While we're at it should we remove the pseudo-Japanese RP from the Dark Elves as well?
That seems like it could be pretty offensive.
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Bryan Gregory
Hey all,
with the playtesting in full swing and a few racial changes happening I.E. Sulinari vs. The G word. Barbarians becoming oathsworn etc.
Could I make a few additional suggestions- dark elves changed to grey skin, and Ogres changed to bluish/ corpselike blue.
Both would be done as to avoid Blackface/yellowface. This could be helpful as often players will run into real town with makeup on or forget. Also, for player's whom are nonwhite these may be offensive in some ways. Reaching out to local communities an having to explain why we have yellow people and black skines people is a bit touchy.
Just asking.
Your friend
I can understand where you are coming from, but we need to take a look at this in the smaller picture of the LARPing community and not a larger picture at things that might be going on in the world. I wouldn't want to change something in the game for this reason that could potentially cause damage to the aesthetics of the game purely for this reason and I haven't seen or heard of anyone being offended by the makeup of a Drow or Ogre.
With that said, I wouldn't be opposed to completely removing the Drow and Ogre and add a different character race that was recommended (on page 4?) such as an Oni that might use a different color makeup.
Don't take this the wrong way, but just because you haven't personally seen it, that doesn't mean there isn't a significant segment of the population that is offended by what is perceived as blackface. I don't remember the exact post, but someone shared examples of people discussing how they were made uncomfortable by black face pain in LARP. Those examples may not be Alliance specifically, but the LARP community is rather small, which means even if these people don't play Alliance, they are probably friends with Alliance players or friends of friends at worst.
And that is the key. We are part of a greater LARP community that has begun to really take notice of this issue. In fact, by most LARP standards, Alliance is significantly behind the curve in addressing some of the inherently racist tropes that have long been part of our game. I think it is safe to say that we received a lot of latitude, because we were an older LARP, but that latitude only goes so far. Newer LARPs are simply doing better than Alliance when it comes to cultural sensitivity, and the excuse that these are artifacts of an older game is wearing thin with much of the LARP community.
We have been given more time to correct past problems than most, but that time is running out. I'm not certain which way we should fall on the ogre question, but when it comes to dark elves, I have no question that continuing to depict them in a way that is synonymous with blackface for a large segment of the population is a huge mistake that is harmful to part of our player base and harmful to our reputation in the LARP community.
Change 1: Change Stone Elf makeup to slate gray.
Change 2: Change Dark Elf makeup to white with some darkening around the eyes (last part optional)