Questions from a Possible New Player!


Hey all! I've been wanted to join an event for a long time, and I'm finally ready. I just have a ton of questions first!

  • Cabins: What's the situation for these? How many people are in any given cabin? How is that decided? My boyfriend is planning on coming, would it be more viable to bring a tent (in-period of course) if we want to stay in the same place?
  • Non-Combat Characters: I would love to play a purely non-combat PC, I assume this is acceptable? I'm not sure how much of the RP in-game revolves around combat scenarios.
  • Humans: Are humans a race? I saw the specialty races in the handbook and assume that you're not limited to barbarians if you want to play a human character. Sadly, I can't afford elf ears at the moment.
  • Food: I have a severe food allergy (Tree Nuts!). Are we allowed to bring in outside food? It would be awesome to be able to make and bring my own in-genre food and avoid anxiety about provided meals.
  • Event Size: How big are events, typically? Is it usually crowded, or more comfortable?
Thanks in advance- I know I have a lot of questions! I'm really excited to meet you all this late summer/early fall. :D
Hi there! I am Krystina, the new player rep for Oregon! We just had a game this weekend so I'm exhausted. But I wanted to let you know that I saw your post and will totally jump on your questions tomorrow! And I have answers for them all!!
Usually we can find 2 spots in a cabin so you will be together, each cabin's capacity will depend upon which site we are at Camp Kiwanilong's house 8 while Brooks' house 12(?).
You can play a non-combat focused character. You can do what is called Page, which means nobody can strike you with weapons but Death is not avoidable. People would attack you at range with voice attacks.
Humans are a race. Barbarians have been changed to Oathsworn and require 'rocky prosthetics'.
Food: you are able to bring your own food. We highly encourage you to eat well.
Event size: typical size is 60-80. It is rare for Oregon to hit our site capacity at Camp Kiwanilong. Brooks can get a bit tighter because it limits out around 70 or so.
  • Cabins: We have a super awesome little Google doc for each site for sign ups to each cabin for each venue, and there's almost always room for partner's to be in the same cabin. The beds are twins, so unless you like being super close you'll each need to be in separate beds.
  • Non-Combat Characters: While you can Page, which keeps you from being struck from weapons, it's generally not what it's designed for. It's meant for under aged players and medical reasons. We do have classes like Artisan that are designed for non-combat, but can be combat roles. This allows the character to help combat characters by creating the supplies needed in "war" without actively participating. Being an Artisan though doesn't exclude you from being attacked, though most folks are generally good about avoiding those folks that are avoiding combat. Also, you can avoid combat by sticking to the Tavern and not going onto the main battlefield, just know that sometimes the battle sometimes works it way into the Tavern. We do have a few players that are non-combat types at the moment, so you wouldn't be alone.
  • Humans: Humans are totally a race, they aren't mentioned because there's nothing "special" about them. And I can totally help work with you to find low cost elf ears if that is something you would prefer to do!
  • Food: Yes! You can totally bring your own food. We have full kitchens with walk-in coolers for every site we use. We do have meal plans for PCs/NPCs that are optional and we do ask about allergies/dietary restrictions and work around those when we are aware of them. But, if bringing your own food makes you more comfortable, you are very welcome to do so, and it definitely doesn't have to be in genre, but props to you if it is!
  • Event Size: Game size varies depending on the time of year. We have players ranging from teens to their 60s, so if players are in school/college or away for a holiday, the event ratio will be lower. But we generally have a solid 40 PC ratio with at least 15 NPCs. The events can obviously get smaller or larger than that. Things can get chaotic at times, but we totally understand if you get overwhelmed and need to step out of game and head back to your cabin and rest. This is totally normal and acceptable. You need to take care of yourself before, during and after game. But generally it's pretty comfortable and we're all super friendly and love helping new players enjoy their game!
Please feel free to message me at any time, here, on discord, facebook or at if you have any more questions! I'm more than happy to answer anything you got!
EDIT: Heck! I forgot to ask where I pre-register! Is there somewhere I should look/email?
You'll want to go here to create an account on our CMA.

Once you get signed up, I can help you with creating a character in it (or a dummy PC if you want to NPC a game or two first). And that's where you'll end up going to pre-register for games. Though currently pre-reg for the August game isn't "open" yet. So we've got some time to work things out :-D
Hi Ship!

If you are needing a racial prosthetic just let me know! I may have some elf ears about my home, also feathers if you are interested in being a Biata.