Hey all! I've been wanted to join an event for a long time, and I'm finally ready. I just have a ton of questions first!

- Cabins: What's the situation for these? How many people are in any given cabin? How is that decided? My boyfriend is planning on coming, would it be more viable to bring a tent (in-period of course) if we want to stay in the same place?
- Non-Combat Characters: I would love to play a purely non-combat PC, I assume this is acceptable? I'm not sure how much of the RP in-game revolves around combat scenarios.
- Humans: Are humans a race? I saw the specialty races in the handbook and assume that you're not limited to barbarians if you want to play a human character. Sadly, I can't afford elf ears at the moment.
- Food: I have a severe food allergy (Tree Nuts!). Are we allowed to bring in outside food? It would be awesome to be able to make and bring my own in-genre food and avoid anxiety about provided meals.
- Event Size: How big are events, typically? Is it usually crowded, or more comfortable?