Registration Still Open for April 6th-8th Event!

Re: Pre-Registration Open for April 6th-8th Event!

So, not to change the subject...but is that Fifty-Three people pre-regged?!
Re: Pre-Registration Open for April 6th-8th Event!

I'm glad I looked at the names and don't recognize 12 of them. Good to see so many new players

53 and rising!
Re: Pre-Registration Open for April 6th-8th Event!

I finally pre regged... sorry for the delay. :(

Re: Pre-Registration Open for April 6th-8th Event!

Holy cow there are lotsa people coming! Gonna be a great event! =D
This is fantastic everyone! Very pumped to see the numbers here for our opener! Can't wait to beat ya'lls! :thumbsup:
I'm kind of curious as to the actual statistics surrounding the growth of the SOMN chapter. It's awesome to see so many people new and old coming out for the opener!
Hooray for all the new people! Been a busy year for us North Dakota crew :cold: , sorry for the big silence! Finally got "post-registered", REALLY looking forward to being everyone you want to kill this weekend!!

-Michael(Wrote this), Ariana, Omi(include their sentiments.)

PS: Thank you to anyone who answered my survey at the end of last season, I got a rare 100% grade in my ethnography work! :lol:
CaptainYork said:
I'm kind of curious as to the actual statistics surrounding the growth of the SOMN chapter. It's awesome to see so many people new and old coming out for the opener!

I can compile a growth chart of PC's who pre-reged over the past several years. Unfortunately those numbers don't include non-pre-reg's and NPC's so I'm not really sure how accurate they are... But it might be fun to look at. :)
A word of warning: looks like there's a chance of rain this weekend. Dress warm and bring extra clothes!
airkshil said:
A word of warning: looks like there's a chance of rain this weekend. Dress warm and bring extra clothes!

... Damn. D:
I'm gunna try to coop someone from down here to come last minute... i doubt it though.

Yeah, but now the NPC I was going to bring can't go. She got rescheduled for work tomorrow :(