Removing the Planar lock


It sounds like Frederick will not be able to complete this task at the next market day.

Does anyone else have a connection to any of the planes, inherently in their person?

Shar? Val?

I would like this to get completed quickly and will supply the needed scrolls, but I need someone with a pre-existing connection to one of the planes.

I currently have no direct planar connections.
I would not define any of these ties as inherent. More situational.

Over the years I have had ties to ice, lightning, death, time, and chaos (both types).
I doubt those former connections would have enough residual to do what you require.
I do have experience assisting Radi in putting up waystones, if that is at all useful.

I used to be tied to creation, but that was before the move to Ardic. I suppose I do have a favor I could call in from a certain Flame Elemental Lord, if that would help connect the two.

-Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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No, a different one. His name was Brand, I severed his metaphysical bond to my brother's body along with Shar a while back to let him return to the plane of fire. He still owes me a favor for it.

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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I don't believe any of my interactions with the elemental planes have granted me a significant enough connection to establish a planar gate, given the current circumstances. I may be able to help and/or amplify someone else's connection, however.
I have new information that is very relevant to the planar lock, and unfortunately, it isn't good news.
This information is a result of a recent completion of a specific portion of my creation magic research, the mathematical relation between Creation and Void. After discussing the issue at length with many other knowledgeable sources in the past, I gathered a great many pieces to the puzzle of Creation and Void, a puzzle that left me with a surprisingly simple equation: "C + M + E = V", C being creation energy, M being Matter, E being energy, and V being Void energy. This relationship, in words, is "The sum of all existing Creation energy and all existing Matter and Energy is mathematically equal to the sum of all existing Void energy." This equation may not seem to bear much relevance to the subject of the planar lock, but allow me to explain: due to the law of universal balance, that statement above must ALWAYS be true, and there is never any point in time when it is not, and being that no energy can be created or destroyed, when creation energy is employed in any way, the "C" in that Equation decreases, the "M" or "E" would increase, and the "V" would stay the same, which previously led me to believe that there was no direct consequence for the use of creation energy. This hindered my advance, that conclusion, until I observed Void magic and Creation magic at work last market, and the realization finally hit me. As the Void magic that was thrown at us passed through the circle, the spacial matrix of the circle stayed completely intact, indicating that the reason Void cannot be blocked by any protective or barrier is that it, itself, does not take up space, and upon testing the use of creation, which Maxwell had temporarily restored to me, I found that through I could not throw creation through a circle, as I had no means to, Creation was the same way. Those two energies supersede the law of spacial continuity, and thus, when creation energy is used to create Matter or energy, the "M" or "E" in the equation would increase, but at the same time, they would also decrease, because somewhere else, an equivalent amount of Matter or Energy would be consumed by Void, because the space in the universe is Finite, and the new Matter or energy would occupy space and push the matter closest to Void into contact, and destroy it, converting it to it'a base form of creation energy, and completing the cycle. Space can bend, but it does not stretch.

Now, what does this have to do with the planar lock? Well, as I just explained, the relationship between Void and Creation is, in fact, the universe's means of renewal, the way that it keeps from going stagnant. If a plane is cut off from Void and Creation, the results would be catastrophic! Yes, Void is the antithesis of existence itself, and those who would employ it are the most vile of beings, and it would be no skin off my ears to hear it was innaccessible to the foolishness of mortal beings. However, in it's natural state, it is not evil, but a construct of the universe which keeps it in balance.
It was said numerous times during the Adventurer's negotiations with the Order of Arden that, as adventurers, we could find a way to connect all the planes, not just half. It was obvious, however, that if we did so, Earnest would be unable to assist us in the matter, meaning that he is either refusing to help connect certain planes due to his personal convictions or connection to the order of Arden, which I do not judge him for, or he is unable to connect all of them using the method he would employ. These decisions are not something that should be rushed, as they are permanent and will be very, very difficult to change in the future, probably requiring a refracture of the plane to even attempt a change.
I will preface my opinion by saying that so am not perfect, nor am I always correct about everything, as most of you have witnessed firsthand. However, in order to keep the plane of Eloria in proper balance, I strongly assert that all sixteen planes are needed, yes, even Void. They all exist for a reason, and none of them are intrinsically good or evil, because good and evil is only a construct of Sentient beings, the universe knows only balance, and the universe will HAVE balance, even if it must destroy the plane of Eloria altogether.
I may have the beginnings of a plan to restore the planes, but in whether or not it would work relies completely on whether the words of power that I've been directed towards by my Seeker predecessors are directly tied to their respective planes, and also whether there is only for every plane. If not, we would need to find a different method, but I've seen the adventurers pull of much greater stunts than this in my short time with them. I believe we can do it.

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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While I appreciate your treatise on the subject, I'm not sure I agree with the information you've put forth.
Could you please cite the source where you have learned such knowledge so it can be verified?

Many lands exist with solely the four magisterial and the four foundational planes, I'm sure Eloria will do just fine.

The sources that I trust are the Muse from Arden, several visions, the late Mage tower of Arden (the head of which was a Nature Mage, whom I had several long conversations about the nature of Void, Creation, and Spirit), my predecessor's research, and my own informed observations. Other sources such as multiple higher beings I've conversed with support my aforementioned conclusion, but as they were a Djinni and a Dragon, I would not cite them as particularly unbiased sources.

As I understood Ernest and the Order of Arden member we spoke to, cutting off access to a plane of existence would remove that plane's influence. Was I incorrect in that notion?

Also, you are correct, I have heard of lands which exist with no planes other than the magisterial and foundational, but the lands we are currently residing in, for an unknown reason you and I cannot confirm at this point, DO indeed have specific planes for these forces. There must be a reason behind this, and while it very well may be because of Sentient meddling, it could also be a natural part of both Eloria and Arden's universal balance. I will not dream here and tell you that you are incorrect, as while I stand behind what stated about the relationship between Creation and Void, it is certainly possible that cutting planar ties to Void and Creation wouldn't affect their role as the cycle of renewal in the slightest. What I AM saying is that we should be completely positive that cutting ties with the non-magisterium or foundational Planes will not skew the balance before we do so. In a matter as grave as this, the usual adventurer "I'm sure it'll be fine" does not sound sufficient.

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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All of that information was from Arden, and, other than the visions, none of it can be re-verified here in Eloria, is that correct?
The late Mage Tower in Arden, is that the same tower that Puzzlemaster and Earnest are from?

As I understood Ernest and the Order of Arden member we spoke to, cutting off access to a plane of existence would remove that plane's influence. Was I incorrect in that notion?
That is correct as I understand it. I can understand how losing your connection to Creation might bias your opinion of things, and I'm sorry. I'm happy to help you find a new path.

There must be a reason behind this, and while it very well may be because of Sentient meddling, it could also be a natural part of both Eloria and Arden's universal balance. I will not dream here and tell you that you are incorrect, as while I stand behind what stated about the relationship between Creation and Void, it is certainly possible that cutting planar ties to Void and Creation wouldn't affect their role as the cycle of renewal in the slightest. What I AM saying is that we should be completely positive that cutting ties with the non-magisterium or foundational Planes will not skew the balance before we do so. In a matter as grave as this, the usual adventurer "I'm sure it'll be fine" does not sound sufficient.

I'm glad we can agree that the situation has some unknowns to it. There are a lot of if's, may's and might's if we pull assumptions from other lands and times. That is why I am focusing on the information gained from the local expert who has current knowledge of the situation and is on this plane, Earnest. That expert set forth a course to follow to safely remove the lock and balance the planes. If you can convince him of the necessity of Void, I'd be open to a new plan. However currently, he is the expert whose information I trust.

That is correct as I understand it. I can understand how losing your connection to Creation might bias your opinion of things, and I'm sorry. I'm happy to help you find a new path.
You misunderstand my intentions, Gideon. I have not been tied to creation for quite some time now, it's removal as a path has no direct effect on me. Knowing what I do now about Creation, in any case, I would never opt to use it: simply put, neither Void nor Creation were meant to be meddled with by mortal hands, or even immortal ones. The pursuit of knowledge often comes to such crossroads, times when the mantle of power, however beneficial, must be relinquished and given back to those to which it rightfully belongs.
Regardless of that, I was sharing my study on Creation in order to bring light to something which may become an issue in the future, and something that I personally believe should be verified before any of the planes are locked out. If we could perhaps talk to Ernest about whether this is an actual issue, my mind could be put at ease to hear his answer.

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Fantastic, we'll ask Earnest.

Wycliffe, I believe that you seem to be taking two facts and then extrapolating those facts 4x and then creating assumptions and passing them off as facts. Again. As you did with Genesis.
Your informed observations are going to lead you into trouble yet again.
Baron HaVok,

With all due respect, you seem to have misunderstandings about what exactly I do. A formal magic researcher studies books and methods that have been proven to work by countless people over millennia, in order to become versed in the methods that those formal magics can be used. Those researchers, while certainly important to the field of magic research, as they become the experts for dealing with normal issues and base magical processes, do not actually create many new facets of knowledge for the world. They become experts in casting rituals, yes, but they are limited to what is and has always been possible, and cannot exceed those limits.
I am an informal magic researcher. My job is not so cut and dry: I am in the field of progress, of pioneering new knowledge and understanding, as well as new methods of solving problems and using magic. There is so much that is unexplored about magic alone, so many processes and interactions with no written precedent, no book to say, "If X happens, use X ritual to fix it." In order to progress, I am REQUIRED to take things I know for fact, such as the universal constant that Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, only converted, and use them to deduce the truth behind the truth, the places I cannot reach, the phenomena that I, as a mortal, cannot directly witness.
In any case, Baron HaVok, I respect your opinion, as you have the express right to doubt my studies, but I would challenge you to point out my mistake this time. This is not a matter of dealing with questionable spirit mages, this is a magical study. Tell me where, in my logic and research, did I err, that you somehow can so clearly see, judging by your words?
It is one matter to disbelieve my studies, a right you intrinsically own, but I would consider it folly to point fault at work without indicating a single fault. As I said before, I am not perfect, I am not always correct. To err is mortal, but so is to wonder. So, if you are chiming in only to remind me that I am a bad judge of character, Baron HaVok, congratulations on your success. If you wish to present actual evidence that I am incorrect, I would greatly appreciate the favor: if I am indeed wrong, as you imply, then to be corrected would be a great service to me and my studies.

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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I am no expert on magical research nor magic in gereral. I merely point out the fact that you make wild, unfounded assumptions and pass them off as fact. Just as you have done several times in the past. These actions have cast in doubt any and all uncorroborated assumptions you make. This doesn't make you a bad judge of character, nor a bad person. Simply overly excitable.
[A light laughter echoes through the dream] I do get quite excited about my research, you hit a bullseye on that target. However, never in the past has my research actually led the adventurers astray. If you recall, I was correct all along in my study on the Shards, as well as my role in the sealing of Hope, even correct about the Caster of the ritual that created the mist's spirit residing in the mists. Genesis is the only time I have been completely wrong about something, Baron HaVok, and that matter had no relation whatsoever to my studies or theories. I simply refused to judge Genesis by the fact he used spirit magic, as I see so many adventurers do. I never had any evidence that Genesis was plotting to kill me, nor did I have evidence that he was plotting against the adventurers. Simply put, Genesis played his hand well, and managed to keep the truth from me, taking advantage of the fact that I do not judge magic users by their magic, but their deeds: and Genesis, despite what you would say, by all outward appearances, was helping me AND the adventurers in many instances. Yes, I was wrong about him, but I did not jump to conclusions, nor did I randomly combine facts and assume things: it was, in fact, the opposite of what you say, and a refusal to jump to conclusions about Genesis without proof.
I accept the fact that you do not like me, and that is completely up to you, but if you glanced past that bias and were to go by my actual track record of study and research, you would find that when I propose a theory, I am never far off.

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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If that is the case, I would ask you rethink speaking against my Study on Creation and Void. Were you to read it thoroughly with a full understanding of the concepts represented within, you would find it is an in depth and extremely fact based theorem, employing little to no extrapolation or "supposition", as you say. Being that it is not your area of expertise, however, it stands to reason that you would not appreciate those underlying supports and facts, as you have not studied them. This study travels beyond the realm any normal adventurer would delve into the inner workings of magic and physics, in any case, so there is no surprise that you have issue with it. Nevertheless, I would ask that before you publicly declare my research fraudulent, you make an effort to understand the work itself, perhaps by means of consulting other adventurers that you trust who have experience with such things.

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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