Gandian Ravenscroft :"Sarr: I ain't gonna lie: I haven't got anything for sarrs. Just make it sound vicious, I guess. "
I like cats a lot... my personal thoughts for names for cat like creatures are 2 key things to think a bout
(both suggestions not strict guide lines...)
1. the animal cut out should influence the name.
if its a lion maybe a L in the names would be good. such as Leo, Larwin Leara
if its a jaguar maybe a J or G sound would be good. Jethra Jerra Gathron
and so on....
quick note: rolling
r's using guttural ascents over
th's and
e's will help all so avoiding sharp vowels, will take you a long ways.
2. use of animal sounds.
purr, roar, hiss
think of the animal cut out your useing, a Lion has a great roar and has a deep throated purr... TH,s big R's or Gr combos
A Jaguar in contrast has a higher picked roar with more of a hiss mixed in G's and little R's they will be your best friend here.
An Ocelot is quite but makes sounds more like a snake hiss cat fight and a motorized bike growl.. so S, H, K, G, R, are good letters to have in the name...
no mater what type it is have fun with it....
Leo, Larwin, Jethra, Jerra, Gathron, Karra, Leara, Janren, Shearra, Keara, Rath, Callie...
And, reminder you can all so draw names form cat like characteristics rather then sounds, such as Strider
(action), Tybalt
(characteristic EX: brave), Tabatha
(coloration and patterning)
I would say a lot of this all so gos for wilderken, if its a gout name look at gout notices traits movements and coloration to draw inspiration from rather then just name it bob or billy....