Registration still open for July 14th!

not sure if logistics got my registration to npc for july 14, hope it didn't get lost in the internet triangle??
David Raatz ps i sent it in on july 9.
Dragonblade said:
not sure if logistics got my registration to npc for july 14, hope it didn't get lost in the internet triangle??
David Raatz ps i sent it in on july 9.
We got you; for some reason, though, we just missed putting you on the list! :pinch:
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
The question mark there is because we don't know your last name, since you didn't put it on your pre-reg form. ;)

Oooh, gatchya! Do you need a last name? I'm fine giving it to whoever needs it but I'd rather not have it be public.