like getting woken up, are there any circumstances that you wouldn?t mind waking up for?

I really really don't like being woken up. The only time I don't mind being woken up, is when a plot person wants to wake me up for a plot line that is integral to my character and would generally be very enjoyable for me.

Mark Walker
We went to the Librarian's house. He done dropped some edjemecation on us. It was scary for Leyk. Everyone was reading and he didn't know how. The book title could have been "Fooling Barbarians into killing themselves in a useful fashion" for all he knows. I'm watching you reading types. I'm onto your book conspiracies.
*lies in a pool of his own blood spilling forth from his crevace that was once an eye.*

Can I just wear an eye patch for the rest of the mod and call it even?
What kind of mods/storylines do you like to play? Ones that get everyone involved and have pc's go all over the place looking for treasure &/or helping someone/being mercenaries

What are important elements of the best mods/storylines that you've ever been on? Every PC can do something, almost no matter what is happenening there is always something for everyone to do, BESIDES sitting around a fire or lazing in the bar. Weaker PC's should be able to participate in most things, even if its not a large part, they should still be there.

What do you want to see more of? More big battles, more roleplaying involved battles.

What do you want to see less of? Long pauses where nothing happens for a LONG time.

Do you mind getting woken up at night? Not a bit, its fun. But only if its for something that has precidence to something important. Being woken up for Kobolds is no fun, But being woken up to Kobolds throwing gas globes and swinging 5 chaos IS
Derek Ironhammer said:
I want to see fewer NPC's who are 'guards' or 'military' that are supposed to be around, but are usually only phys repped when some pc narcs out some other pc and the guards come in to arrest them, or they come in when a pc needs to be smacked down. If they aren't around when monsters need smacking down, it's just irritating when they are around to smack down pc's.

I personally dont mind this problem. I see a point to it, although it may not be the intent of Plot. Think of it this way:
Monsters attack everywhere, everyone deals with it. There are wars and brigands, politics, and other bothersome things that happen all over the place. We only deal with that which we see, that does not mean that WE are the center of importance in a city. We do indeed save the town over and over and over again. But are we up north fighting a war? No, we are doing our part down here. Are we guarding the nobles houses and patrolling all the streets looking for robbers and criminals? Some of us do, but MOST of the adventurers I've seen have their own agenda that is the most important thing in the world for them. It is because of that that I do not expect the guards to come save us every time a monster attacks. Beyond that, we are adventurers. We have a right and authority to defend against monsters. We (most of us, from best I can tell) do not have "authority" to arrest other adventurers who are vulture looting, eating babies, rolling young adventureres and what not. Its because of this problem that I see a point to the guard coming in to intervene when one of our kind screws up. They are there to keep the peace. They are fighting monsters too and we do our part. It is a balanced circle.

Besides, if you dont do anything wrong, why worry about them? :D
~Sean K.
Derek Ironhammer said:
I want to see fewer NPC's who are 'guards' or 'military' that are supposed to be around, but are usually only phys repped when some pc narcs out some other pc and the guards come in to arrest them, or they come in when a pc needs to be smacked down. If they aren't around when monsters need smacking down, it's just irritating when they are around to smack down pc's.
Mark Walker
Actally I think we should be able to have guards and military IG when someone IG has called for them for some reason. Be it to arrest another charicter, to investgate crimes, or help with monsters. The problem is, most of the time when there are monsters, the pcs dont think of calling for help from the guard or such, if they did we might see them more often fighting against evil. But since we live in a city of Law IG, I like the fact that I can go to plot, tell them I am going to (fill in name of law group that I need for whatever it is) and can get guards to deal with legal matters. Its rather realistic.
Personaly I think it would be much worse if there were a bunch of crimes being done, and the law never got involved, becouse they are NPCs.
Kauss said:
Personaly I think it would be much worse if there were a bunch of crimes being done, and the law never got involved, becouse they are NPCs.

This was the case a few years back. Someone on plot would post as some guard official saying they were looking for so-and-so. But when you went to the guard with information on so-and-so, they'd turn around and say, "Yeah, we'll get right on that..." and, well, you can guess what happened next. :/

I like it way better when the law types will actually investigate matters that are brought to their attention, specifically if it's information they're looking for.
What kind of mods/storylines do you like to play?

Storylines are good, regardless. My *personal* faves are long-line/long arc storylines, that take a few months to work out and resolve. It's rather selfish of me, but being a plot-god at another game, it's kind of nice to have a long-term goal to shoot for. I've seen firsthand that longterm plots bring back players on a regular basis, as well as rake in the new players, as well. ( it's both an IG AND an OOG benefit. Sue me:P)

Along the way, it's fun to work out some short term "take your mind off of things" stories, as well. I'm into the history/military/kill it *only if you have to* plotlines. Them that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and all that...

What are important elements of the best mods/storylines that you've ever been on?

The best elements? Wow..loaded question. Usually, it's the PC/PC interaction. I've seen hatreds develop that would put geologic time to shame for endurance and longevity. I've seen PC/PC companionships develop that were rock-steady, as well. The best elements...hmm... I'd have to say that *yes* *is* the PC interaction..the bonding, the divisions, all that *can* go on in the so-called "human condition"..the emotions, the logic, the actions. All of that. All the rest is icing on the cake. Combat is fun, puzzles are neat, but in the's the roleplay. I get off on good RP. Nuff said.

What do you want to see more of?

More "all-encomapssing" storylines and/or mods. Plot-experience at other games has shown me that targeting a small group for mods, while seemingly productive, *isn't*. You end up with players of lower-level characters rather angry, and less likely to be having fun. THis means they're not coming back. Scary thought, isn't it? Unlike one who posted earlier thinks, mods with "me and my group of friends" just don't work, in my opinion.

If you *have* to have a mod that encompasses higher levels as well as lower levels, then try to split them into workable solutions for both ends of the spectrum. Make sure that IF a lower-powered character is mixed into the adventure, there's something for him or her to do. As Perrin, I've *been* in the middle of that sort of sucks. The only reason I managed to get anything done is because I've got real skill with a weapon in my hands, and people seemed to recognize that. They "left me to it", which I appreciate mightily. If the full spectrum of levels is represented (which, due to exclusionism, they're often NOT...something I'd like to see LESS of, mind you) then I'd suggest something I'm guilty of with the plots I've run. Rig the mod.
There will always be uber-pc's out there to whack stuff that gets out of hand. But what bout that one thing that can't be dusted? I've purposley rigged mods to let a low-level pc "win", just so that PC can be taken seriously. As is more often the case, low-level pc's *aren't* taken that seriously, so they get excluded. NOT the way to a long lived game, nez pa?

What do you want to see less of?

I want to see less "exclusionary" mods. I want to see a greater/better mix of "killable" stuff. Less critter of the month, less "wtf" creatures, and less rule-bending by the PC's. I'd love to see less bottom-feeding by the higher-level pc's upon the lower level folks. (But that's just my opinion. I've never been bottom-fed *upon*) I want to see less inconsistency from Plot, with regards to what's "out there", particularly when Logistics is still open and working.

Overall, I suppose it'd be best to say that I'd like to see a more consistent plot group, one that watches Logistics, *active* pc base at event, and powerlevels of those active pc's.

Read. Just food for thought. Respond if you like, or revile if you must. If there's revilement in store, do it in a need to clutter the boards with hate filled crap:P (JK)

Have a good one, all
Izlude_Oranes said:
We (most of us, from best I can tell) do not have "authority" to arrest other adventurers who are vulture looting, eating babies, rolling young adventureres and what not.

Wait... Vulture looting is a crime?